My BM washed from 11.9k base HP to 13.1k after doing the OLD (10/20 hp) quest for many months straight (now i gained 200 hp in a week lol)
I'm glad to finally be done with this medal. Those final 20 cards was a lot more difficult than I expected!
chaos scrolled +5 wa (rip luk) after 4-5 tries on 21 and 22 khanjars nx farm for nlc gach for the better part of a month and a half went 6/35 on the remaining slots shout out to r i c e guild/alliance for being a great community, @danielamar07 for pushing me to boss, my shad homies for all the ht and @Johnny @bibz for being cool and ws loan special s/o to my harnypoo for dealing with my farming obsession next step is upgrade wa gear to 50 ( at 42 rn )
https://i.filehostingsite/DrMxtZY/8mon.png I was pretty content with my 7ATT MoN on my DK but this one is definitely the best I've looted so far!! Finally got my first 8ATT MoN with perf LUK too on my NL. S/O to @Johnny for letting me drag him to endless runs and @Zomgturkey and Grace for the lucky run~ LF more lucky 8ATTs on my other attackers plz&ty
3rd day of soloing for my NoobLord and got this beautiful helm. i am not going for 60%+ws . i hope i can pass more 60% with this beauty. (it is actually a STR helm lmao) dont ask me why the background is krex lol. looting daily hopelessly........
Finished Legendary Collector today WITHOUT farming any Manons. So collector ain't an excuse to kill em LOL. I got to like 220 cards while doing virtuoso and near 300 completed cards up until 200. Decided to finish it off! Honestly, I had majority of the hard stuff done so it was really trivial and just time consuming. Last mobs I killed were reindeers in mu lung and Amoria mobs so shows how hard I had to stretch to get it done!
Made a perfect Arclancer first try, I kinda feel bad Shoutouts to: * Meant for giving me a free Tao to craft this * bibian for inviting me to her 200 party when I was a noob, and for being cool * ToDoList, Soobs and Cakeith for watching Arcane with me on Discord * Serllen for getting me hooked on this game then quitting a week later * The awesome folks in Rice, wouldn't still be playing without y'all I have heard that people may be interested in buying. I am giving myself a 2-week cooloff period to think about it, please wait until then before asking about it.
Holy crap on the first try????!!! See you in a few weeks when I'm going to be offering hard to buy this
It's better for you to keep it because it's the most rarest item in the server. You won't find another one.
Never thought i would join the ranks of the ''Washed Bishop'' Thanks to @fwuff @seir @Flair @Unknowingly for Running HT with me muling bishop just another mule i guess @soobs said that hes a bishop main Bows down* Next up on the list ''LEGENDARY COLLECTOR'' 50 more cards and make it 12k