This idea was suggested by @Kayn01 The proposal is to lower the % of the Auf Haven miracle helmet scroll (say, to 3~5%) but keep the slots intact even if the scroll fails. There are a few end game players who are investing heavily for this insane upgrade and we realized that the essence lies with the astronomical amount of white scrolls that need to be invested, not the miracle scroll itself. I'm not sure to what extent the Auf helmet scrollers affect the WS market but based on my personal observation, they play a significant role in inflation. The purpose of this suggestion is to maintain the value and difficulty of the upgrade but exclude the white scroll from the equation. Possible consequences Miracle scroll's value will most likely increase, similar to cs/ws in price or slightly more. Many veterans refuse to go back to Neo Tokyo because the rewards aren't worth the excessive time and effort. This change may motivate more people to raid Auf Haven. Miracle scroll has a high drop rate and can be regarded as a semi-guaranteed reward, similar to 5k nx from Zakum. Neo Tokyo will naturally become more popular as the daily Auf raid becomes one of the popular goals for veterans and middle-tier players. A lower % pass rate will consume more scrolls for the upgrade but the increased supply should somewhat balance the expense and difficulty since scrollers no longer need to buy two separate scrolls for each attempt. More Auf raid will lead to increased CS supply and help counter the cs/ws inflation as well. Open to discussions and suggestions
Besides Auf Haven, Neo Tokyo is just garbage to do and will remain so even if Auf Haven Circlet/Expedition becomes better. Veteran players mostly just solo Dunas v1 because it drops element pierce earrings. If it didn't, the only people who would even attempt non-Auf Neo Tokyo bosses would just be collectors trying to make Stars/Bullets.
Personally I am against this because: The extent of RWT/hackers and their influence on the CS/WS market far exceeds veteran buyers and their purchasing power - most who are looking to WS their auf helmets are liquidating other end game items, rather than buying WS outright. Miracle Auf scrolls have already gone from 100-120m to 250-300m in the last few months - unsurprising given the very limited supply that will likely continue if only 1 run per day is allowed and only a maximum of one 10% scroll drops. This is a 200-300% increase in scroll price relative to a fairly stagnant WS market. In addition, both CS/WS are selling for upwards of 550m+ in FM currently and it is likely that veteran players looking to purchase WS are doing so via other methods (blackboard in FM entrance, smega etc). Overall I am highly doubtful the value of WS will change with the proposed change, but miracle scrolls will almost certainly inflate (500m is probably a significant underestimate) and with stagnant supply people may stop attempting to finish their helmet altogether.
Incinerated already managed to reach a 12+ auf haven circlet since the release of neo tokyo, which is amazing! I thought it would take 2 years to see such hats in our server If such a speed of progress is possible (even though he's probably a very extreme case), then i think the way this hat works is fine when it comes to perfecting it. White scroll use by these extreme people won't make a dent in the overall use of the scroll on this server. I'm more interested in giving better options to make a good, yet suboptimal circlet instead. Currently, there's only a set of scrolls for 60% that give +3 stats for the risk of 50% explosion. Imo, for a 20 slot hat, this is extreme. The odds of you using that scroll 20 times on an auf haven without the hat exploding is a 1 in 100 chance. For a hat that starts so low statted, this is very brutal. If you only need 2 stats on your class, then a clean ungodly hat is only worth 4 stats, and even in the crazy off chance that you'll pass all the scrolls without white scrolls (0.003%), it would only be a 64 total stat hat. (not too far from what you can reach with perfect scar/targa hat and a handful of white scrolls). I think that there should be a middle ground here: Buff the 60% scrolls to 70%, and have them keep the 50% destruction rate (useful for the first few slots). And also add another scroll, for example, 40% chance to pass, gives +3 to a single stat. That way, there will be a secondary white scrolling path for the hat, which would make it more approachable to the less crazy players that dont want to sink 200 white scrolls for a hat. It would also mean that even in single stat, the most you can get with the 40% ws approach wont reach what a 10% ws path can get, which would maintain its value.
As someone who just spent a solid 30+ hours grinding out that insanely BAD pre-quest line on my NL & Bishop this thread is VERY worrying...
Just to reiterate this point, please keep claims of suspicious activity within the Report Abuse section. Whether the current progression of circlets is reasonable is acceptable discussion, but let's not throw out public accusations when a specific player has been named. I've deleted certain posts accordingly.
Definitely an extreme case. This happened this morning, and I just got banned right now. Guess the server isn't ready for this kind of luck yet. More screenshots can be provided upon request!