Hello. I wonder why Yeti and Pepe's drops are removed. I remember the Yeti and Pepe map was a good place to train with someone. And it was also good that Yeti and Pepe drops good things including bottomwear for DEX 60% and helm for int 60%. Now, Yeti and Pepe drops nothing. Instead, Separated Yeti and Separated Pepe drop things, but they drop nothing good. So I think Yeti and Pepe drops should be back, or I want to know why staffs made their drop so at least.
Playing on my ironman right now and this is sad news. I was gonna get some helm int 60% so that I can wash just a bit. Why don't they remove the drops from the library if it doesn't drop from them.
Do those bottomwear DEX and helm INT scrolls no longer drop from the separated forms? I thought we simply moved the drops from the combined form to the separated forms like they should be, and that's all?
i hunted for long looking for monster cards it seems is buggy cus all scrolls dropped but bot dex and helm int
i heard from a friend that used to farm there and i was told the drops suck now bcos they only drop some worthless scrolls. tried farming there myself for a bit n no bot dex or helm ints. just some trash scrolls
Worth mentioning that pepe and yeti have a singular card. What will show up now on their drop list in monster book?
I used to farm there and the drop rate was always very low, not sure if it has been decreased since but it takes a couple hours to get a couple of dex or int scrolls.
Now, Yeti and Pepe drops nothing. Instead, Separated Yeti and Separated Pepe drop things, but they drop nothing good. So I think Yeti and Pepe drops should be back, or I want to know why staffs made their drop so at least.
Ya guys, Yeti and Pepe drops should be #1 priority and have an immediate hotfix by 1 person coding for no compensation, like, HONESTLY, amirite?