actually completed lord pirate, papa pixie and frankenroid soon after update #67 but was too lazy to re-edit to remove riche and put kacchuu musha to boss section but i did it also good to know more cards are coming but that means more to edit when i get them........ lf>pinkbean update: got 471th set (bacal) on 23/4/2021 uwu Spoiler: cleaner version
#10 @Johnny tq ss thx friends who coming Finally done mine biggest Goal (To be server 3rd person join the double digit club ) here!!!! OMG Shout out to mine idols (got 10+ LV200 characs too) who inspired me to Follow @Eli (Met this op guy when 2015 , he used his 2nd hero Seiko come mine friends and mine zakum run , and white all of us, 1st time boss with ws weapons pro , tq boss with mine 180int+NL) @Nessi (Bought mine 1st HTP from this OP man back 2015 I rem have @Sweep @Dessi (nottiboi host @Aram @Christopher Chance and ... I forgot who else... too long , Nessi is very kind , guide and bring me until I got spirit egg!! But u guys forgot tell me can only EGG htp once , So I egged a 8dex 7luk HTP , used this until update XDD Very 87) Must thx to many ppl who ever lend me weapons and Att gears to help me reach here although most of u guys quit Must thx to friends who ever Bossed with me , can't reach here if only me I will not tag u guys here (too many .........but I'll rem in mine heart Pick Shadower be mine 10th Lv200 buz want match 3rd ~ 3rd shadower finally 200 If ping not so high here, I want main this job , so cool and useful, solo everything ez @Momo selling his dagger shield btw Final #11...... -4 I promise slower this time final attacker i missing, will just leech too 200 though LF>MM BUFF
https://i./JKwPcQw/unknown.png https://i./Np9K8DW/Screenshot-2021-01-10-211517.png This is a very dumb accomplishment, but I finally found the PERFECT NX weapon for a spear/polearm. If you're a DrK I'm sure you know how hard it is to find an NX weapon. My issue were always as follows: 1. The weapon would be held right in front of my outfit, and blocks my clothes. 2. The weapon would look good, but not suit a "spear/polearm" look (aka you can't tell that I'm a DrK just by looking). 3. The weapon could not be equipped over a spear/polearm (THIS IS THE CASE WITH SO MANY NX WEAPONS!!!) Anyway, you cannot imagine how ecstatic I was to find this Bug Net. I scanned the the excluded weapons list, and saw that ONLY polearm and spear were missing. It looks SOOOO GOOOOOD, doesn't block my outfit, and is totally a spear/polearm. Wow, I'm so happy
Jan 2nd - Bought this 60/12 DPS for Perf RC + 2b coin Jan 4th - Started my countless hours of Duku leeching everyday Jan 13th - Finished this with an insane 7/25 WS Thanks to all my Duku buyers that have bought hours from me Thanks Rogue for giving me WS loans (you know who you are) Thanks ManE for your events Wow im so happy, it looks so good
So when i hit 200, i kinda wanted some novelty item in the game. and i liked the look of the maku alot. i remembered the quest line for it and how to make the higher lvl ones. so i looked up the itcg and started my adventure. it took some time getting the specific items. i think the pet lvl requirement and lily's where the hardest to come by. but i had some friends and guildies help me. who'm i wanna thank all for helping me gather some of the items. it would've bin much longer without their help. but in the end of the line i was able to craft myself 2 of the daggers for each form the specific dagger shown below. idk, if they would be first in server? since the item crafting now got fixed. if anyone knows, i would loved to know!
My first lvl 200!I'm bad at taking screenshots, but at least I got it on time lol. Shout-out to my guild members and to everyone who came! #Tomodachi
I'm super impressed by the fact that someone's actually gotten every single card set currently available but I'm happy to have finally gotten to 400 nonetheless LOL
Road too 1000b coins Thx @Doo convinced me to sell all useless weapons and helped me sell them (took months) can't make this without your help. Thx @Josh invited me to wiggle ! MINE GOD! =============== Also selling this fund me plz no more rush sell
The best kind of accomplishment is one that has no skill involved. 3 ws in 23 tickets (got 4 total in a run of 140 tickets) ty rng for finally blessing me
One of mine Goal here was to get all Attackers 7~8wa Mon But more and more friends quit , and many friends dw cwkpq anymore , cuz so Dry, So will stop here. AUF is best now worked hard last time , daily do 4~6 cwkpq in a day . why me so nerd?! anyway, I am Satisfied. Maybe will do cwkpq on Dk/bm ...if got friends want me and I still have moti Don't think I am lucky If u see failed Mons only keep godly ones... Many scam
It isn't much but this made me very happy today! Passed Genesis 30 on the first try I pretty much stopped logging in and playing 2-3 months ago so maybe this is telling me to start playing again