哈囉!大家安好, 此篇文章只討論新進玩家後期會參加的王團或是組隊任務,故 KPQ, LPQ, LMPQ, PPQ, Romeo PQ 等不列入其中。 1. 拉圖斯 主要是刷 NX 和部分技能書。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 1. Talk to Mr. Buffon at Path of Time in Ludibrium - Get 10 Tachion from Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy or Master Soul Teddy 2. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get 300 Tachion from Soul Teddy, Buffy, Lazy Buffy or Master Soul Teddy 3. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get 100 Mysterious Powder (untradeable) from Master Death Teddy 4. Talk to Mr. Buffon and Flo at Path of Time - Get Piece of Cracked Dimension A, B and C (untradeable) from Gigantic Spirit Viking and Grim Phantom Watch. Return to Flo and he will give you a Piece of Cracked Dimension (One-of-a-kind). You can now receive one every day by talking to Mr. Buffon and then to Flo. 5. Talk to Mr. Buffon - Get Ludibrium Medal (untradeable) from Gatekeeper and Thanatos. You can now fight Papulatus while going through the middle portal at Deep inside the Clocktower and dropping a Piece of Cracked Dimension at the Crack on the right side of the map. 感謝 @Zancks https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zancks-bossing-guide.196246/ 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/quest/papulatus 2. Ellin PQ 主要是刷前置任務的這兩只王的 NX,和 Ellin PQ 本身的獎勵: 戒指和耳環。 戒指為固定數值,耳環素質為 1~8,8 為最大值。 Spoiler: 前置任務 注意: 此 PQ 必須先解好拉圖斯任務才可以進行! 英文: 感謝 @quaxko https://royals.ms/forum/threads/in-depth-ellin-forest-questline.184196/ 中文: 目前沒有中文版本。 Spoiler: PQ 怎麼玩 感謝 @Jooon https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ellin-forest-party-quest-guide-epq.185329/ 3. CWKPQ 最熱門的組隊任務,因為可以打到最高 10 攻擊乾淨的披風,和 7 力量 7 敏捷的乾淨眼罩,還有伺服器最頂的項鍊 MON (攻擊最大值為 8,力量、敏捷、智力、幸運最大值為 11)。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @QuantaFam https://royals.ms/forum/threads/crimsonwood-pq-exchange-quest-guide.91318/ 中文: 目前沒有中文版本。 Spoiler: PQ 怎麼玩 感謝 @LoroPiana 4. 馬來西亞熊獅 固定掉四頂頭盔,熊兩頂 (幸運+智力),獅兩頂 (力量+敏捷),會來打的基本是為了頭盔,少少的 NX 和比較有價值的 Eye luk 10%。 頭盔數值要看後面的 () 內是什麼素質,最大是 24,其餘的最大值與炎魔頭盔一樣是 22。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 1. Be Level 90. 2. Talk to Lam at Kampung Village in Malaysia - Get 100 Bustickets from Yabber Doo. (Loot some Plane Toys from Booper Scarlion too since they are in the same map and you need them later.) 3. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Vikerola & get 200 Viking Helmets from them 4. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Booper Scarlion & get 200 Toy Planes from them 5. Talk to Lam - Kill 200 Galloperas and get 200 Wooden Pony Tails from them 6. Get 10 Rodeo‘s Masters‘ from Rodeoos and return to Lam. You will get 2 Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark upon completing the Pre-Quest and be able to fight Scarlion and Targa by talking to Aldol at Entrance to Spooky World in a Party of 3 and dropping a Spirit of the Fantasy Themepark at the Statue of the Scarlion, Targa or both depending on who you wanna fight. Repeat step 6 to get 2 more Spirits of the Fantasy Themepark. 感謝 @Zancks 中文: 目前沒有中文版本。 5. 殘暴炎魔 耳熟能詳的王,大家小時候的回憶,顯卡太差或電腦太爛必斷,可以刷頭盔、渾沌 60%、部分職業技能書 (標賊、英雄、主教、聖騎士)、天怒 20、還有機率掉兩張 5k nx 卡片等等。 頭盔最頂素質就是 22。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 1. Be Level 50 2. Talk to your 3rd Job Instructor in El Nath. 3. Talk to Adobis at the Door to Zakum while being in a party (no other members needed). 3.1 Part 1 - Get 7 keys from the following rooms. 4-2 (rock) 9-2 (chest) 11-1 (chest) 14-1 (chest) 16-2 (chest) 16-3 (chest) 16-5 (rock) 3.2 Drop them at the big chest in 16-5, loot the Piece of Fire Ore, bring it to Aura in the Room you first spawned and she will exchange it with a Fire Ore. 4. Talk to Adobis for Part 2 - Complete the 2 Jumpquest Stages to get a Breath of Fire. 5. Talk to Adobis for Part 3 - Get 30 Gold Tooth from Miner Zombies and pass them together with the Fire Ore and Breath of Fire to Adobis. You will receive 5 Eye of Fire upon completing the Pre-Quest. Repeat step 3-6 to get 5 more. You can now fight Zakum by talking to Adobis at Entrance to Zakum Altar in a Party of 3 and dropping an Eye of Fire at the Altar on the middle of the map. 感謝 @Zancks https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zancks-bossing-guide.196246/ 感謝 @Dave Deviluke 忍耐苦手可以參考 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/guide-to-alternate-zakum-jump-quest.134574/ 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/quest/zakum 6. 克雷賽爾樹王 打這個王就是為了經驗和伺服器畢業戒指,素質乾淨最大值為 8。 Spoiler: 前置任務 注意: 如果你有下面這個東西的話,第一階段鬼盜船任務可以跳過,從 ULU 城開始。 英文: 1. Be Level 70 2. Talk to Ralph the Wanderer in Boat Quay Town in Singapore - Kill 50 Veetron & get 50 Veetron Horn from them, kill 50 Berserkie and get 50 Sweat Bead from them and kill 30 Montrecer & get 30 Oil Canister from them. 3. Talk to Commando Jim at Ulu City Entrance - Kill 100 Slygie & get 100 Slygie Tail from them and 100 Petrifighter & get 100 Moss Rock from them. 4. Talk to Commando Jim. Kill 100 Duku & get 100 Rafflesia from them and get 1 Soul Lantern from Capt. Latanica (Note: The Quest won’t consume the Soul Lantern and you won’t need it to enter Krexel later so you can either buy 1 in the FM or kill Capt. Latanica once in your Maple Royals career and reuse the Soul Lantern whenever doing Krexel Pre-Quest. You can now fight Krexel by going through the top portal at Ruins of Krexel 1 and hitting the orange Ball 6 times. 感謝 @Zancks 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/quest/defeat-krexel 7. 武林妖僧 十分鐘內要殺掉妖僧和他召喚的三只小怪,經驗 CP 全伺服器最高,每天下班或放學後必殺。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @Goku https://royals.ms/forum/threads/wulin-yaoseng-pre-quests-guide.125187/ 中文: 目前沒有中文版本。 8. 暗黑龍王 最耳熟能詳的 BOSS,會掉 MW20、Gene30 等書本,還有乾淨的 110 等龍武,雖然龍鍊已被 MON 取代,但還是個 200 等後照樣會打的王。 暗黑龍王項鍊乾淨最大值為 13,第一卷只能上蛋,固定 + 15。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @Matt https://royals.ms/forum/threads/horntail-party-quest-bossing-guide.6152/ 上蛋步驟: 感謝 @Jooon https://royals.ms/forum/threads/how-to-egg-your-horntail-pendant.152450/ 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/quest/ht-run 9. 黑道長老 冷門的王,經驗尚可,但打起來很麻煩,第一階段除非找三個主教放 Holy Shield,防止暈眩,標賊能跳射,但其他職業會被暈爛。第二階段則是 Iframe 嚴重,輸出會打到空氣上。 可以打來解悶。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: None, you can start the fight by talking to Konpei at Armory in Zipangu and dropping the Female‘s Boss Comb under the window at the right side of the map. 感謝 @Zancks 中文 只需要打大姐頭有掉梳子後,就可以入場,但召喚會吃掉一個梳子。 10. 天皇蟾蜍 打經驗和伺服器最強的幸運眼罩為主,運氣好可能掉個頂的冰帳,眼罩乾淨最大值為 8。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: No general Pre-Quest but there is a Jumpquest and a little Maze which need to be completed to get to Toad‘s map. The Jumpquest can be skipped if you did the following Quests once. 1. Talk to Akai at Outside Ninja Castle in Zipangu. 2. Talk to Nobuo at Inside the Castle Gate - Get 50 Kunoichi Dagger from Kunoichi and talk to Fuji at Inside the Castle Gate 3. Get 50 Ninto Scroll from Ninto & 1 Samurai Knight Armor Piece from Kacchu Musha (Area Boss ) at Castle Corridor and talk to Princess Suzume at Inside the Castle Gate. After you did that you will still need to pay Sai at Caste Corridor 10 3m everytime you want to skip the Jumpquest. The Maze can’t be skipped. Enter the left of the 3 doors until you spawn a little closer to the middle of the map. Then enter the middle door twice in a row and you should‘ve completed the maze. Keep going to the right till you’re at Tower Room and drop the Samurai Armor Piece under Toads Poster in the middle of the map. 感謝 @Zancks 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/quest/天皇蟾蜍 沒有前置任務,只要打鎧甲武士有掉落一個黃色新月就可以入場,但召喚會消耗一個,另外就是懶得跳忍耐,可以參考上面的步驟做任務來跳過。 11. 日本東京 AUF 伺服器最頂的頭盔,乾淨素質最大值為 7,搭配 AUF 10% 和祝福卷軸,可以點出 87 素質的怪物頭盔。 且一整個日本東京都很賺錢,包含前置任務的王,會掉 Dragon Khanjar 和 WS Frag,來自製祝福卷軸,AUF 更會掉落高機率的 AUF 10% *市價 300M+,乾淨素質為 7 最大的 EP,渾沌 60% 等等,是很多人會考慮 Solo 或是找朋友 DUO 的王。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @Jooon https://royals.ms/forum/threads/guide-to-neo-tokyo.146864/ 中文: 目前沒有中文版本。 12. LHC+玫瑰花園 玫瑰花園為目前最夯最火爆的個人任務,從一發布,慘遭多次調整,但還是一堆人認為破壞平衡,詳細參考: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/rose-garden-nerf-adjustments.217025/ 此任務因只能單一個角色入場,不能攜帶 Mule,因此對 Shadower 最有利,其次是其他近戰,最慘的是 NL。 任務報酬為抓蜜蜂,單次任務最多召喚 20只蜜蜂,一只 5M,最多可以農 100M 純現金 (最新改版不可以了),且打王會掉 NX 和伺服器最頂的戒指 Ifia's Ring 等等。戒指最大值為 7,固定一卷可以衝。 Spoiler: 玫瑰花園怎麼打? 感謝 @Panduh https://royals.ms/forum/threads/rose-garden-guide.222052/ 至於 LHC 則是要六個人組隊去 Grind 小怪的任務,刷經驗和 Totem,Totem 25 個可以去 2 塔轉蛋,可以轉到各種稀有寶物,像是祝福、渾沌 60%。 Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @Becca https://royals.ms/forum/threads/lhc-lkc-pre-quest-guide.207734/ 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/62122/62122 13. 凡雷恩獅子王 目前伺服器最困難的王,要 12 人 (老手+裝備夠好) ~ 30 人才能推過,目前 VL 還在持續調整中。 掉落物十分珍貴,因為要分給很多位打手,除了 HW10 外,還有 NL、Archer、Corsair 的伺服器最強飛鏢、箭矢、子彈製作書。 部分玩家瞄準的是伺服器最強的腰帶,乾淨素質最大值為 8,因為造價昂貴,有在衝的人較少。第一卷只能用專屬的 VL Soul,固定 + 2 攻擊,之後用專屬的 VL 混沌卷軸,最多可以衝到 10 攻擊。 Spoiler: Bonus 掉落物 感謝 @Al3x https://royals.ms/forum/threads/von-leon-bonus-drop-table.217553/ Spoiler: 前置任務 英文: 感謝 @Becca https://royals.ms/forum/threads/lhc-lkc-pre-quest-guide.207734/ 中文: https://mapleroyals.net/62122/62122 Spoiler: 怎麼打 VL? 因為還在調整中,僅供參考,且不同職業有不同的打法,還是自己打一次實在。 感謝 @Jooon https://royals.ms/forum/threads/guide-to-von-leon.210860/ 感謝 @cremcrem https://royals.ms/forum/threads/community-von-leon-guide.210889/ 14. 皮卡啾 雖然我已經在其他伺服器打過上百次,但 Maple Royals 還未開放 ,若有開放,一定也會調整,等釋出後再來補充吧。