December 12th, 2021: Left Maple Island. April 9th, 2022: Hit 200, having already obtained the Quest Virtuoso & Legendary Collector Medals.
I do quests starter pack ... I mean, Quest Virtuoso! Special thanks to @bibz for inspiring me to get this medal. It was a lot of fun doing something different in game! Spoiler: Legendary Virtuoso please
My one and only goal this event was to get 100 eggs in EGG pq. Thank you admin @Matt and father @jaydenlim for blessing me. Sorry to every victim of my middle platform wrath ... Spoiler: 335 Edit: another one.... LF>auf helm sponsor
It was a long one-year journey but we finally made it Thank you all my friends for supporting and believing in me 210 / 20 Meme 85 helm In total looted 176 Auf helms, over a span of 10 months, 11 of which had godly stats The only 7 Luk helm I looted had 1str/2dex Spoiler: All godly helms
Returned to maple after around 3+ year hiatus, decided to smash out my quests for this medal... bringing back the old school memories from the pq's and quests
Spoiler: Finished 1/21 (21) 1/14 (35) 1/16 (50) 1/1 (63) 1/1 (64) 1/1 (65) 1/7 (72) This dagger was originally from a meme gacha stolen from @jaydenlim but I decided to make the meme into the dream . TY my friends in Wiggle for the Wiggle Energy . @xcandyheart @bibz @jaydenlim for the WS loans @bibz for the lucky WS PASS LIKE CANDY
Nothing too great but, Managed to do lvl30>100 on my HS Mule without any grinding at all just funded with letters using my sniper & meso. For someone who can't play 5+ hours a day i feel pretty accomplished being someone who hasn't played this server since beta ended, then 2017-2018 and forgetting my account lol. Golden richies really has carried me good here, loved the event just 4 days remain.
Not much to some, but for someone who lost passion in grind since 2013 i would say after playing casual for a few months this felt good to reach once again.
Hope everyone has / had a good final week of April 2022 (It is 1 May in NZ at the time of writing) Humble highlights of my April 2022 final week: ✔ Used up all my Elixir and sold all my Power Elixir stock on last Sunday ✔ Became a household contact since last Monday evening thanks to my housemate ✔ Decided to buy more Elixir, and casually self-leeched SE and CR mule to Level 85 during self-isolation ✔ Accumulated 17-gacha-stacks worth of NX through the whole April ✔ Pulled 6 out from that 17 stacks ✔ Wondering if I should save two-months’ worth of NX next ✔ Completed 5/7 days of self-isolation at home and still tested negative Spoiler: Gacha Time https://i./k5dzqYL/April.png Don’t judge my NX They were mostly from daily votes and papu+ellin bosses, with few zak+krex during the past few days of self-isolation I had 10 dry stacks at NLC in a row during March, so I decided to see how much I can accumulate in April and spend all in one go
Got challenged by a friend to solo Horntail on my Bucc 'bet you wont!!' So I took him up to his challenge and this is how it ended out.. Attack pots used : 21 Gelt Chocolates 4 Heartstoppers 3 Energizers (on bishop) and tons of HP/MP & All cure potions. Characters used : Level 200 Buccaneer Level 199 Bishop Level 142 Sed mule Level 158 SE mule Level 132 Cr mule Spoiler: Other Screenshots Shoutout to Rogue VC for making this a fun run, and to @Jooon for showing me Bishop muling tricks! First Bucc to solo Horntail?!
1/2, 1/3, 1/3, 1/1... everytime I get this skill I'm prepared to throw away 4B at least im prepared for 1/4 for bishop!!! haha!!! https://i./NnsWrX0/image.png
Soloing Krex on my Marksman was worth it Used 3 energizers, took roughly an hour and 15 minutes (small breaks before renewing the gizer) I hope you're proud of me now Gert