is this region possible to open for pioneering? --->loot farming maps --->item exchange --->5 middle boss (like chao/ephinnia) --->pq/jq --->quest line
I remember this in GMS - is one of the few post bbb places that is super nostalgic to me. If we could only have one more new region, I would vote for future henesys! (I say this as a player, not staff)
afaik it's an extension of ToT area. I've played in it in a different server and it was really fun. I'd totally vote on having Hene ruins.
Y'all just wanna see the Henehoes cry when they witness what happens to their favorite map in the future.
its a cool content in tot, lore wise tho its a little unfitting for royals because we don't have cygnus knights in the game, which play a major role in this alternative reality. But map wise, these areas were good grinding spots in other servers i played, and contained another endgame boss fight.
I mean there's nothing stopping us from adding cygnus knights as something that exists in game as an organization, just don't allow their creation. Anyways I'd love gate to the future, one of my favorite areas.
Like many late pre-BB and post-BB areas, I find this to contain utterly soulless map layouts. I hope something would be done about that.
I would like to have the final battle against the cygnus masters, that is, on each map, each one drops a piece of a key, for a seal or a lock and since there are 5 bosses there would be 5 pieces, this is how they are created to be able to enter Cygnus Empreratriz, the main issue is knowing what kind of drops it will give, including the work that needs to be done and how to add it, because I suppose this content is for lvl people 200+, but that's already the limit from what I see now!
I think the same problem happened to pre-bb ellin forest, but royals fix it. old ellin is Lv45 area + simple/soulless map + no [chao/ephinia(after-bb boss)]
idk if it can do split release rather than release at once. --->Henesys ruin maps --->1st Cygnus knight --->Dark Ereve maps --->2nd Cygnus knight --->Knight Stronghold maps --->3rd Cygnus knight --->Twilight Perion maps --->4th Cygnus knight --->1 more area --->5th Cygnus knight --->Cygnus boss
After i saw the ellin remake, things like that made me a little less worried than i would be otherwise. I'll have faith that the dev team has the same set of design values as they had back in ellin: Give maps a personality (no map looking the same), make the platforming feel matching to the theme of the area, and place ladders and teleporters as needed to create a flow through the map.