I tried to find other forum posts about this topic but came up with nothing relevant, but if there is something that exists and I missed it, please let me know. It came to my attention that there isn’t an apparent pattern to when mounts are allowed and are not allowed to be used. Horntail is the most relevant one that comes to mind when I think about bosses where mounts can be used. It makes sense because the map is quite large. However, the Papulatus map allows you to mount. And then the CWK Expedition doesn’t allow mounts. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason. I’d imagine that if mounts weren’t allowed in Horntail it would be super inconvenient at times when repositioning after getting sed. But in expeditions like CWK where sometimes a lot of characters are walking a lot, we have no option to use a mount for seemingly no reason. I’d propose that a consistent system be implemented for when mounts can be used, or to just allow them in every boss. Maybe there is a reason but I just can’t think of it?
I do like the idea of mounts being allowed for every boss, this could immensely help jobs get "back to the fight" quicker without special mobility skills like FJ or teleport.
I was also thinking about this quite often (particularly when doing CWK). I vaguely remember some CWKPQ discussion with mentions of parts being like a pseudo JQ (and hence the restriction), but I could be misremembering. At any rate, I don't really see what purpose restrictions serve. Mounts are a skill that you, as a player, earn. It is very reasonable to expect to be able to use mounts in boss maps, akin to riding your piggy into battle. I support.
I think mount limitation is map based, so because CWKPQ is built from multiple maps, there shouldn't be a problem to limit mounts on JQ maps, but allow mounts in non-JQ maps.
Yes, I just meant philosophically not technically. Just noting based on previous discussion that mounts at the very least should be allowed in boss map as opposed to the whole PQ, which I anticipate someone bringing up (not that I have a problem even with mounts being allowed throughout the entire PQ.)
I think about this all the time, I really think mounts should be allowed everywhere. Great tool for classes that lack mobility. I can't think of any good reason for not allowing mounts in certain maps where FJ/Tele/Recoil shot are still allowed. Also something minor I noticed with the most recent patch is that I can no longer use mount in shao, something I did rather often before the patch. Not that it's very important in shao, it's a tiny map, but if this was an unintentional change I just wonder if mount use has been affected elsewhere too. If it was an intentional change I wonder why .
Mounts are allowed in ellin bosses too. So can we have mounts in dojo now or am I going to have to make my NL party wait
it's pretty easy to enable mount use if this topic receives substantial support. I would also need a list of maps associated with the boss fight
Ninja Castle: Tower Room | Toad Malaysia: Spooky World | Scarlion & Targa Party Quest: Inner Sanctum Hallway Party Quest: Forgotten Storage Chamber Party Quest: The Test of Agility Party Quest: The Test of Wit Party Quest: Warrior Mastery Room Party Quest: Mage Mastery Room Party Quest: Mage Mastery Room [2] Party Quest: Mage Mastery Room [3] Party Quest: Bowman Mastery Room Party Quest: Pirate Mastery Room Party Quest: The Test of Unity Party Quest: Grandmaster Council Hall | CWK Boss Room Party Quest: Grandmaster Secret Chamber Party Quest: Crimsonwood Armory Last Mission: Zakum's Altar | Zakum Eastern China: Secret Library | Wulin Yaoseng Ludibrium: Origin of Clocktower | Papulatus Mulung Dojo Maps Zipangu: The Nightmarish Last Days | BGA Singapore: Ruins of Krexel II | Krexel Zipangu: 2102 Akihabara's Clash | Dunas V1 Zipangu: 2102 Shibuya Encounter | Dunas v2 Zipangu: 2102 Roppongi Mall Hallway | Royal Guard Zipangu: 2102 Core of Roppongi Mall | Core Blaze Zipangu: 2102 Top Floor of Roppongi Mall | Auf Haven @Sen can u add a poll to this post? although idk if it really needs one. it looks to me like a lot of people support this idea and i can't see how it isn't an absolute plus
You can already mount in Pap! But this is a good idea and won't negatively affect gameplay--zero risk play. Thanks Viv!
maybe can merge this one https://royals.ms/forum/threads/allow-mounts-during-dojo-runs.197959/ here aswell + i remember few updates ago that mounts got changed to allow potions use while ride so it seems like there is intention to use them at fight-boss/mobs maps but don't know why some boss don't allow for some like CWK rooms and JQ's part i kinda understand the intention to limit the use but still won't hurt allowing or atleast at stages where JQ is needed to be disabled and enabled in all other parts
i get that some cwk rooms are like jump quests, but what doesn't make sense at all is that teleport and haste and flash jump are all allowed, so the logic isn't really there to not allow mounts as well.
ye but i mean like is JQ and even the map says test of agility and also maybe thats why warrior is placed down right and archer near by up while other gets harder and further positions due to fj/tp/haste then let the fastest one again to run to top nevertheless is QoL change if mounts are allowed there aswell
Does enabling mounts have to be strictly for boss/PQ maps? If not, might I suggest enabling mounts in the control room (map with teleport to Ellin Forest)? (Hidden Street: Time Control Room)
it might depend on which client window size, 1024*768 or 800*600, you use. I can mount during shao boss in 800*600 but not in 1024*768