are you here to have a real discussion about the topic of rwters and hackers or are you here to post memes and poke fun at a previous incident where you were wildly pointing fingers and blaming someone for defending themselves vehemently? we're all grown adults here, so let's do some criticial thinking here. did nani1 accuse the gm of hacking or botting for the items? no. did you accuse nani1 of being suspicious of botting for teeth? yes. these are not the same.
yeah man u must hate me im just expressing my opinion on the post . Yet your effort on the meme is quite funny! keep it up its gonna get you somewhere in life!
In that thread @NANI1 was being accused of rwt/hacking. In this thread hes just using the GMs as an example that merching is not bannable, hes not accusing GMs of hacking/rwt. Its actually quite a stark contrast. Dont compare them this way. I dont want to be disrespectful or anything but please try to comment stuff that actually add value to the discussion. Yes, you can add value to the discussion in the form of memes if you express yourself better that way. But so far your memes are shit.
Reverse the trades. Get illegitimate items out of the economy. Hacked or RWT items that dont get deleted or reversed, basically removes the player from the every shrinking pool of players interested in upgrading their gear with the hot topic hacked/rwt items and further destroys the integrity of the economy and the server itself.
I like that idea. But im also realistic. This server has been around for years now. Theres a high chance if not almost guaranteed that you can pick any main character you see in the fm and 99% of the equips he/she is wearing/wielding has taken part in the process of rwting/vote abusing either by the CS used to scroll it or bought from a rwter/2nd hand seller legitimately. Lets say you log in tomorrow and all your equips/weapons are gone but instead you have the same value of those equips in B coins in your bank instead. Problems that arise: 1) Higher chance of genuine players quitting because they had enough of paying the price for the mistakes of others, aka spending time and effort in finding a seller for gear only to have them reversed. 2) The amount they actually get back is worth less than the amount of the equip they lost due to the revert. Why? Because all of a sudden the market loses a huge chunk of its equips and the huge influx of people wanting to buy them would make them exponentially more expensive. tldr: they wont be able to get back the equips they actually owned before with the b coins they received due to revert. 3) Not possible. As much as people meme about GMs/Staff not doing anything to help the situation of rwting/vote abusing, we have to realise that there is not much they can do without causing backlash or severe repercussions. Im no economist. Im not an expert in financial markets. But I can list at least 5 reasons the GMs have not done as people requested in just 5minutes of thinking about this topic. Im sure the GMs who actually own interest in this server would have figured out more of such reasons why this wont work. (Interest: ownership of "..") Focus the hate on the cheaters, not the people trying to fix their mistakes.
This isn't the first time I've farmed Honeys. I've been doing it off and on since 2018-2019. I never bought any Honey unless it was for below 3-4m and even then I only bought around ~20 or so. This isn't the first time I've farmed Honeys in mass quantity (this ss is from Christmas during 1.2x drop specifically) and sometimes I'll take my mages to Strolling Path to farm instead of quad Ulu for any droprate buffs. I have multimages as well and I set up farming Honeys in my free time and my partner also helps me with it as well on his characters too. This 2x alone my partner farmed around 224 Honeys and it took him around 6 hours playing off and on throughout the weekend during 2x. I take advantage of the droprate buff card and any other seasonal droprates and I just hold them until it's worth selling. I've made anywhere from 5 honey in half an hour to up to 35-40 honey in half an hour. If you exchange Nependeath Seeds you get a chance to get Earring INT 10% btw. I made quite a lot from doing both. I got tired of farming full sets constantly and I switched to just farming Honeys instead.
I agree with you. If someone get an item turns out it's from RWT, GM remove the RWT items and gives him full refund of how much he pay. If you check ban appeal, a lot of players who got banned have insane high attack gears. Those RWTers most likely gifted some gears to their legitimate friends, those gears should remove from the game because that counts as associate RWT activity. The stuff I mentioned above only worked when those items haven't transferred to second hand. If legitimate players bought unfinished items or craft materials from RWTers and sell it to another player or use it, then I think that would be hard to return back. I think that's how low-key RWTers trying to do to cover the track. I can feel this would required a lot of work for GM. An Overwatch system might be good method to let players check each others if there's any suspious logs and reduce amount of GM works.
Thank you for your detailed reply. I've forwarded this information to the admins for further investigation.
Yeah...I think it's been said before but this is a great idea with two big problems: 1) Logistical. The server does not have a mechanism to track trade history in detail (If this existed, RWT would probably be cut down severely in the first place.) So it's already a non-starter simply because it isn't possible. 2) Sliding-scale. Where do you draw the line? It's easy to pick clear cut things like a clearly scammed 40B or perfect weapon. Those should be very easy to deal with, and when they present themselves this is exactly what they do, at least in most cases. Raony should have that weapon confiscated, though of course, we all know that won't happen. But the lines get blurred quickly. Let's say: 1) A RWT has purchased Taru totems with real world currency 2) They sell it for mesos to a legitimate player 3) Legitimate player crafts FS and lucky CS it to 21/0 I know it's a bit of a silly example--I assume RWT usually target larger items than Taru. But if this happens, that legit player has their FS taken and refunded....but they are unlikely to create a 21/0 FS ever again unless they try day and night. It would be a very unreasonable punishment to a player who did nothing wrong. There are lots of other examples people came up with earlier, it rapidly devolves into either a scorched earth delete every item along the chain, or shrug and only deal with the clear cut one-off cases, which seems to be the current mode of operations. @Klopp.... There is no way to know where an item came from unless you gach/craft/hunt it yourself and then scroll it yourself. That's the "beauty" of item laundering. I own one perfect weapon, and I bought it from a friend I know earned it from merching. But I don't know where the guy he bought it from got it. Most people don't make their own perfect items--the math on WS10 means even the most expensive clean perfect items (except DPS) do not make economical sense to scroll yourself. It's very likely that some gear that all of us own is "dirty", somewhere along the line, but as long as we are not knowingly and willingly engaging in RWT or dealing in mesos with suspected RWTers, it's really hard to ask any more of us in these scenarios. Punishing legit players for a trade down the chain that involved a RWT is unreasonable and would obviously kill the server. I think there's a difference between attacking people (which, you're right, is a problem in this thread and in the server in general) and noting cases like Raony and Josh and seeing there's a double standard at play with some people.
A year ago, my guild taught me how to farm, ever since I must have spent 150+hrs in ulu and I am Not even close to where some of my friends are nor do I ever think I will achieve that lvl cuz I’m lazy af. The decent wa gears (in my standards, at least) that I have earned cost me a shit tone of time and stress. Its frustrating to me seeing how some ppl just bring out their wallet and skip thousands of steps to reach a above average place in the game. with this being said, I have only played a couple of years, and I can’t imagine how other ppl that have been around many many more years and thousands of more hours farming and grinding feel about this, but again, I don’t feel like attacking one another is the correct path to a fair Royals Society.
Just let it go? So just continue perpetuating the problem that is clearly destroying the server's economy? What a genius idea, that'll surely fix the problem. What happened to others in the past is in the past. But we can set new precedents moving forward. If the Staff actually cares about what's going on in the server right now, they would take this case to set an example moving forward. Also, this particular case is being highlighted more than others because of the fact that in the past, the player Raony received favored treatment by Staff. If that happens again now, well... then that sends us a message that Staff plays favoritism and does not care about the player base.
josh bought it legitimately with his own mesos - this is not the same, raony is in debt to the seller who is banned. tim is also the only one that can authorize the rwt ban. furthermore, josh offered to revert the trade in private with tim, why are you slandering his name with your false uninformed assumptions?
@Klopp report was made before trade too , but only tim can check (took few days), so after deal , josh asked revert too. BTW @Raony told me months ago when we duo krex in game, he got a friend will sell him 25bwg , not sure is @Habakkuk or nah I still rem raony forgot hs us .. rip left eye exp must be nice friend to sell cheaper (normally 24>>25bwg need 45~50b top up, seller sell 40b ) and let him owe first .
Sure, if the GM's can catch people and can accurately assess/remove the excess mesos while the player still has it or completely revert the trade that would be fine, but it feels impossible to fully implement when we have one person looking into RWT. By the time most of the cases are caught the items could have passed through multiple hands and reversing multiple trades seems difficult. To cut down on this we would need a functioning auto ban to reduce the amount of illegitimate mesos being pumped into the server and expanded GM tools so that there is a quicker turnover on RWT investigations. Let's hold hands and pray for that day.
Yeah. Expanded GM tools--and history trackers--would be huge. It's incredibly unfair to legit players to be disadvantaged to botters and RWTers. Yeah....very "nice friend", and this name keeps popping up in suspicious circumstances, but, it's fine, totally legitimate....
You guys discussing all this fortune and I`m crying becouse I bet all my money (3.5b) in CSing a 6/3 FS that finished 2/1 Edit: That was my 7att fs sold money to buy an 8~9 att fs .. RIP me (I accept helps from you millionaires)
It's okay, the time will come when you make that juicy 20+ att shoe and realize that losing 3.5b was worth it (and then you'd think "oh! I can probably make more of those" and end up losing all the mesos made from that 20+ att shoe)