Just stumbled upon a YouTube recommendation that linked me to The Temple of Time soundtrack, and listening to that brought back many nostalgic memories. Ellinia’s When The Morning Comes is another of my favorites along with Lith Harbor’s Above the Treetops. Anyone else have personal favorite soundtracks that immediately bring Maple back to life for you?
Pretty much all of the Maple OST is really good. So many of their songs go with the atmosphere of the maps and the enemies on the maps (Outside Eos Tower). Some of the mobs even look like they dance with the music (Ghost Pirates and Spirit Vikings). I don't have a favorite. I like many of them. Depends on the mood of the day I suppose. A couple of my favorites are Crimsonwood Keep, the Phantom Forest, the song at the Thanatos Map (Royals used this song in the Free Market during the Halloween Event a couple years back). I like the Zakum Dead Mine Maze song where you collect the keys for the Fire Ore. Outside Omega Sector is another one. Too many to list.
Top 5 in no order: Ellinia Pig Beach Slime Tree Crimsonwood Keep Interior Green Temple of Time Honorable mentions: Raindrop Flower Deep Ludi Newts
My absolute favorite would be 'Missing You' (Ellinia Tree Dungeon music) Honorable mentions: Ellinia: When the Morning Comes (Ellinia town theme) Ludibrium: Clocktower Lower Floor: Wherever You Are (bgm from chronos maps) El Nath: Warm Regard (music just outside of town) Sleepywood: Ancient Move (Ant Tunnel theme) El Nath: Wolf Wood (from wolf territory and forest of dead trees) Leafre: Leafre (Leafre town theme) Zakum: Welcome to Hell (Zakum's altar theme, before summoning) Ludibrium: Clocktower Lower Floor: The Way Grotesque (Thanatus map theme) Horntail battle music (it's just dope) There are probably many more I haven't remembered to mention but we can all agree that Maplestory's soundtrack is superb.
Showa Parking Lot/Parlor Cave of Horntail Leafre Minars Forest Ludibrium Boat ride- Flying in a Blue Dream Lith Harbor Maps near Hene called Rest n Peace Leafre Dragons Nest The map music where new players are the apples Orbis pq music Lpq music And last but not least a non Pre bb song, the Chaos Maple patch login music theme.
Lith Harbor. nothing strikes me harder than the nostalgia of arriving to Lith Harbor back in 2007. and I absolutely love and know by heart every single OST piece.
Sound tracks I'm still not tired of after all these years: Pre-BB - No particular order: 1. Neo City - Tera Forest 2. Ludibrium - High Enough, Wherever You Are, For the Glory, Ellin Forest 3. Victoria Island - Missing You, Nightmare, Sleepywood, Upon the Sky, Kerning Square ( subway +all floors), Ergos, Blue Sky 4. Orbis/El Nath/Aqua Road - Warm Regard, Snowy Village, Shining Sea, Abandoned Mine 5. Herb Town/Mulung - Mulung Forest, White Herb, Pirate, Mu Lung Dojo 2 6. Rien - Bamboo Gym 7. Ninja Castle - Castle Outside/Inside and Trap 8. Singapore - CBD Field, Boat Quay Town 9. NLC/CWK - NLC Town/Upbeat, CWK Interior, Keep 10. Ariant - Sunset Desert 11. Coke Town - Coke Town Post BB - No particular order: 1. Arcane River - Volcanic Mountain, Phantasmal Woods, The Tune of Azure Light, Swamp of Memory, A Place Where Life Begins, Diffraction, Outpost, Tears of the World, Black Fury, Throne of Darkness, New Beginning, Not the End. 2. Edelstine - National Park, Power Station 3. Black Heaven - Promise of Heaven, Heaven Again, Gravity Lord Rise 4. Kinesis Theme (grew to love this theme)
All of Ellinia's music is great, but my favorite is in the forests around Ellinia. I feel like that one gets overlooked compared to the other two.
Most of the pre-BB BGM are already listed here so I'm just gonna list some post-BB BGM instead Spoiler Ellodin's Scret Ellodin Arcana's The Tune of Azure Light Reverse City's Memory of Sunset Masteria Through Time's An Eternal Breath Dolphin Island's Night