But if its less people, platforms will empty out very quickly, people will spread out and after a minute you might only have a handful of players on your screen, that will, without a doubt, decrease the chaos in the map. Im just adding suggestions, the most ideal solution would include all the solutions above, but if that's impossible, at least we'd have many solutions to pick from.
What about changing the z-indexing or display stack order? Is that at all an option? If al these pet and player name labels weren't in front of platforms but behind them, and nothing got in front of your own character, then there wouldn't be a problem with a million players in the map(well, lag,obviously) It always confused me at the xmas event too, that all the players would block out view of the snowman. I swear I remember, at some time, on some server, wasn't the stacking order always: all other players, then monsters on top of that, then your char on top of that? It's the only logical way.
Ideally we want to keep all pets automatically, disable it from being released, and toggle off all effects, on top of disabling weathers. I'm not sure how putting pets behind them solves anything though, because it'd still be a visual disturbance to the others (if your pet is lagging behind).
Should have been done a long time ago. Disable all pets and special effects. Further more than noticing your character - hopefully we will lag and dc less! Can’t understand why GM ask nicely to do it - it aint ones gesture but participating requirement! optionalS; 1. disable “to all” chat. People won’t stop spamming = more lags. 2. Stop that long message which appears right before the event starts - its annoying ,and lagging. 3. As long as we all lag for our life - start the event ASAP. As people will spread around the map / will be taken out (like in russian roulette) lags will also decrease. Love you all❤️
About no.2, This long message details all the rules of the event, this allows the GMs to not need to write it all out every time they run an event, and in some cases, they can even leave an event to run on its own. So I don't think this element should be removed. At best, maybe they can instead add an NPC with a text bubble of "Talk to me if you want more detailed about the [x] event!" that if you talk to it, it will show that same explanitory message. But a 100 times yes to anything else. I can't remember the last time I entered an event without an instant regret of "why did i even bother? this is a god damn slideshow!"
no. 2 is definitely solutionable (did I just make up a word? lol) ,Billy can also explain the rules for each specific event before you enter - he will be assigned to a different message as he is assigned for different maps. no prob for sure. thanks for the support! hehe Also ,I'd like to apologize to @Johnny (I'm pretty sure it was you) ,for being rude today♥
Thank you GMs for finding time to organise events for us, like the recent physical fitness event. Is is possible to make characters to wear like more random option of clothing? Like at least 4 distinct sets of clothing. So it is easier to differentiate our characters.