Okay, first of all I know this is RNG but hear me out. I farmed at least 4,000 Dark Nependeath at Strolling Path II to get 5 monster cards That's at max 0.125% drop rate..? Maybe I'm just unlucky? okay sure The buggy part though, is that most of them in this map don't auto-attack me when I'm near, even after I whack them with my bow And the last 4 out of 5 cards that I got were from same exact spot, from one of the ones that auto-attack. (one I'm nearest in the pic) I don't remember where I got the first card unfortunately. Just thought this was interesting
Considering i finished their set before the normal neph when i was farming in a map that contained both, i'll say its really just shitty RNG.
Hi, There appears to be an issue here. I don't know the reasoning, but that some of those Nependeath don't auto attack you is intentional. They however don't drop the Monster Card, which is very likely incorrect. Will be dealt with in the next update, for Dark Nependeath and Nependeath.