Hello! old ironman player back from the dead id love to join the guild again on my new Ironman Zelua "UPDATE" not so happy with the Amoria Hair reg quest https://gyazo.com/6bd55f0daa8d4b6f9820ed832d607d50 http://<a href="https:///VvMMVPr"><img src="https://i./GVCC7bB/Maple0000.jpg" alt="Maple0000" border="0"></a>
Hey guys! I've made multiple ironmans over the course of my ~4 years here, but I caved in to the maplestory thoughts and decided to play, once again. More than happy to make an Ironman so I don't get upset over the market or just simple things. Would appreciate it if I was able to get an invite Freshly made!
think i'm gonna give this mode another go but this time as a bandit. could i get an invite when a jr is free? ign is jam1n. thanks!
Hey! I would love to join the challenge, but I have three questions for the experienced Iron people. 1. As NL, how do you obtain TT? and can you play low dex or is it very hard since zhelm is not achievable at early levels? 2. Generally, what do you do between lvl 60-70? The lack of decent quests(as far as I checked) seems like a struggle to me. 3. Which class is the most Ironman friendly? Since I will need some ironman experience before trying the harder classes, I would love to try the easier ones first. I know I should be jumping head first into Ironman, I just don't have as much free time as I would want to have and I know this game style takes a lot of dedication.
1.) If you want TT, you'd need to go on zak runs with guild members. The hard part is getting runs organized, otherwise the runs aren't that long even with a low amount of people. You also can play low dex fairly easily until higher levels as an NL, since you'll mostly be using your Maple weapons until then. You could always go for a green dana and try farming helm dex 60s at master chronos for an extra boost. If you know where to farm stuff, you should be in for a pretty smooth experience. 2.) On my hermit, I just did quests pretty much exclusively and I got to 3rd job really fast, so it shouldn't be much of an issue. Remember that you unlock other higher level quests that were previously unavailable if you complete the lower level pre-reqs. 3.) Warriors are by far the most ironman friendly. DK is a really good choice if you want a much easier time as an ironman. Also don't worry about being super dedicated to the character. As long as you follow the rules you'll stay in the guild. You're not required to be active a certain amount, so feel free to take your time, and let us know what your IGN is if you decide to make a character and I or one of the other jrs could send you an invite.
Time to open an Ironman then! Will update this message once I get him into a proper level to join the guild
Update: Was about to play NL but was recommended to try Bucc by @Glaux , which turned out great since I have never played a pirate before. Added myself an extra challenge - A rule that I must live by is to complete all of the jump quests in the game. Just finished John's pink flower basket, next on the list - Shumi's lost coin! P.S- Unfortunately while looking for Mano I noticed almost every map was already owned by 1 person, so I asked him whether he got them all or left a bit, since channel surfing through 20 channels is quite frustrating if the boss won't even be there. He didn't reply so I had to give up for today and come back when Mano respawns
Pretty much what @Glaux said. But just fyi, as an ironman you'd basically never have access to SE, so don't expect even a fraction of the damage NLs do outside of ironman. And because of how hard it is to wash as ironman, you'll run into a lot of bosses which could 1 hit you. Imo NL might be the hardest class while also not being the most rewarding unless you really love NL. I'd highly recommend the miurat questline to kill stone golems in those levels, and as far as i remembered these levels weren't that bad. The diffucult levels for most jobs are lvl 100 to 120. If you want to blast through to 4th job without feeling super weak due to the ironman challenge, you can make an ironman mage. But keep in mind you won't be able to boss as well as other classes, and you'd be heavily reliant on gatcha for your progress. If you want a class that doesn't need to worry about hp, warriors are a great start in ironman P.S. Bucc is reaaaally fun in ironman, i've recently hit 4th job with an ironman bucc so feel free to ask me any question about it
Tbh I never made it to 4th with nl(kept deleting chars after I found out about washing) so the ironman nl was meant to just enjoy the class in the 1st-3rd jobs. After I will get some experience in the ironman challenge I will open an Ironman NL aswell. Thanks for the help Yuval!
Hello. I got invited to the guild today after getting in reach with someone from the guild via the servers Discord. I guess I'll do a short introduction about myself and why I decided to take this path. I'm an oldschool EMS/GMS player who first started in 2006 at GMS, then shortly after EMS release I moved on there. I always found myself interested in niche character builds, I don't think I ever reached level 50 on a normal character before I started a HP warrior in 2008/2009. That warrior was my joy and pride for years, even tho I spent most of my time at Henesys and only got to around lv90. I got bored of it and wanted another challenge, ahh, a beginner! And not just any beginner, a Legend, which was the beginner job of Aran when that got released. With time and patience, I leveled my Legend to lv200, even surpassing lv200 after we got levels up to 220 in EMS. But to be honest, I had lost my joy in playing Maplestory at that point and I moved on back to runescape and other games I've always played besides maplestory. I started Royals maybe 2 years ago the first time, made a Bishop named Sprii and a Beginner to stand beside him. I got bored quickly and had a long hiatus from maplestory again. I just dislike the fact that most of the gameplay is buying and selling leech while waiting for your daily NX to roll in. That's why I'm here. I made a beginner ironman to challenge myself and test my knowledge of maplestory. I play some osrs ironman and I really love the way you have to hunt for quest items and gear yourself, rather than farming money and buying it off the ge. So I figure this will be just as much fun. First day in, I hit lv31 on my ironbeginner (IGN: Ironner) while finishing as many quests as possible, and I'm excited. Gameplay-wise, I'm gonna refrain from buying Gacha tickets and getting myself a maroon mop. I never had it on EMS and I think I'll do just fine without it in here. IRL I'm a 24-year-old dude who's interested about music, mostly electronic but everything goes. My name's Miki and you can call me that if you want. Probably not the most active player in the guild, but I'll try to pop in once in a while and make some progress
thought i'd share that i soloed zak last night after failing a 2hr 50min krex run (15% hp left) the night before.. took like 4 hrs 30min. i stupidly thought 500 all cures would be enough. probably would've been if i had killed the curse arm first. the ME glitch was also so annoying to deal with oh, i forgot to mute the desktop volume so the background is twitch gta rp