But that doesn't make it any more worth-while to train at, it'd still be terrible exp. All that does is gives mages and mobile classes another method of making money
Which is why you add teleports and buff the EXP. I said this in my first post. Mages will train at flat maps like Ulu because of telecasting. You could make the map give the same EXP for every class other than mages and it would still not be favoured over Ulu because of how fast mages can clear it with ultimates.
Buffing the godly system just for one arbitrary item is not a thing that will EVER happen on this server. It will just create confusion. The only way to buff the godly chance in a realistic way would be to buff the item drop itself. P.S im against this suggestion. Adding mobility to the map is the only suggestion that i can see being implimented to the game, the rest are honestly quite a stretch.
It was just an idea. I was simply trying to illustrate how easy it can be to create a "niche", like Jacob mentioned. Why do you think it would cause confusion, though? I personally don't think it matters if one monster has a higher chance to drop a godly item than another. Part of the fun of Maplestory is figuring out what locations are good and why and I'm sure there would be guides to finding which monsters have the highest rate of dropping these items. In fact, it would give people that enjoy writing guides something fun to do for the community. You could achieve the same effect anyway by just increasing the likelihood of certain drops, like you mentioned. I agree with you that it is a bit of a stretch to implement a feature like that and that's not what this topic is about. I do think that it would be nice in the future though, assuming we ever did get an EXP/mobility buff. In other words, once the numbers are in and we can see how popular these maps are with the changes, I don't think it would hurt to slightly modify drop rates/tables. In fact, I feel this kind of balancing should be happening at every available opportunity. There is no reason not to make use of all the content in the game. If something is lackluster, it deserves some attention. Almost all of the training areas in the game have absolutely no purpose because they are outdated and I think it would be great to work on that. In my experience, a good game rewards players for exploring and trying new things and "punishes" them for repeating the same content over and over again. By that, I mean they will miss out on a lot of what the game has to offer. If the game doesn't have anything else to offer, then it becomes stale very quickly. People get tired of going to the same places over and over again. So why not offer some incentive to go there? The mobility and EXP changes are obviously the biggest issues that should be addressed but I personally see no reason why you'd be against even smaller changes other than for nostalgia. This topic isn't about all the improvements that could be made to the game and I know I went off on a bit of a tangent talking about other ideas, but I feel it's all related. Content should not exist purely for the sake of nostalgia. There's nothing wrong with making adjustments for the sake of balance, in my opinion.