Hope to hunt a perfect KC soon... glad it hasn't been too dry these few days There is a 105 GDK there though and a perfect luk thief OA Small achievement!
0/19 Eye LUK 10% CS+WS See you when it's Yellow Tagged B>3x Eye LUK 10% 150m ea Shoutout to @TofuMasterD for making me CS you're crazy
Over 3 years on this server with CWK being most if not all of the content/bossing I ever do and finally got something above a 5/5 bfc. Thanks @Lichette and @Annadepain7 for pro runs. One more of my goals on this server checked off before retirement
I didn't think I'd actually ever finish this....but here we are shoutout to the guild and quests worth doing (iykyk)
1/12 I wasn't gonna let you guys wait that long Thanks @lee1 for the Eye LUK 10% loan Out of gamba funds for now
Moo tilt scroll yolo at it's best. +5 str (-1 dex) Krex into 1/1 ws +10% +4 str Ifia (-4 dex) Fat Palamoo Where dex go ?!
Server's first Marksman Auf Helm complete! Total rate 20/241 THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HELPED. THIS WAS THE LEAST FUN THING I'VE EVER HAD TO DO ON ROYALS BUT IM GLAD ITS OVER!!! @Tylapia for running like 20 aufs with me and getting me my helm on the first run @yann and @Pea for supplying me almost ~200 of the miracle scrolls @MengQian for giving me the last lucky 4 scrolls to finish +20 @TofuMasterD yuckfogibe2r And all my other Rogue/Create friends that helped run with me through this journey! Catsclaw, Ronald, SoftCraft, and more! Thank you all so much! Started farming for it around October of last year, had a few upgrades here and there but glad to say I didn't have to pull out any big loans or downgrade any gears. And thank you @Nessi for inspiring me to main this shit class
No mage farming. No selling leech. No downgrades. No loans nor debts. No gifts. No getting lucky with cs. No RWT/Kerning “drop game” bullshit. 20/177. A decent comeback considering I was 5/84 and legit wanted to quit. Just raw auf soloing (profitable af btw)/nt farming/getting lucky in cwk/gach once in a while. What did it cost me then? All solo runs btw. So to the new players out here, you don’t need to “make a bishop and sell leech”, nx farming (prior to nt farming thata what I did) works just fine. Was kinda fun farming most of the mirs and the vast majority of WS, ngl. Overall next.
hapy 200 again with @boredxz & @Mads. first time late to my own party!! As always, thank you to Rice. But this time, thank you to Playboys, where Baumkuchen was born almost 3 years ago!!! I hate playing Bucc. Spoiler: oops https://i.filehostingsite/37zGXvy/Maple-Royals-11-10-2023-09-31-54.png
Original budget for 23 Gloves - 38b Posted B> 23 Gloves for awhile, no avail. Saw a 14/3 BWG for sale. Bidded 27B, Won. Tax for 27b coins was 810m Total 27,810,000, thinking of using Ws Service for the final 3 slot will set me back 30ws (10ws per slot) Which would cost total 27,810,000 + 13,500,000 (30ws x450m) = 41,130,000 Choose to yolo to cut cost. After researching the dark arts of dummy scrolling i started. It went 1/1 , 6/1 then 1/1, 8 Ws for 3 Slots Saved 22 Ws (9,9b)
Upgrading my Hog that's been with me since 2017 finally. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/taming-mob-hog-does-not-gain-exp.218311/ The old mounts back in the day had a high EXP cap. I'll miss my 11k EXP hog Interesting, that it keeps the exp at least! @sxgrloaf shoutouts haha
Welcome to my monopoly version of MapleRoyals. This isn't much of an accomplishment in many eyes, but through my stubbornness and unyielding will, and a bit of luck and help from friends. Endless hours of sitting in 1-1 FM waiting for a spot to expire. I was able to get each of these FM spots in 1-1 and later give them out to my BL. I can proudly say that the UwUs have lay claims to this whole 1-1 FM mid row for now.... Now its time to start building hotels on this block so I can charge double on rent. Shoutout to: @ReSoLuTiOnZ aka x3Carrotcake for holding spots for me @ItsRayyy aka Lyin for making room in the mid row so that I could start the uwu store train
today: did a 10k run got 2nd in a virtual fitness event passed mw20 turned 1 year older Spoiler: LUCK FEE & T0X1COOGWAY
100 runs of Von Leon! Today we had our 100th run in total since Von Leon's release, and I couldn't happier with our group It's been a really wild ride, with a lot of exciting and happy moments. We stuck together through the easy and hard times, and kept a consistent rate of 2 runs a week (sometimes 3) - no matter how hard it was to recruit or what patch it was. I'm very proud of everything we did - the hard times of Von Leon are behind us, but I can look back and be happy with the things we achieved together. On a more personal note - I'm grateful for this group existing, as it reignited my passion for the game and gave me an extremely friendly group of people to play with. Finland has never been about gear or minmaxing, we are just a group of friends who enjoyed testing our limits, and this is a fun approach to play the game for me. Some stats: Total clears - 94 Total fails - 6 Number of members - 67 (including retired/on break) Longest time without a failed run - 8 months Noteable achievements: - Server's first 16 man clear Spoiler: video - Server's first 14 man clear Spoiler: video - Server's first 12 man clear Spoiler: video - 1 death run (was shooting for deathless with many 1-3 deaths only attempts) Spoiler: video - Server's fastest pre nerf run (28 mins left) Spoiler: video - Server's 2nd fastest run (24 mins left) Spoiler: video I want to personally thank everyone involved: Spoiler: long list @autismax - tommi @Barte - jp @midwinter - ben @nut - nut @CodGhost - kev @lxlx - adam @Nerd - bloo @cremcrem - clem @special呆 - dai @Elie - eli @eddymeow - eddy @JackHarrie - danny @degerman123 - anton @PinaColadaPirate - jon @IJustinI - justin @Olli - olli @Maras - nana @JuliusOmega - omega @onetwotree - 123 @Paige - paige @mangomoy - pogdog @Ras - ras @Puffi - tal @tazan - tazan @Zkittlez - carl @caselead - dennis @tal hiki - tal @TunaBelly - tuna @Valzer - valzer @yann - yanzi @ZJZJ - zj @VitaLemonade - zwei @3ggs - eggy @cagedmercury - andrew @Dong - dong @Eywh - ed @Milky - fel @CreamGoddess - felipe @GreedyTW - greedy @kumaperu - airwork @Assault - late @Nguyens - jimmy @q28231131 - chao @veen11 - mandi @appleflyer - marine @MengQian - meng @okki - okki @Geyforlife - nel @nyannko777 - pasu @Shnang - sena @Kloss - xuan @ThAlonso - sive @Dupreeh - rigo @frozenrain - snowy @Snuf - jael @p2theredator - bean @HsLoneT - szu @Takikun - taki @TofuMasterD - rich @Tommy - tome @TXInst - sean @Raimie - rara @leishun - zi Thank you! and to many more runs together
5/40 ~! Thanks to all who sold me eye luk 10s (Finland group, Create, Oblv, BL) and special thanks pogdog @mangomoy for daily toad even though you hated it Spoiler: clean drop
I wanted to challenge myself to get the Legendary Collector medal at a relatively low level. My new record is Lvl 112 and I do not plan on beating it.