10 million mesos basically to skip all the procedures in the 4th job advancement is way too cheap. It should be more expensive, so people ACTUALLY consider killing manon/griffey vs spending the money. If not, it should at least be untradable, so the players need to make a trip to Ludi in order to retrieve the scroll.
Yeah that'd be swell if Manon and Griffey weren't hunted for 24-7 by people just looking for nx coupons.
The trip to ludi is not that big a deal (especially if you have the tower scrolls), so the change of making it untradeable will achieve nothing. As for increasing the price, manon and griffy are constantly hunted for nx and for the HT questline, which means players might find themselves waiting for a day or two just to FIND one [depending on how long they can play per day]. And if i remember correctly, the items for the 4th job are not 100% droprate, so you can actually end up looking for even longer. heck, certain classes would probably have a hard time soloing these bosses [especially mages], which means their hands will be forced to either get assistance or buy the scroll anyways.