Hello as a run maker i find pretty hard to make a scar/targa run because theres just 2 helmets on loot and needs 3 attackers atleast to do scar and its needed 3attackers+mules to do targarian on time. I see a problem because we cant share helmets and i think the dificult of the run is too high for the rewards. I see a solution if we can get 3 helmets per boss so we can share 1 helm each one on attackers. Thanks!
Well then you can do two runs at one go so each attacker can have a helm and the 4th helm can be decided among yourself (e.g. the one who provided the mules who get it).
Yes i know we can do two runs but 1 helmet for 2 runs is a pretty poor reward once u do several times scar/targa run i can feel zakum is way easier and better rewards so guys im trying to get more rewards so this new bosses are more viables! they gives no exp also!!
Or just deal with it and do multiple runs. Those helms aren't that much better compared to zak helms, which people will most likely already have if they're doing a scarga run, so it's not like people are going to be so desperate for a new helmet that they need to be guaranteed one every run.
I was also surprised about the exp from scarga. Maybe you should do a poll/survey for this feedback to support your reasoning. Make sure to differentiate two kinds of rewards - drops or exp.
I chuckle to myself everyone somebody tries to buy a VIP run for 150m. Usually we need 3 attackers (or 4-5 if we do both targa and scar) so that's 50m per person for 30mins of effort. (Not to mention the mules we might have to being) Doesn't seem bad, but when I look at the lack of exp, the rewards and the difficulty of the boss, I can't really justify earning just 50m. I much rather be at ulu1 This leaves scarga in a weird position. Usually only funded people can kill it with few attackers, but most likely they'd much rather be doing something else with their time. Less funded people would need more attackers and gain less rewards since they need to split between more people.
The run in original maple & every other PS had a minimum drop of 3 helms, and the strategy was to seperate the two bosses to the left and right and have 3 players on each of them, the stronger being on targa, 3 helms per kill with 6 players total. Just buffing the minimum helms dropped to 3 makes this boss not annoying to run, nothing else has to be changed.
Thanks for the comments guys. Id like also the drop increase to 3 helmets and How can i tag a GM to check this?
GMs won't be able to decide on such major matters Only Admins able to, they will get to this thread eventually