Doesn't make sense cause paladin is still a physical warrior class with the same HP, melee weapons or skills like other warriors aside from the elements. It's basically a warrior who enchants their weapon with an element, not a battlemage or something (from other games lol) that can use spells. In terms of gameplay it's even more troublesome because magic damage is based on magic and INT rather than weapon atk and STR. This can cause a lot of problems as it will make your sword/bw useless, requires you to suddenly get INT out of nowhere and doesn't scale as well as damage range
I think the OP is simply suggesting that a Paladin’s damage while charge should be compared to its target’s magic defense rather than physical, and it would work through an enemy’s weapon cancel but not magical cancel. This puts an interesting spin on the damage and could give paladins another niche role in bossing along with their crashes. Later versions of Maple do have instances of this (for example Kinesis, a mage class has several skills that deal physical damage yet are calculated by your magic attack stat) however I don’t know if this can be implemented in this version.
if you think people already have to many crash mules, taking away total crash from this character would make it more obselete unless these conversions happen and their damage is buffed to that of higher dmg classes
Thing is, if you remove that, pallies suddenly lose their party usefulness. Sure no more crash mules, but also no party invites. If i had to choose between a hero, or a pally that cannot crash for HT, then hero would be a nobrainer. There are classes that simply have a good supporting mechanic, thats by design, if multiclienting was not allowed in our server, then muling won't be a thing and you'd probably not have this sort of problem. But here we are, any good buff in the game is commonly muled, butchering the class' supporting identity just to make the mules irrelevant is not the right approach imo. If, lets say, we'd make SE a self buff instead, sure, no more SE mules, but the entire server will be in an uproar