Pink Bean Pre-Feedback!

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by anglerfish1, Jan 25, 2025 at 8:42 PM.

  1. anglerfish1

    anglerfish1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    I dunno if it's okay to have this sort of thread here, but I thought we could provide feedback for Pink Bean before it even comes out. What do you want to see? What do you NOT want to see? Maybe staff can take some ideas from here and run with them. If not, at least it's fun to speculate :xD:

    I don't know much about PB, so maybe others can provide better feedback than me, but I'll start! :)

    For me, I think it would be nice if PB was designed similar to VL, where there's certain skills you actually have to dodge, rather than just holding down the attack button until it dies.

    I also really like how bishops need to play an active role in VL. Would be nice to have that in PB too. Like if bs needed to heal people in sed, provide hsh, dispel status effects, etc. Maybe even help attack? What if some mobs could apply weapon cancel to themselves that CR doesn't work on, so only mages can help clear them while everyone else focuses on the boss?

    I don't want to see damage reflect, unless you do something about the fact that it only kills BMs. It should either be something that all classes need to avoid, or just don't have it at all.
    In terms of drops, I'm guessing mw30 is on the table, but not sure about timeless/reverse weapons? :confused: I'm concerned about these weapons making all the current endgame weapons completely obsolete and ruining a large part of the economy. Maybe some kind of approach where the lvl 100/110 weapons could be used as part of crafting the timeless weapon, and the stats carry over? Not sure! Would like to hear what ideas other people have!
  2. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    This is how I'd do it, carry over the stats of their current weapon, and then also provide a way to reset the timeless weapon's level (and stats gained from leveling) if you didn't like the random rolls. Frequent resets could be a good exp AND meso sink if it cost like 10-50m per reset, and a decent chunk of exp per level gained.

    For me, I don't think the DPS check needs to be too much harder than VL, just aim for a 18-24 person expedition instead of 12-18 (30 gets too hard to see what's going on so I'd avoid that, unless you have mechanics that would require players to spread out), but I think the mechanical difficulty (how hard it is to stay alive/clear the boss assuming you have enough gear in the party) should be a significant step up in difficulty from Von Leon.

    Mechanics that require coordinating with other players to complete would be nice (imagine a 2 person jail room or something, or requiring some people to aggro mobs over to a corner and kill them there, while the rest of the group needs to stay on PB).

    More death/fail conditions, as in attacks that kill large portions of players unavoidably if you don't properly do their mechanics (perhaps something like re-summoning all 5 statues with reduced HP, going invulnerable, and then after a X seconds drop a full blanket of rocks around all statues left alive. Might need something else to prevent everyone from just stacking on one statue, IDK)

    It might be a good idea to disable total crash in the map, and then weapon/magic cancel can be used to force mechanics to be handled in a certain way. Just make sure to not overuse them and annoy players.
  3. InfiniteJest

    InfiniteJest Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I would like it to be challenging; having attacks you need to actively dodge like VL's castle golem drop would be a good start.
    Drops? I like the idea of adding a new slot entirely e.g. pauldron or pocket. Maybe make it a 10 slot item with something similar to the auf miracle scroll. This would circumvent any existing items being made obsolete.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025 at 11:50 PM
  4. dannyboi2343

    dannyboi2343 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2024
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    In terms of mechanics, i feel VL was the RIGHT direction of going moving forward. I like that VL makes muling and duo attacking virtually obsolete. VL also incorporates other classes better than bosses before, for example, bishop isnt just a hs mule and is actively used to help with mobs, cast holy shield for gargoyles and provides res. I want pink bean to be like this too but harder in terms of difficulty like sylafia mentioned.

    As for drops, i think its safe to assume mw30 will drop like already mentioned, maybe it could be adjusted?. i think timeless/reverse weapons are too overpowered though, they have higher base att and they have the ability to also "level" which adds a further increase of stats.
    Maybe we could add a shoulder equip as a drop instead? maybe some new unique scrolls like a 70% dark ~cs or 30% dark ~cs that goes can go -6 - +6 etc. Or even a skillbook enhancement book for certain skills that raises them past their max by +1.
    LoneSniper, anglerfish1 and Sylafia like this.
  5. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    There are lots of timeless weapon discussion threads, it's a really fussy topic, and honestly I get the feeling it's probably already settled, but I think that might want to be a separate thread bc there's just so many ways to go with it.

    Atm I just want to ask one question with serious player feedback: what would you value MW30sb at?

    Would you sell it immediately or use it to improve additional PB runs?

    I think it's wise to use a few on your PB squad before you start opening the market, or sell within the pt bc it will affect all content you do as well. I would encourage all ppl who first start running to just bite the bullet and eat the SBS, since they will help with literally all content, but I'm sure anyone who can run pb can afford it anyway.

    They should increase the drop rate of masks though. You can do all pb pres and not find a single one--and you need 30. They're going to be so overpriced soon
  6. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    They just need to make it so your char and summons are always on top of others for visibility (and for jq), in all instances, same plat or not
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025 at 2:46 AM
  7. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    What Id like to see:

    1.-As probably all of us a really challenging but att he same time REWARDING ENOUGH content.

    2.-Im in favor of timeless/ reverse weapons, but with some tweaks.

    -Reading above theres a couple of interesting ideas like using old weapons as base to craft new ones.

    - Personally ive tought that new weapons can come in form of "nx covers" with stats and speciall scrolls or quest/missions to lvl them up/scroll them.

    -Got opinions from friends who even think that the weapon market has been stale for too long and an earthquake like bringing the actual weapons wouldnt be that bad to re-alive the server, altought i think its not completely wrong, it might be risky asf.

    What I dont like to see:

    1.- A permanent 30( or even 24 tbh) ppl boss.-


    This comment from has been on my mind since Matt posted it on the VL feedback thread more than 2 years ago.

    -1st version of VL was the top content I enjoyed in this game, and the 1st clear was not only my peak moment of royals, but also a moment I cherish in general in my life, you can see a few post b4 that I was one of the ppl who was mad about the change staff did to the boss at the moment, but if you look carefully my main complain wasnt the changes, but the timing, all because from the start I knew that a 30 man boss wasnt sustainable for the long run(smtg of course, not even my friends agreed with me because of how exited they were with that original challenge)

    Ngl, id like to experiment once again that challenge, but i dont think a continous 30 man boss run is sustainable. Maybe a "Hard PB"(24-30 man needed) entry to gain some sort of "access pass" to a normal version of PB that is defeatable by 12-18 ppl group?. IDK

    2.- A full RNG content.-

    -Were all guessing that PB will come with mw30 and somehting else, being the weapons, or an unique item as a shoulder or any other OB accesory that will be a a new BiS, wich is probably make worth the effort, but i will reinforce my poreviosu input, a challenging run has to be rewarding enough, oposite to what most bosses, including VL are. Its very sad for me seeing how much ppl just sttoped doing VL cs its not really woth it... and its true, personally the only way to keep me motivated to still runing VL is to have low expectations of getting a good belt, but at the same time keep the hopes of actually getting it, and its becoming harder and harder, on the chars im not really looking for a belt , i find a waste of time even attemp it, hope PB will have smtg that makes ppl want to keep coming week over week....
  8. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Please, don't make it tedious to gain re-entry to the boss. It's already annoying enough gathering 12~18+ high end players. Also, provide bonus room map in teaser video or release announcement so that organizers can plan around it.
    Sylafia and anglerfish1 like this.
  9. anglerfish1

    anglerfish1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2021
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    One other thing I want to bring up is HP requirements! I think ~19k is around what most players aim to hit in order to run end-game content nowadays. So I really really hope PB doesn't creep past that number. Don't push for more hp washing, 19k is already a lot! And we also have to consider drks trying to zerk this content.
  10. Cooler

    Cooler Donator

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Washing any char as the key to gatekeeping any content is utterly broken and can not be tolerated any more IMO. Washing is a profitable exploit and should be a luxury for min/maxing only, NOT a requirement for any content whatsoever.

    I will do all in game content that pushes my HP up, but I will not wash/participate in exploits that gatekeep players.

    Whatever grampa balrog or these tiger guys have in store, or anything else coming, needs to be additional hp sources, or VL/PB will bottleneck the server even worse in terms of current class metas (people will just stop making ranged characters if all this content is gatekeep behind convoluted HP exploits), and wealth disparity of those who can vs can't participate

    If this isn't being prioritized then PB is unwelcome and pointless content imo, certainly the devs must understand this tension and bridge it.

    The same argument goes for people who don't want ToT weapons/armor bc it devalues their perf gear. Perf dragon gear will probably not lose much value in reality, those prices reflect meta demand, but also the price to scroll them as well, which is pretty stable
    LoneSniper likes this.

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