Hello everyone! Back at you with another S-tier quality of life improvement but this time for Omok! Anyone who has played Omok is familiar with the scene. 2 characters trapped in a battle of the minds to determine who has superior strategy and planning (and most of all who can stand staring at a mass of blobs and colors longer). Today I'll be suggesting the addition of observer slots to Omok. As seen in the screen shot below... There is already a built in 2 spaces for additional character sprites to be. I feel if we opened these slots up and made them observer slots, it would increase the interest for the community and Omok as a whole. I know that when I'm waiting to play a match against someone who is already in a game, I'm D Y I N G to know how the game is going. If we could have a way for people to watch the matches, it would add interest and get some new players into the scene. To allow this without any excess coding, the current creation screen is already perfect! It has the option to make a game private and by selecting that box, that would disallow observers from entering the game. If the box if left unchecked (see below picture) then a maximum of 2 observers could join in to watch the fun! To wrap it up, for how inclusive this community is with it's tight knit bonds, it would be great to give the mini game players a better way to connect and allow more new players to enter the fray by watching matches happen. This would hopefully pique interest in more players to complete "Mason the Collector" quest and get that sweet starter omok set with some luck. Maybe people would even farm pieces for me to buy to make their own set! Please comment below with any suggestions or thoughts about this thread!
This is a good suggestion, I can't wait for people to watch me lose publicly instead of the room closing and I F4 for 30 minutes
Yes I desperately want this please! Also if you guys can add Chess, Go, and other games, it would be hella fun.
this is a great suggestion for a whole omok tournament and bet scene . But seriously it would be much more fun to have some observers sometimes .)
I would personally love other minigames to be implemented but I don’t know if the client would allow for that type of modification. For those of you who play chess I’m rated at 1600 or so :3
i laughed so loud. edit: on a srs note, i believe that promoting and investing in anything that has competitive aspects is always an important and a healthy thing for the community and the server as a whole, this is a small change that i would say is more a QOL change more then a real reason for new people to start playing omok now, nevertheless when you make many small changes like this, they eventually stack up and create a better experience overall
No need to even code something like "no spectators when box is ticked", just let people decide who they give the password to, its far more flexible, and theoretically easier to implement as well