I feel like he is an underused boss that could be utilized better for 3rd job level players. It would be a great area for them to learn how to party/boss together while also providing a decent chunk of exp. My proposition is to make Capt. Latanica's quest to receive White Essence after doing the prequests similar to Papulatus. One free essence a day, max two runs a day. Here a couple of counterpoints that can be made (that I can think of off the top of my head): - The quest to get the essence isn't that bad. True. I agree killing 100 Jr. Selkies, 100 Slimy, 100 Mr.Anchor isn't that bad. However, this could be a part of the reason why no runs him too often. Why fight him when you can fight HH who can show up on multiple channels with very little work. (Level to get leech exp is different by 1 level) - The Papulatus prequests require a lot more work than Capt. Latanica. True, collecting drops from high level enemies can kind of suck but, you need to also consider when you fight each boss. You probably will fight Capt. Latanica around 95 while Papulatus is around 120. When you think of the prequests at these levels, they have about the same amount of work. Regardless of prequests, you still need to fight 500+ enemies. - You can just multi-client on multiple accounts for the boss item True, that is a viable option but, I imagine that is only a small part of the population that would even consider doing that since there are more viable options (self-leeching your mules). If you can think of any other counterpoints that should be debated, please let me know and I'll update my post. I'm not saying my option is the most viable but, he deserves better than being the forgettable Krexel prequest boss. Give him some love </3
Here is some information that I would like to add onto this feedback. For reference, I had about ~120 def and magic def. There is other information like hp, summoned mobs, and status effects that could also be considered but, there is a negligible difference compared to the damage and exp. For a difference in one level between the bosses, HH is far more rewarding than Capt. Latanica. - HH spawns are limited though. True, especially on the weekends, it can suck. However, with 140 potential HH across all of the channels (80 of which are easily accessible to low 90ish level players), you can easily get 1 or 2 HH a session (unless it's the weekend, then good luck). For those ardent supporters that like the quest and unlimited Capt. Latanica fights. There is a middle ground between my idea and the current implementation. One free essence a day, quest for the rest. Best of both worlds. Let me know what you think.
One free essence a day, quest for the rest. That would be nice. I don't do the boss because of poor drops and no event mob spawns (CNY, anni, etc). But I do need the unlimited fights for... something else.
U forgot this guy drop 5k and u can do it as many time as u can. Can pt 6 char to do the quest and get 6 (or 12? Cant remember) at once. Not sure this is faster than hunting lyka for 5k lol. He also drop lantern which can be sold for some few millions of mesos.
Those points are valid. However, while I cannot vouch on the drop percentage of the 5k nx, I can say the lanterns are a slow moving product. I've had lanterns sit for weeks in shops and that is after slashing prices. If you don't have many items to sell, it's great to put in your store. Trying to turn on a profit quickly... not so much.
TBH I find it weird that an unconsumed item for krex preQ that has ~100% drop rate from a repeatable boss is even priced over 200k. I didn't know the price and sold ~20+ for 300k each and someone bought them all. The preQ is easy and I can easily get 12 of them per 10-15min
Someone is trying to turn a profit lol. It's a bit wild that some people try to sell it as high as 6 mil
Hahha, these days, discovering HH feels like chasing a unicorn. I've managed to take down only three of them in the last 3-5 days. But let me tell you, locating an HH isn't a walk in the park either – mastering the deep dark forests of Masteria really takes time and you need to study the forest. In fact, I've gone as far as putting together a video to showcase the process: I don't know much about Latanica, but he's definitely an easier boss to defeat compared to the Headless Horseman. The requirements to challenge Latanica don't seem too tough either. If you're suggesting that Captain Latanica should be made into a more challenging boss, requiring a team effort and offering better rewards, you have my vote
Great idea. they can just keep the normal quest as is, but also add a quest that refreshes every day like pap, that give the spawn item for free. and maybe the boss item has 24 hours before it expires to mitigate abuse while still keeping the ability to hunt him with the quest repeatedly. this also makes partying up very productive, as you cant just stock up on spawn items in storage.
We've recently discussed this within staff and decided against it. If we were to give out a free essence a day like for pap we would most likely also limit the entries to 2 a day and have to adjust more about it like drops/droprates and maybe even exp. The currently ulimited entries a day locked behind the repeatable quest are for sure unique, but not necessarily in a bad way. Additonally we don't think comparing Capt. Latanica to an Area Boss like Headless Horseman is teh way to go. There might be many Headless Horsemans spawning everyday but those are not personal spawns like Capt. Latanica. Finding many Headless Horsemans can be harder than you'd think due to the competition. Nevertheless thanks for your feedback!