https://i./BzcdHJT/TYPO1.png Peach Angely should be Peach Angel https://i./yf7YCGr/TYPO2.png VonBon should be Von Bon
If someone's in your player permit store and you click the little X in the corner under them it asks if you want to ban them from your store. But it just kicks them. So either fix that or just edit the text to say kick instead of ban lol
This is from the quest everyone received today for the Mid-Autumn Festival! quest. It's no one, not noone.
"You can't enter sealed place." is improper verbiage. Maybe we could add an article in there, "You can't enter the sealed place." or better, "You cannot enter this sealed area."
The Smore drop for the Haunted House has no description as to what it buffs, but it does give buffs: Looks like it gives +10 to Jump, +10 to Speed, +10 to Accuracy and +10 to Avoidability.
Hello guys. This quest text is different now but still broken. Missing spaces for dragon skin and dark jr yeti skins. Missing space at 200Tiger Only tiger skin is visible here but the quest helper is correct!