In Discussion Lunar New Year 2025 Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tim, Feb 26, 2025.

  1. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Now that the event has ended and all rewards have been shared we would like to invite you to share your feedback and ask your questions about certain choices we made for this year's Lunar New Year events.

    Overall we were happy with the results of this new custom event and we couldn't have hoped for more on the way players kept the friendly competition between two teams exciting with close scores, flips of leading position and friendly banter.

    Let us know what you liked and/or disliked about the events or ask questions on certain design choices we made so we can explain our thought process in this thread!
  2. Pharsti

    Pharsti Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    It would have been nice to know that we needed to hand in 2025 dumplings ahead of time or risk not getting the effect. I think the Thanksgiving event says you need to donate so many sets of pumpkin pie ingredients in order to get the chairs. Even if we didn't know what the rewards were, knowing the requirements would allow us to decide if we want to grind or not... and if not, to not expect anything at the end.

    Edit: I see that the event poster actually says "special reward for those exchanging 2025 Dumplings." I thought this meant dumplings that drop during the year 2025, like how the anniversary event has a different item every year. You should have made that clear. I'm only reading it as "you have to hand in a total of 2025 dumplings" now that I know that's what you meant.
  3. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    dumplngs were a bit too hard to get, I didn't get enough dumplings to get any reward even on chars I played daily (2xboss for 50 dumplings) and some bosses which gave me some more.
  4. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    The competition was fun but the rewards were very clearly heavily nerfed compared to wish tickets, and untradability killed all chances of merching this event, which I found really enjoyable last year. Not only did you get fewer dumpling exchanges vs wish tickets, but you also then got a random drop pool containing mostly trash items, as compared to wish tickets allowing you to purchase what you wanted. Dumplings were instanced to only the characters that killed in an attempt to reduce multi mage farming strength, but as we can see by the leaderboards, mages in the right maps (mostly IV2, which is best event map anyways) still got plenty just by adding pet loot to their mages.

    As a future compromise, maybe change the dumpling exchanges to give some random amounts of wish tix (could do different # of exchange gives different colors, but probably more fun to randomize the color and give just a varying amount of tix) instead of this year's reward pool?

    Lack of firework mobs was kind of sad, they're fun to kill. I'd bring them back next year and shift the boss drops (and some grinding rewards, but not all) over to them.

    Also, I saw some talk on making summon kills not drop event items. I'd recommend instead of completely removing them, just add the 50% mage ult penalty to them, and ideally convert it to the standard 80% dmg threshold instead of last hit.
    Baconfry, Saledor, Eikrem63 and 5 others like this.
  5. Green Mind

    Green Mind Donator

    Jan 11, 2022
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    It seems Ellin is excluded by default from events, probably something in the coding? The Ellin bosses didn't have dumplings for a few days which probably affected several players' chances at the chair and effect. Please take a look at Ellin before any patch...
  6. TonyThach

    TonyThach Active Member

    Aug 16, 2023
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    I loved it. I got more rich from it than if there was no event. Anything that will let me get me more mesos, nx, and chairs! Thank you for everything and please do more!
    InfiniteJest and ImVeryJelly like this.
  7. dannyboi2343

    dannyboi2343 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2024
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    Overall i really liked the event, enjoyed the competitive banter. i guess the only issue i had was that red envelopes/lucky coins were not added to bosses from the very start of the event, nonetheless im glad they were eventually added.

    Have one question though, was there any discussion about perhaps adding some rare rewards to the dumpling exchange?
    Saledor, JuliusOmega and Sylafia like this.
  8. xClaude

    xClaude Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    I really like the event and only have one suggestion :

    Mr.Big money should have an option to open envelopes by bulk, not by binding the NPC chat keys to "Y"
  9. LichWiz

    LichWiz Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    The reward pool felt heavily nerfed compared to wish tickets. Not only did we need to deal with random trash rewards instead of saving to buy an item we want, we also needed to deal with the 3 different trading brackets, which priced very unevenly to their true worth, and made 100 trade in feel like an outright scam.
    And uhh, i'm still a little disappointed by the bait and switch of making the potential new endgame content into a glorified reskin of wish ticket event. i hope this is not all there will be of these npcs.
  10. Johnny

    Johnny Donator

    Mar 23, 2016
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    I think this years cny event was a great change as a player that has been here the last decade - a breath of fresh air tbh, it made me participate to get the new chair! I do agree the dumplings were a bit hard to get and the rewards might be a bit underwhelming but I did really enjoy the different take on the event and I hope other events can follow suit!
  11. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    I love that staff is looking to bring in new content. It felt fun to have teams, and something that wasn't just 'what was expected' year after year. I can imagine that this was designed to be a bit of a nerf for wish tickets, a change to try something new, and a way to control the 'hot items' at a slower rate. Despite all the hate, I actually thought it was decent.

    I think the issue that I felt during the event is that both Dumplings & Red Envelopes were just a "The more you collect the more mesos you make" I'll admit I appreciate the Red Envelopes side of things (It was profitable for me).
    The problem I saw from others is it was a very "I'm not invested" event. If you didn't care about the chair you didn't participate, and the ambiguity of what players needed to do to get the tiger effect I know was poorly received.

    The thing that was odd about this event to me, is that it didn't have anything to 'improve' my character. Christmas has Nose, Val has Ring, Easter Has XP Eggs, Anni Has Gear, Halloween & Thanksgiving Have Rings & Some minor gear)

    * I love that we did new content
    * As someone who needs mesos, it was a profitable event which I appreciated
    * I love that the teams were actually able to stay mostly balanced and nobody knew who was going to win until the end.
    * I appreciated the old chairs in Dong Dong Chiang

    * I wish there was something to improve my character, some sort of equipment or something I could take forward that wasn't for looks I know that there were titles that were options, I would have loved these even if they expired to encourage people to participate or choose teams (Maybe 500 Dumplings to get a title for +2 Wattack or something) This was all about money making which worked for my playstyle, but really focused how I played.
    * I wish the communication was a little more direct about what we'd get, what was needed, etc. I also wish we had a bigger and smaller prize for dumplings that was laid out. I think this left a sour taste in people's mouth. I genuinely thought the prize was for everyone not just people who had the chair.
    * I wish bosses got their envelopes/dumplings a bit earlier. I pulled away from doing Chao/Zak/Bosses to focus on Valentines so I didn't get to utilize bosses much for my bossing characters so none of them got chairs.

    Questions For Staff:
    * Were there any cool patterns you saw in the dragon/tiger sign ups? Were there certain times of day where one team was ahead or had more signups? Were increases in dumplings more common at certain times of day? Did certain time zones/countries prefer one team or another?
    * I'm curious to hear staff's thought process on deciding what to put in each of the dumpling reward tiers. I know there was some initial discussion about big prizes (CS/WS) in 100 Dumpling Pulls from players. Did you anticipate a 25/50 pull meta? Was the goal to slow down scroll/gizer acquisition versus wish tickets, or did you think this was just Wish Tickets + Gacha = Dumplings?
    * Based on what you've seen as feedback so far, what lessons for future events did staff take away from trying out this tiger/dragon event?
  12. InfiniteJest

    InfiniteJest Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    This event was a lot of fun. I endorse the substitution of wish tickets for random dumpling rewards (make gizer great again) although the frequency of transformation pots et al. on the 100 turn in was a little excessive in my view. A wider variety of scrolls (10/60/70) or even level 100 weapons with godly chance would have been more satisfying. The team competition was a welcome and refreshing change still and I hope there are more of its like in the future.
    Saledor and Default_Player like this.
  13. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    We worded the event poster carefully and in a certain order for multiple reasons.
    First of all we had no real indication of what the final ranking would look like as we don't know how popular this new event style would be, and how many players would end up at a certain dumpling count to consider their participation as 'enough' for all reward tiers. By saying that there's a guaranteed reward at 2025 we're at least putting the carrot on a stick in front of the players and showing them we have certain 'expectations', followed by a 'secret extra reward' for the winning team mentioned after that, insinuated as a step up from the mentioned rewards.
    Second to that we wanted to instill some additional reason for players to keep handing in dumplings past the mentioned amount of 2025 so that the faction rankings of high contributing players (of 2025+) stay active not for the dumpling gacha itself, but also for the unknown factor of what will bring them eligibility for that special reward in case their team wins. This way the reasons to keep contributing were: I get dumpling gacha rewards (instant gratification), my faction score goes up (needed to win to be eligible for the special reward) and as a third reason: I'm not sure how much I need to contribute to be eligible for the special reward so I should just keep going.

    This way the latter half of the event doesn't fizzle out once the active contributors have done their 2025 hand-ins making the scores stagnant.
    Vague terms also gave us room to pivot the final reward and decide if the event wasn't as popular, to reward the top 100 contributors if 100 people each faction didn't make it to 2025 dumplings.

    We balanced the event to take about 10 hours of focused gameplay per player, or many more hours of casual play to the target of 2025. You mention that you used the most efficient method of doing the Dong Dong Chiang boss twice a day which should take you about 10 minutes a day. if you were to do that for all 28 days you'd end up at a guaranteed 1400/2025 dumplings already. For the remaining 30% that you need, you do have to play the rest of the game and gather the dumplings if you want the top rewards.

    The moneymaking aspect of the event that you're looking for is what we feel is covered by high value and tradable red envelopes. We didn't see the need to double up on that and continue with wish tickets as well for even more guaranteed value money making.

    Ellin is not excluded from events. All (area) bosses didn't have stacks of event drops for the first few days. We were still thinking about having it done by firework mobs spawned by boss' death or just straight from the bosses themselves and eventually put in a balanced table for event drops on all bosses directly.

    Glad you enjoyed! I hope the answer above helps understand that boss drops weren't available on launch, but did make it a few days after.
    We did think about jackpot rewards for the dumpling gachapon, however our primary focus was creating an enhanced version of the wish ticket rewards which also didn't have a huge value option. Running this event side to side with red envelopes where you don't have to choose to either pursuit red envelopes or get dumplings also played a factor in this. Because you obtain both, we feel like the 'large meso gain' aspect of lunar new year is already covered and we could focus on making the dumpling exchange an event for instant gratification of smaller rewards with the addition of unique untradable cosmetics.

    Its difficult to provide batch openings of envelopes because for each envelope we ask the server to roll the dice and provide you one of the available rewards in the reward pool. We need to know if you have 'empty space' for these rewards in your inventory slots but also in your meso stack for example. That's easy to check for one opening, but theoretically you could win 5 million mesos a hundred times in a row, and if you dont have space to hold that as you already had 1,7b on you where would your 100 stack envelope opening earnings go? We chose to avoid theoretical complications and just kept it at one at a time.
    For similar reasons we don't have multiple gachapon ticket openings at the same time either.

    As mentioned we shifted the wish ticket event to more of a hybrid of meso + unique untradable rewards with this change. We felt that you could make a lot of meso already with red envelopes during this event period and wanted to do something different, new and fun instead.
    trading in 25, 50 and 100 are actually balanced and only slightly in favor of trading in 50 as the best option on a large sample size based on their meso value. If you want to know more about that let me know and I can go in depth on that topic.

    Theres multiple ways to look at getting 'something to improve my character'. For some events its a piece of equipment as you mentioned, but for lunar new year its meso from red envelopes and some additional funds from dumplings + their untradable cosmetics. I'd argue that earning a lot of additional meso is something to improve your character with as you're free to spend that on your next purchasable upgrade whereas for other rewards you may already have a better version of an event equip that you could get so you wouldn't bother chasing that.

    Not directly communicating what threshold was 'needed' for certain rewards was a choice to keep players contributing as answered earlier.
    One pattern that we saw early on was that people tend to talk to the first NPC that they see, and often times that turned out to be Wukong, guiding undecided and unaware people to become Gold Dragons. There's players out there that never visit the forums and read nothing about the events there, they just play the update blind and see where it will take them. Almost all of the event time, Gold Dragons had a member advantage.
    We anticipated a 25/50 pull meta yes. Slapping a random 500m reward scroll into something like the dumpling exchange wasn't needed for the economy next to a money making event like red envelopes.
    We did intend to spread wish ticket rewards more evenly this way instead of the hyper focus on energizers and certain 30% scrolls.
    Based on current feedback it seems like people like that we introduce new event styles with additional twists so not everything becomes a predictable repeat of previous years. There were a lot of risks with this type of event but everything worked out better than we hoped for so overall we're happy. We understand that it would've been better that bosses dropped their rewards from the start of the event as well and that some people don't want to do something different and explore something fun, they would rather just earn more meso doing the same thing every year over and over again however we consider this event addition a success so far!
    Gifflar, nomade, McPew and 12 others like this.
  14. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Ellin is excluded from most events, event items almost never drop from regular mobs there (iirc they didn't drop dumplings, idk about RE). I believe event monsters tend to still spawn. Bosses still get included as we saw but regular grinding isn't, or has significantly less inclusion than everywhere else.
    Saledor, nomade, McPew and 1 other person like this.
  15. depredadorxd

    depredadorxd Donator

    Feb 28, 2016
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    My honest opinion was that the event was a very poorly designed piece of crap with very little interest in the rewards, don't be offended.
    They would have placed the moons normally and in the dragon and tiger competition it would be for the RE and no one would notice the empanadas they put because it was a very bad idea and a horrible reward.
    Not everything was bad, at least the RE had a better drop rate but eliminating the mobs from the event and the low drop of coins made the event lose interest and it only came to life in the Valentine's Day event.
    Concluded that my score for this event is.
    originality 4/10
    musicability 8/10
    gameplay 5/10
    total 2/10
    SENTENCE... AMPUTATION good night everyone
  16. DarkWingDuck

    DarkWingDuck Donator

    Jan 28, 2023
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    A few of comments:

    1) I put all my characters in Red Tiger faction, except for one... and there's a funny story behind that. This character entered the event room via Sondal and stayed in the Dong Dong Chiang room for most of the event where he accordingly accumulated over 1000 Dumplings - all without ever joining the Red Tiger faction. So later, I had this character exit the Dong Dong Chiang room to help someone. When he later talked to Sondal again, he was "randomly" (I have the strong suspicion that it's based on the losing faction and not random as the poster suggested) assigned to the Gold Dragon faction. So I feel like the NPC that takes you to the Dong Dong Chiang boss should have stopped players from entering unless they were assigned to a faction.

    2) Speaking of Dong Dong Chiang, I feel that it's really stupid that you can accidentally exit (via the portal to the left) without warning instead of talking to the NPC that takes you to the boss. Doing this uses up one of your 2 daily visits to the boss.

    3) I would have preferred it if the Dumpling exchange had 2 categories of reward pools:
    - Low-Risk Reward Pool: All the items that people generally like but are only worth 0.75m~3m (100 elixirs, 75-100 power elixirs, 3-5 heartstoppers, 1 Energizer, 1 Smega, 1 Lucky Coin, 2-3 Red Enveloppes, etc.)
    - Gamble Reward Pool: All the items from the low-risk reward pool + all the trash items (Consumable Dumplings, Equips, Transform Portions, etc.) + All the 30% weapon scrolls

    This way, we could at least choose if we want stability in our rewards or risk getting trash items in hopes that we pick up a valuable 30% scroll.

    4) I know this feedback is supposed to be for the Lunar New Year event but it technically happened during the event so I'm counting it... When are Heart Megaphones going to be removed from the Valentines Day boss reward pool?

    I'm only asking because:
    Baconfry, Saledor, nomade and 2 others like this.
  17. LichWiz

    LichWiz Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    as for 1), I'm pretty sure it's random, because on the last day, I've logged on multiple of my characters to sign up to the teams (didn't know the reward required 2025 dumplings). Despite signing at roughly the same time, they were sent to different factions.
    Sylafia likes this.
  18. Sunrise ^o^

    Sunrise ^o^ Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2020
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    Rog Gamer
    something sad

    there were no wish tickets

    They changed the way to get rewards for dumplings

    Saledor and Sylafia like this.
  19. bampie

    bampie Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2024
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    This was my first Lunar New Year event, so I didn't know how different it was compared to last year. Overall, I enjoyed the event. I liked the concept of choosing factions and fighting to win. It also allowed me to farm a lot of Smegas and save NX that I normally wouldn’t have the willpower to save.

    One thing that made me sad about the event was the 2025-dumpling minimum required to obtain the event effect. I think turning in 2025 dumplings to get the chair is fair; however, I believe the requirement for the effect should have been set to a higher standard. The event poster stated, "The players that exchanged a vast amount of dumplings on the winning team will receive an additional secret reward at the end of the event." Reading this, I worked my butt off to rank among the top 20 donors for my faction. I interpreted the word "vast" as meaning "of very great extent," so I was disappointed to see that 2025 dumplings was considered both the minimum for the chair and a "vast" amount for the effect.

    I understand that the staff wanted to prevent players from turning in exactly 2025 dumplings and then becoming stagnant in their contributions. However, the event poster clearly stated that only players from the winning team would receive the extra reward. Personally, I think that alone would have motivated people to keep donating beyond 2025 dumplings in order to secure victory for their faction.

    What led to my disappointment was that, by the end of the event, I had turned in 8,475 dumplings. With that many, I could have earned the chair and effect on four different accounts. However, due to the leaderboard system and a misunderstanding of the event poster, I put all my eggs in one basket, thinking the extra reward would be harder to obtain.—similar to how, during the Christmas event, only the top 25 guilds were rewarded chairs, even if players from lower-ranking guilds had vastly exceeded the 5,000 snow donation requirement.

    If the event were to be the same next year, we all know which faction to join if we want to win.
    Sylafia and Pharsti like this.
  20. Pharsti

    Pharsti Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    And I'm saying you didn't word it carefully. I'm a technical writer by trade and I know for a fact that people WILL misinterpret whatever you write unless you know your audience very well and account for all the idiots at a 6th-grade reading level. Trying to be clever with "2025" that can be interpreted two different ways, without including extra clarifying words, is a mistake. I'm not mad, I'm just telling you what happened. That's something marketing does and it can get them into trouble when customers don't get it. Maybe only I read it that way, but others are saying that they were confused by the poster too. Not everyone reads every single word carefully. People will skim quickly over text even if it's critical, and especially if it's not. I've run into that problem a lot and have to use line spacing, bold, highlights, and other things to make sure that my readers don't overlook something important.

    If I knew for certain that I needed a certain amount of dumplings, I might have participated more. There was less ambiguity in other events where the hand-in totals are tied to a medal challenge. I know I have to hand in 5000 sunshine or 10000 snow because the game specifically points that out, and I usually get those totals on at least two characters per event. Once I hand in the required amount on one char, I switch to another, but I keep donating. If you were trying to avoid THAT behavior and wanted to get people to donate tons of dumplings on a single character, fine, but...

    You put a leaderboard on this event. Sweaty tryhards will do everything they can to see their name at the top. Online gaming 101. That's usually all the motivation you need. The top guy donated 21500 dumplings which is over 10x the required amount. But maybe you needed to run the event once to know how people would have behaved. Well, now that we know how this event works, we'll change our behavior next year like Bampie said.

    Like I wrote above, maybe I would have gone for 2025 total if I knew that was the goal. The psychology behind events like this can be very FOMO and you can really get the feeling of needing to hit that amount even if you don't want to. I'm pretty sure you didn't need some vague CYA clause.

    But what do I know... and to repeat, I'm not mad (I just switched allegiance to :golddragon:). Just consider my ramblings to be the perspective of someone who didn't realize what the minimum requirement was, who wasn't playing a huge amount during the event, and who was playing on multiple characters at the time.
    Sylafia likes this.

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