IGN/Level/Class: Mesuvag/95/DK. Name: Yarin. Timezone: GMT +3. Goals for this character: Hopefully reach level 200. What do you do outside or Royals: Working, Studying, Watching Football. Fun Fact about myself: I shower naked.
Long time mapler here, that havent been active for 5+ years and looking for a guild Started playing with 5 RL friends a few months ago, and really looking forward to get more active. IGN / LEVEL / CLASS: Autic / 147 / Night Lord Timezone: GMT +1 Other characters you own: Slippers (139 Corsair) Goals for this character: Fully experience the end-game with Night Lord. Do you know anyone in Playboys?: Not yet. What do you like to do outside of Roayls: I am a very active disc golfer (when the weather is nice and not butt-cold). And usually i am socializing alot with friends, but somehow been less of socializing the last year Tell us a fun fact about your self: I was so hooked on this game back in the GMS days, that i had to let my girlfriend go. She was not very pleased...
hullo to everyone we have added to our family! we're so glad to have you; welcome. if we haven't gotten back to you or have decided we aren't the best fit for you, we wish you the best of luck on your maple journeys. if you would like to get to know us in-game before applying, feel free to /find bibian or /find jmoneybags to chat with us (try talking to me first before jordan cuz i check my chats more actively) (active 6pm-12am pacific time) we are always looking for new active players no matter your level/gears who might be a good fit for the fam :3 bumpity bumpity bump
New players, veteran players, returning players... all are welcome! Looking for an active community of like-minded Maplers? The Playboys guild is probably for you. The best way to reach me is on Discord, send me a friend request or a direct message @ jMoneybags#2021.
IGN/Level/Class: Oxidants / 170 / Bishop Your name: Gordon Timezone: PST Other characters you own: Osmosus Goals for this character: Level up, HP wash, and 1-hit dark wyverns in HT Do you know anyone in Playboys?: bibz What do you like to do outside of Royals?: Read (I'm reading Harry Potter atm ); Active activities (basketball, gym, hiking, etc.) Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I love boba milk tea
IGN:360Flip Lvl 135 Hero, also have 168 NL not washed I want to find an active guild for bossing mostly. I'm mostly a weekend player
welcome to the fam Gordon! hi! please fill out the application and make sure to include all the details
looking for new players, returning players, anyone seeking a place that is non-judgemental, supportive, and collaborative! DON'T BE SHY AND APPLY!! :3
Ign/Level/Class: kaiyanNL/141/NL Name: Ian W Timezone: PST (-8) vancouver BC Other chars: 159 BS (kaiyan) Goals: 30k hp + decent dmg with perf weapon Do I know anyone in Playboys? Just ask vivian f3 What do i do outside of Royals? Motorcycle, badminton, hiking, snowboarding/skiing About myself: SinCleia, deeedeee, and carameleia is my RL gf - dont try to hit on her
IGN/Level/Class: ASOBOU/81/Ranger Your name: Victor Timezone: Pacific (GMT-7) Other characters you own: None ATM Goals for this character: 200, scroll a perfect White Polyfeather Hat (look at how beautiful this thing is) Do you know anyone in Playboys?: bibian, thanks for the scuffed APQ runs! What do you like to do outside of Royals?: malding in Valorant, hiking, photography, malding in Valorant Tell us a fun fact about yourself: I almost died in a lightning storm in the Rocky Mountains.
Returning player looking for a new guild. IGN/Level/Class: covid69/168 hero Other characters you own: Had a bishop but I forgot the account deets and lost the email Timezone: GMT+10 (Australia) Goals for this character: Clear every boss while upgrading equips. Also 30k hp. What do you like to do outside of Royals?: Hiking and nature walks. However, covid outbreak is bad here again so we are locked down at home. Tell us a fun fact: A wombat’s poo is square shaped.
lots of the playboys fam is now ia from the game, but a bunch of us found the time to meet up in canada last weekend!!!!!!! never did we think a mushie game would bring us together like this we had the most epic time ever doing an escape room together (YES WE FINISHED) and karaoking (broke some eardrums and lost my voice)... i'm sure we'll never forget this <3 next meet up in 2022!!!!@@@@@@@@@ (@TofuMasterD come through next timeee) sooo much looove for you all @Zomgturkey @Awrene @NANI1 @Hugoob ++ more https://i.filehostingsite/0tsXVt4/Frame-11-1.png https://i.filehostingsite/mH1bqN0/Frame-13-1.png https://i.filehostingsite/5Tv2dyV/Frame-12-1.png