I never quite understood why the "Shade" boss was removed from the Kerning City Subway. You had to talk to the lamp post at the very end of the line in order to make it vulnerable to attacks. https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Shade_(Monster)
There's a whole bunch of anti-botting monsters which aren't in the game currently. Off the top of my head there's that ghost in Korean Folk Town, a Security Bot in Magatia, Lich in the Coolie Zombie Snowfields, and perhaps some others too I can't currently remmeber. I don't know why they're not included in the game (their function might be redundant?) but I personally think having them around would be a neat detail to encounter in the world.
actually, on very rare occasions, the magatia anti afk mobs would spawn, but the mechanic that made them vulnerable didn't work, so they straight up ruined these maps until a GM came to clear the mess. idk if it was fixed by now so that they'll never spawn, but they were in the game, with a dysfunctional mechanic.