An interesting discovery from KMS beta file is that apparently Henesys Plastic Surgery and Hair Salon building has a very different color scheme than the one in the final game
When Root Abyss was first released, the Crimson Queen (also known as the Bloody Queen in other regions) had a few slightly different sprites. Her Sorrowful (crying) form cried tears of blood, which was also present in her death animation across all forms. Her tears were later changed to regular tears. In addition, her Wrathful (angry) form had a slightly more monstrous look when she used her breath attack. Here's both the original and current for comparison:
The more eccentric bishop mains probably know this already, but the 3rd job dragon actually has pretty insane range, longer than that of Bahamut (note that damage was covered by Angel Ray's, expect about 20k):
Not sure if this's been mentioned before. Alternative ambience of Ellin Forest: golden rain When finishing & leaving Ellin PQ, by dropping Golem's Marble into the small fountain in the leaving map, for next several minutes the whole Ellin area (corresponding channel) will turn its falling rain into golden one. (Golem's Marble drops from Poison Golem) Code: Source: youtube 8FShyABhIAs, VcVkYjGgJvo, NoxWlcBt63w
How long has it been since I last putting random facts here? Anyway, I'm sure many of you knew about the existence of an item called "Maple Cola" in the files that has an icon of a Pepsi can, for some reason Apparently, the icon got updated instead of Nexon just removing the file from current Maplestory files, no idea when they made this changes, but yeah
Did you know that the Red Cross symbol is copyrighted? The reasoning is that the health organization wants the symbol to represent trust in them, especially during times of war, and they want the symbol to be protected against what they deem as misuse. Why do I bring this up here? Because using it in a video game is considered a violation of the Geneva Convention. MapleStory uses the symbol for a lot of different scenarios, such as cosmetic buildings, recovery items, and certain equipment. As a result, the symbol was mostly removed in modern MapleStory and changed in various forms, such as to a red heart or a green cross. In fact, many video games are urged not to use it, or to change it if it's present. As far as I know, Nexon hasn't gotten in any trouble for it, but rather they most likely want to cover themselves. Spoiler: Items Red Cross Rings -> Red Emblem Rings -> Pink Nurse Hat: -> Pink Angel Wing Cap: -> The Beginner skill Recovery: -> First-Aid Kit (a quest item) -> Spoiler: Map Assets Henesys General Store entrance: -> Ludibrium Plastic Surgery: => Ludibrium's Path of Time: -> Various Omega Sector Silo assets: -> -> -> -> Various Ellin Forest assets: -> -> There's plenty more, these are just some of the more notable examples.
Did you know that LHC has been visible in the background of some of the El Nath maps? I tried to look for screenshots, and found this from 2007 (source: You can see the bottom of LHC in the background near the rock, next to the rope.
Back when Fantasy Theme Park was released in MSEA, I remember the maps being extremely large and had a way different layout before they changed it to the more familiar maps we have on Royals now. I honestly thought me exploring the old large maps as a kid was some fever dream I had, but at least now I knew it was actually real. I am unable to find anymore videos of the old maps, but did find an old screenshot of the old Gallopera map on Ayumilove's website.
Not sure if someone else wrote it but if you fall from the last Tree That Grew map where you drop the water for the HP quest you suddenly arrive to Sleepywood
The only video series that showcased it back then was AngeliaMSEA / iAngelial's, but her YouTube channel got terminated and a reupload ended up getting deleted unfortunately. Southperry's initial extraction covers the maps from when Malaysia was only partially implemented, but the minimap images are broken: There is also an old Blogspot post from its release in 2008: Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a MapleSEA client from the time, only slightly before its release or slightly after it was revamped.
Do you know the login screen to char create screen can turn into one big picture? Here's the picture after combine all of them