IGN/Level/Class: N00BPR0/169/Bishop Your name: Rosa Timezone: Vancouver (GMT-7) Other characters you own: PalaRose (193 Paladin) Goals for this character: Finish HP washing my bishop and do some final gear upgrades on my paladin before reaching 200. Do you know anyone in Playboys? Bibian, EmilyStone, MaguMaguNoMi (DrKris) What do you like to do outside of Royals?: I'm a student, I used to be on a competitive swim team and I play the violin. Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I'm turning 17 in about 6 months!
IGN/Level/Class: Virecko / 125 / Night Lord Other characters you own: Bishop Goals for this character: Complete my Wash process and hit Lv.200, start bossing with fun/active people What do you like to do outside of Royals?: Work & Work on my car/Car meets or gym , i drive a 2015 civic si on bags Tell us a fun fact: Im a Little sneaker head just a bit & im from Cali !
IGN/Level/Class: JVonStrudel/30/Rogue soon to be NL/ Your name: Jesse Timezone: EST Other characters you own: ThatsJunior/Bish/128 Goals for this character: Finish HP washing my NL and do some gear upgrading between my NL and Bish. Do you know anyone in Playboys? No I don't What do you like to do outside of Royals?: I'm currently enlisted in the military Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I graduate college with my IT degree in 2 months and also my contract with the army is up the same month.
IGN/Level/Class: NickM / 20 [lol] / Shadower [eventually...] Name: ...Nick! Timezone: PST Other Chars: ReservedJV / pewpew pirate Goals for this char: getting back into royals after a couple yrs, I mainly want to finish all the quests & make a perfect HP red sporty cap. Know anyone?: nope! but the guild name attracts me... Outside of Royals: it's a secret you'll have to unlock. :3 Fun Fact: the ability for humans to drink milk as they age into adulthood is a mutation that no other species on the planet has, developed recently enough that not all humans even have it . . .
IGN/Level/Class: DivineSpirit/152/Bishop Your name: Ethem Timezone: GMT +1 Other characters you own: Pander/Hero/130 Goals for this character: Getting back to MapleRoyals after many years of being inactive. Hoping to test the waters once again and see what has changed during my absence and pick up where I have left. To gather resources and fund this character and making it into a fine bishop worthy of raiding. Do you know anyone in Playboys? Not.. yet What do you like to do outside of Royals?: Hitting the gym, going for long walks, Hanging out with friends. Tell us a fun fact: The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows
Ign: imabeginner/lvl 59/class spearman Dan/Billy PST CaptainDan, HolyBilly, CorndogsPQ GOAL is first bossing character :3 Don't know anyone in the guild but seen them around I love to hike, care for my animals, skate, eat and cook, and take pictures. I am a simple human. Fun fact: uhhh I never know what to put for these so here's some random stuff. I got a CS from compass this year. I'm left handed. I have 7 pets currently and a dog on the way
IGN/Level/Class: Elthea/132/BS Your name: Sam Timezone: GMT +8 Goals for this character: 1 hit Ulu 1/2, Ellin Forest Guardian Medal, chill Do you know anyone in Playboys? Nope! What do you like to do outside of Royals?: Working out and reading Tell us a fun fact: I can crack my middle finger endlessly
ILikeFruit/38/Night Lord Josh CST none to have fun and try and get max and hit like a cannon no I like to stream warzone/valorant im one of the biggest weeb you will know
IGN - LastOGTunech / lvl 81 / Chief Bandit Name: Tune Timezone: U.S.A. central time zone Other chracters you own: none Goals for this character: Able to do every boss. Do you know anyone in playboys? No but I'm friend with someone that knows them. Hobbies: I like to Hang out with the wife and friends. Fun Fact: I'm a Las Vegas Raiders fan.
https://i.filehostingsite/R07SkCJ/Letter-1-1.png thanks to everyone who's a part of our community! this includes those who have moved on from royals, are taking a break, etc. we love you all and please don't forget that you're always welcome to hang out whenever~ gz to our guildies @Zomgturkey @TofuMasterD and harel for hitting 200!!! welcome to the fam our new goons, and don't forget to apply with the application format if you're interested in joining :3
IGN/Level/Class: Azumarill / 115 / Bishop Other characters you own: Vanityx3 Goals for this character: HP Washed and 200! What do you like to do outside of Royals?: I love Super Smash Bros MELEE Tell us a fun fact: I'm nasty at Valorant.
Hi, I'd love to join you guys! It's Fulgens/52/Bandit You can call me Chris tho. I live in germany, so I'm two hours past server time. I Also have a Priest mostly for funding and a Spearman. I plan to main my Bandit, because I like the kit of bossing, self leeching and no need to wash alot due to meso guard (I hope I'm not wrong witch this!). Outside of maple (which is alot nowadays though) I like to go for hikes, do gym training and meet with friends, weather for said activities or to go to a bar/club/rave and dance to techno . Oh and of course theres work, Im a software developer, so please dont expect me to be online (and active) 8 hrs daily . So if you need another player to hunt, hopefully some day boss with or just need advice on how to set up a bot that gets you an appointment for covid vaccination(atleast in germany thats a thing) feel free to call me and I'm sure we'll have a great time!