The class text for Heavens Hammer 20 skillbook is misspelled as "Paldain". The Heavens Hammer 30 book is spelled correctly though.
This is from the Blizzard quest for ice lightning. Pretty sure it is supposed to be Cold heart of a wolf from Lycanthropes.
You get this message if you try to pick a wedding ring with all the correct items but with a full USE tab. Maybe add something about making space so people don't think it's bugged?
"The Messenger of the Toy Palace" quest In the Quest Window, "Ratz" and "Retz" are incorrectly switched while the Quest Helper is correctly displaying the kill count (this screenshot was taken after I had killed 10 Ratz, 10 Black Ratz, and 4 Retz.)
Doing the spring of youth hp quest like a good boi. It was not my ETC that was full, but my USE. I got bamboozled, and lost 30 seconds of my life in confusion!
Quest: Off to the Fantasy Theme Park (Npc Lam in Kampung Village). Error: The NPC dialogue says to bring 200 Rodeo's Scarfs. Then, the quest window dialogue says to collect 10 Rodeo's Scarfs. However, the quest counter requires you to collect 10 Rodeo's Master. According to hidden street it seems that collecting 10 Rodeo's Master is correct, and there are just two typos. Spoiler: Typo Images Guess I'll add another. Quest: Black Clouds... Error: The npc asks for "20 steel."... should be 20 steel plates. Spoiler: Quest Dialogue
I dunno if this fits the purpose of this thread, but just curious: isn't this supposed to be Horntail's RIGHT hand? It is left hand on player's point of view, but it is Horntail's right hand in his point of view lol
Dark Scroll for Overall STR 30% and Dark Scroll for Overall STR 70% are incorrectly labelled as "Scroll for Overall STR 30%" and "Scroll for Overall STR 70%". https://i./7QYnByM/image.png
Mithril Mutae card is labeled as "Mithril mutae" in the Monster Book. Also, Saitie mob is incorrectly referenced as Cyti in the Quest "Parwen's Pass": https://i./Pmkr98w/Screenshot-2021-04-19-142004.png
Robin on maple island. The maple leaf should be 5k nx card. Literally unplayable. Spoiler: image of typo
Quest: The legend of Papa Pixie The dialogue is not consistent with the removal of OPQ upper level limit. Also I believe there is a missing space in "So gather good friends. Don't..."
The Trucker Card gives +2 accuracy but it doesn't say anything when you hover on the buff icon. change to meet any perhaps.