Following Nessi's (Tiras) foot steps, the old #1 MM. Will probably be back to claim #1 in a few months totally did not take off some equips to purposely lower my range
Feels good man https://i./Wn0gSQG/Captura-de-pantalla-2020-11-09-a-la-s-11-49-21.png Cya on 10 more levels <3
Lots of room for improvement but I have a few decent items. Hoping to be #1 one of these days. #LUKMage
I haven't played since January, but my HP increased by 500 and mp increased by almost 500, I wonder what happened? link to last older damage post:
Coming in to show off my ironman swagger! Mw 10, plz don't judge This is my current gear: [and yes, I'm too lazy to do more dojo, screw walking simulator pq!]