Islander Community Rankings / Guides

Discussion in 'Community' started by Mooshy, Dec 8, 2014.


Which Islander rankings icon do you prefer?

Poll closed Sep 27, 2015.
  1. Big Palm Tree

  2. Islander Looking Person

  3. Islander Looking Person + Mushroom & Sun

  4. Islander Looking Person + Snail & Sun

  1. Mooshy

    Mooshy Donator

    Nov 19, 2017
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    Poll Results

    Islander Rankings Icon Poll Results



    Welcome to your one stop shop for islander information and rankings.

    Islander only forum that goes way back: (removed dead link)

    Staff notice:
    If you find yourself outside the island don't touch anything and make an immediate report. Failing to do this will result in not being warped back. Additionally, if you are in possession of any non Maple-Island items, dispose of them. Being caught with such items will result in being warped off the island, whether you are currently in possession of them or not.


    Q: What is an islander?
    A: An islander is a character which does not leave Maple Island and continues to level past level 10 there indefinitely.

    Q: Why make an islander?
    A: This is a rather subjective and personal question, it cannot be answered too broadly except perhaps to say that those who make islanders most likely derive some form of pleasure from things like the internal consistency of Maple Island, the large community of like-minded people, the aesthetic or perhaps novelty of an islander character and maybe even the challenge. Being an islander in MapleRoyals is particularly more rewarding than it was in official servers since GM's and Admins actively care about us and supply us with catered events, we are promised that Maple Island will remain consistent and unspoiled in future updates and we even have our own rankings.

    Q: Should I make an islander?
    A: I cannot answer that for you, just know that it is not for everyone, being successful as an islander means having dedication, patience and committing to an abysmal grind a.k.a hard work. Just know that if you do decide to make one the community will welcome you with open arms. We have an official guild, an official skype chat / call, an active and supportive community and I will personally supply serious islanders with a free Maplemas Lights and additionally pay for the face and hair of islanders I like which reach level 45.

    Q: Where / how did you get that cool equipment?
    A: Some island mobs drop some common gear islanders can wear, we've also been exposed to quite a few events as well.

    Q: How did you get that cool hair / face?
    A: Those who have non-default faces acquired them by donating to the server in return for RP (Royal Points) and spending these on new hair and eyes using the command ~donator. You should note that you cannot go back to the default hairs or faces once you make the change and some off-island faces and hairs are missing from the donator stylist. Also your hair or face might be one of the few that don't properly render on the rankings at all.

    Q: How active is Maple Island?
    A: The island is always much more active during events but currently around 3 people are on consistently with guest appearances by others.

    Q: How long does it take IslandSlut or Chokladkakan to level?
    A: Under ideal conditions? Around 20 hours. Realistically? 24+ hours.

    Islander Vocabulary

    Camper / Applelander: These terms refer to characters which stay and level in the apple training camp tutorial. This server currently does not support campers as a type of tutorial class yet but the idea has gained some popularity and admin / gm acknowledgement. Campers will be implemented in the New Source and are currently being tested in the Open Beta.

    Strlander: An Islander which purely adds Str.

    Dexlander: An islander which purely adds Dex, or adds enough dex to achieve 80 minimum damage with thier final weapon.

    Hybrid: An islander which has added both Str and Dex. Some Dexlanders who hit 80 minimum damage and start adding Str do not consider themselves actual hybrids.

    Magelander: An islander which has the stats (55 Int 20 Luk) to wield the common weapon Metal Wand.

    Luklander: An islander which increases their Luk stat.

    Perfectlander: Refers to a specific build IslandSlut came up with which attempts to covers all the bases of novelty and efficiency. A perfectlander first adds wand stats and is a magelander, then adds enough dex to hit minimum 80 damage with a fast weapon, then continues adding LUK into infinitude. The goal is novelty and top efficiency of grinding.

    Mush / Mushy / Mushies: Generally referring to Orange Mushrooms or sometimes more broadly the map where Orange Mushrooms are most prominent, Dangerous Forest.

    Afklander / Chillander: This term refers to a player who starts an islander character, levels to some casual level (20-23 or 30-33 most commonly) and then only comes on for events and socializing. They often put effort into everything except grinding, buying multiple extravagant cash shop outfits, which they change constantly, buying a face and hair with RP despite never being on to show them off, collecting fame, conversing, KSing islanders who actually train, making many alt characters on island, crowding up their guild BBS with posts. Sometimes in the case where this condition is especially serious the individual will dabble in map editing, which is understood as a destitute form of moral degeneracy in current day medical literature. Sometimes they make predictably lifeless suggestions such as island gach / bosses, in a disrespectful way, while knowing that they will never reach the level required for these things. Generally anything they suggest for future updates displays a trademark disrespect for the things that make islanding great. This condition is in fact, terminal, it cannot be cured. If you or someone you know is afflicted by this deadly illness here is what you should do: Go for the high score.

    Ropelander: A lighthearted nickname for islanders with lazy training habits who take breaks from training often by hopping onto a rope (perhaps after gaining a certain percentage of experience).

    Quitlander: The term quitlander is generally a tongue in cheek joke which references the predominance of islanders who quit to suggest some islander who may be simply taking a break to deal with real life responsibilities or off island characters is actually really a quitter who is leaving us forever. Quitlanders are also sometimes jokingly referred to as weak or a casual / nerd, particularly when the leave of absence is inspired by real life responsibilities or off island characters (If you don't island 24/7 don't even talk to me tbh uwu~). Some believe that when one returns to playing their island character they cease to be a quitlander, though it is heavily debated whether or not at some length of absence a person is permanently irredeemably a quitlander. One fhamouz example is WatIsHarbor.

    Famelander: This term refers to an islander whose main goal appears to be the accumulation of fame or defame. Such a person might only log in to trade fame, perhaps even using level 15 mule to trade more than would ussually be possible. Such a dangerous addiction to fame can stand in the way of making actual leveling progress on an islander character and so it is recommended islanders suffering from this condition go to Maple Island rehab.

    Fireworklander: An annoying person who may or may not also be a Chillander who actually spends NX on fireworks and uses them at every possible moment to obstruct the screen of other islanders. One famous example of this occurred when GM Alyo visited Maple Island to buff the Islanders. Another famous example was at the party celebrating IslandSlut and Chokladkakans levelling to 70 together party.


    The two skills which provide the best utility to islanders are Three Snails and Nimble Feet, max these.

    DEX Islander (Dexlander)

    For this build you only increase your DEX stat in attempts to build a high enough minimum damage (80) to eventually 1-hit KO orange mushrooms and pigs every time at higher levels (around level 32+). Once you reach 80 minimum damage (ideally with a decent maple umbrella) it's up to you if you want to continue to add more DEX or if you want to start adding STR for more damaging hits. Either way it doesn't make a difference in the current island. Some Dexlanders have experienced accidental bans (1) (2) (3) over their consistent damage so just be aware of this, perhaps add a few points into strength to lessen your chance of hitting the same damage over and over again. You will most likely have your ban revoked if you explain the situation politely on the forum. Some efficient training spots for a Dexlander on the rise include Hunting Ground In The Middle Of The Forest I and Field East Of Amherst.

    STR Islander (Strlander)

    For this build you only increase your STR stat in attempts to build a large enough damage range to eventually 1-hit KO orange mushrooms and pigs most of the time (not 100%) at higher levels. Since this build specifically lacks DEX it's possible that you will find yourself having to attack enemies twice often and even at higher levels every once in awhile you still might hit beneath the necessary damage to 1-hit KO a monster. This can be frustrating and relatively inefficient and some islanders avoid this build because of it. This build was popular in official servers because 1x exp made it difficult to to achieve the levels necessary to accumulate enough DEX to achieve 80 minimum damage. Building STR allowed lower level islanders to grind on higher level mobs much quicker and therefore level up much faster in the short run and since most islanders didn't have the dedication required to achieve 80 minimum damage with a DEX build. This was a quick go-to casual build for the time. With 3x exp in this server a pure DEX build is much more viable, even for casual islanders, and in my opinion worth the time investment. A notable Pure Str Islander in this server is Boobs, who has hit 1k damage on island before.

    Hybrid Islander

    Mixing STR and DEX in a build is not recommended because both pure STR and pure DEX builds have a specific purposes, build towards 1-hit kill potential in their own ways. Taking focus out of either by mixing stats only slows down the goals of the individual builds. For example if you are a STRlander and have been so for 35 levels then suddenly start adding dex it will only take away from the explicit goal of a pure STR build: to try to expand your damage range exponentially in order to 1-hit KO mobs most of the time. You would make more use out of a rapidly growing maximum damage than you would a measly amount of minimum damage at this point. For another example if you are building pure DEX you should get 80 minimum damage first before adding STR because 80 minimum damage as quick as possible is the explicit goal of the build. Most hybrid built islanders became so because they realized the inherent frustration and inefficiency of being a STRlander a little too late and wanted to be DEX.


    A magelander is a character which stays on Maple Island and increases their INT and LUK in order to wield the level 18 beginner wand, Metal Wand. The wand requires 55 INT and 20 LUK. People who make magelander characters sometimes do it to appeal to off-island mage aesthetic, feigning that throwing a snail shell is their form of magic. Often after achieving the stats necessary to wield the wand magelander characters proceed to add STR, DEX or extra MP. If your magelander is only going to use red snails shells only then a shell efficient solo training spot for them would be The Field East Of Amherst due to the high concentration of red snails and stumps which you can kill efficiently with red shells. Slimes are the exception since killing them with two shells is often a waste, but luckily they aren't the majority in this map. You can also help some nooblets who often come through here with Mai's quests in return for their lemons / oranges for MP to throw more shells. You might also find The Field West Of Southperry to be a good training spot despite it's lower exp p/h because of the increased shell usage efficiency (most creatures there have 80 or 40 hp). The highest exp per hour which is possible for a magelander can be achieved on top and middle of Dangerous Forest while in a party with a Strlander or Dexlander on the bottom. Every 1000 green apples will give you enough MP to throw 4285 red shells which if used efficiently against red snails and stumps will equal out to around 137120 exp earned.

    LUK Islander (Luklander)

    An islander which increases their LUK stat in order to accumulate high amounts of avoidability on island so that creatures will 'miss' them often. Generally not recommended to go down this route from level one since 1. The amount of avoidability granted to islanders from LUK is rather negligible any ways. 2. You will lack a way of inflicting consistent damage in order to level. I recommend you build DEX until 80 minimum damage first, then add LUK (see my perfect islander build below) If you do only add LUK you'll probably be using red snail shells, good training spots for a LUKlander are similar to the Magelander's above.

    "Perfect" Islander Build (Perfectlander)

    I don't want to suggest that this is the objectively best islander build, this is simply my subjective opinion about a build that I believe would cover all the islander bases, so to speak. The reason why I personally think this is the best build is because it is designed for novelty and end game efficiency all together. I would personally have a lot of respect for the person who went through all the trouble to make this kind of islander. The first step of this build is to achieve wand stats (55 Int, 20 Luk) in order to wield the metal wand, for the novelty. You should add the INT first, even before you level to 2, because of HP wash potential. Then you should add everything into dex until you can 1-hit mushrooms / pigs with a speedy weapon like maplemas lights or maple umbrella (80 minimum damage). Following that you should put the rest into your Luk and go for high amounts of avoidability. At level 13 you should have wand stats. It is likely you will be around level 28-30 by the time you can 1-hit stumps and red snails (40 minimum.) It could take upwards of 13500 red snail shells and 3250 green apples worth of MP to reach this point, because you will likely be training with three snails. Training efficiently as a 40 minimum damage dexlander means taking top / mid in a Dangerous Forest duo or solo training on a map filled mostly with red snails and stumps. Some good spots for this would be Field East Of Amherst, Field West Of Southperry or Tomato Field. Around level 35 you should be able to 1 hit slimes (50 minimum) You can solo train on slimes at Hunting Ground Middle Of The Forest 1 or continue taking top in a Dangerous Forest duo. You will likely be doing this until you are around level 45 (depending on how good your weapons are.) You could use a slower hitting 2-handed event weapon if you want to hit a minimum damage goal quicker and to be able to move on to pig or mushroom map solos quicker.


    All solo tests done with a surfboard on a dexlander with enough dex to 1 hit all the enemies in the map and negligable amounts of speed and jump (3 speed, 5 jump). All Max Exp tests done alone with 21 speed, 5 jump, 80 minimum damage, maple umbrella while following the most efficient training pattern for the map and using advanced platformer physics and nimble feet.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Pig Spot)Hunting Ground Middle of The Forest 2
    Solo: 94.5k p/h Max Exp: 100k p/h
    Duo: Around 94.5k p/h each = 189k p/h collectively (This appears to be the exp threshold for this map, i.e. the maximum experience which can be reasonably milked from it)

    It seems this map provides the best solo exp that is possible on Maple Island and is also just as good for duoing.

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: red yellow stripe shirt, blue white stripe shirt, ice jeans, purses, wands, dex scroll for shoes.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Main Mushroom Spot)Dangerous Forest
    Solo: 80k p/h Max Exp: 85k p/h
    Duo: (Bottom Layer) 107k p/h (Mid + Top) 83k p/h

    It seems the highest exp per hour which is possible on Maple Island can be achieved by taking the bottom layer of this map with another player on the top and middle layer. The highest exp per hour which is possible for a magelander can be achieved on top and middle here while in a party with a Strlander or Dexlander on the bottom.

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: gomushins, double axe, purses, wands, striped shirts, helmet def scroll (60%), jump scroll for shoes, topwear defense scoll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Slime Spot)Hunting Ground In The Middle Of The Forest 1
    Solo: 68k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: purses, wands, white bandanas, striped shirts, bottomwear defense scrolls, surfboards.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Alt Mushroom Spot)In a Small Forest
    Solo: 66k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: double axe, gomushins, striped shirt, ice jeans, jump scroll for shoes, helmet def scroll, topwear def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Magelander Spot) Field East Of Amherst
    Solo: 64 kp/h Magelander Solo:

    This map is useful for training magelanders and other obscure build islanders due to the high concentration of red snails and stumps which you can kill efficiently with red shells. Slimes are the exception since killing them with two shells is often a waste, but luckily they aren't the majority in this map. You can also help some nooblets who often come through here with Mai's quests in return for their lemons / oranges for MP to throw more shells.

    Noteful loot you are likely to find from most likely to least likely: purses, metal wands, white bandanas, female striped shirt, surfboard, topwear defense scroll (10%), bottomwear def scroll (10%), scroll for shoe dex (10%)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Field West Of Southperry
    Solo: 49.5k p/h

    This map is rather shell efficient for magelanders (most of the enemies have 40 or 80 HP).

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: purses, metal wands, striped shirts, gomushins, double axe, scroll for topwear for def (10%), scroll for shoe jump (10%).

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Event Spot) Tomato Field
    Solo: 49k p/h

    This spot is good for grinding event drops since there are so many monsters crammed into a small relatively level area.

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, purses, wands, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Snail Field of flowers
    Solo: 43.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, purses, wands, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Shroom Spot)Mushroom Garden
    Solo: 37.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: ice jeans, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Field West Of Amherst
    Solo: 34.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, ice jeans, topwear def scroll, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Snail Garden
    Solo: 33.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, purses, wands, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    A Split Road
    Solo: 27k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, purse, ice jeans, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Snail Hunting Ground 2
    Solo: 24k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, helmet def scroll.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Snail Hunting Ground 3
    Solo: 23.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: striped shirts, helmet def scroll.

    Snail Hunting Ground 1
    Solo: 20.5k p/h

    Noteful loot you are likely to find in order from most likely to least likely: helmet def scroll.

    How Much Longer Until I Level?

    Level 20
    Exp: 20216
    337 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    10 minutes (107k p/h
    12 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    15 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 25
    Exp: 47216
    787 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    26 minutes (107k p/h)
    29 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    35 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 30
    Exp: 95700
    1595 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    53 minutes (107k p/h)
    ]1 hour 0 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    1 hours 11 minutes (80k p/h

    Level 35
    Exp: 174216
    2903 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    1 hour 37 minutes (107k p/h)
    1 hour 50 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    2 hours 10 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 40
    Exp: 294216
    4903 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    2 hours 45 minutes (107k p/h)3 hours 6 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    3 hours 40 minutes (80k p/h)
    Level 41
    Exp: 324240
    5404 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    3 hours 2 minutes (107k p/h)
    3 hours 25 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    4 hours 3 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 42
    Exp: 356916
    5949 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    3 hours 20 minutes (107k p/h)
    3 hours 46 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    4 hours 27 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 43
    Exp: 391140
    6519 Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    3 hours 39 minutes (107k p/h)
    4 hours 8 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    4 hours 53 minutes (80k p/h)

    Level 44
    Exp: 428280
    Level 45
    Exp: 468450
    Level 46
    Exp: 510420
    Level 47
    Exp: 555680
    Level 48
    Exp: 604416
    Level 49
    Exp: 655200
    Level 50
    Exp: 709716
    Level 51
    Exp: 748608
    Level 52
    Exp: 789631
    Level 53
    Exp: 832902
    Level 54
    Exp: 878545
    Level 55
    Exp: 926689
    Level 56
    Exp: 977471
    Level 57
    Exp: 1031036
    Level 58
    Exp: 1087536
    18125 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    10 hours 10 minutes (107k p/h)
    11 hours 30 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    13 hours 36 minutes (80k p/h)
    Level 59
    Exp: 1147032
    Level 60
    Exp: 1209994
    Level 61
    Exp: 1276501
    Level 62
    Exp: 1346242
    Level 63
    Exp: 1420016
    Level 64
    Exp: 1497832
    24964 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    13 hours 59 minutes (107k p/h)
    15 hours 51 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    18 hours 43 minutes (80k p/h)
    Level 68
    Exp: 1854143
    30902 Orange Mushrooms / Pigs (60 exp each)
    17 hours 19 minutes (107k p/h)
    19 hours 37 minutes (94.5k p/h)
    23 hours 9 minutes (80k p/h)


    Best Island Set

    This section outlines the best equipment for each slot available to islanders so far, the focus being on increasing speed and damage.


    [​IMG] Maple Umbrella (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 40-50 (up to 54) Speed: 10-14 (up to 18)


    [​IMG] Maplemas Lights / Wee Bulbs (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 38-48 (up to 52) Speed: 9-11 (up to 15)


    [​IMG] Stolen Fence (Level 5)
    Wep Def: 5


    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Hat (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 2 Mag Atk: 2


    [​IMG] Blue One-Lined T-Shirt (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-13 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Red-Lined T-Shirt (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-13 (up to 18)


    [​IMG] Ice Jeans (Level 16)
    Wep Def: 11-15 (up to 20) MP: 2-4 (up to 9)


    [​IMG] White Gomushin (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 3-5 (up to 10) Speed: 1-3 (up to 8)


    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Scarf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 25 Mag Def: 25 All Stats: 4 HP: 40 MP: 40 Wep Atk: 1 Mag Atk: 1


    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Earrings (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 18 Mag Def: 18 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5

    Face Accessory

    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Leaf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 20 Mag Def: 20 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5

    Vanilla Drops

    [​IMG] Green Headband (Level 5)
    Wep Def: 4-6 (up to 11)
    [​IMG] Red Miniskirt
    Wep Def: 1-3 (up to 8)
    [​IMG] Sword
    Wep Atk: 15-19 (up to 24)
    [​IMG] White Undershirt (M)
    Wep Def: 2-4 (up to 9)
    [​IMG] Scroll for Helmet for DEF 10%
    Blue Snail
    [​IMG] Undershirt (M)
    Wep Def: 2-4 (up to 9)
    [​IMG] Grey Thick Sweat Pants (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-11 (up to 16)
    [​IMG] Blue One-Lined T-Shirt (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-13 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Red-Lined T-Shirt (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-13 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Ice Jeans (Level 16)
    Wep Def: 11-15 (up to 20) MP: 2-4 (up to 9)
    [​IMG] Hand Axe
    Wep Atk: 15-19 (up to 24)
    [​IMG] Jean Capris (Level 5)
    Wep Def: 4-6 (up to 11)
    Red Snail
    [​IMG] Sword
    Wep Atk: 15-19 (up to 24)
    [​IMG] Leather Purse (Level 15) (Req 20 STR)
    Wep Atk: 30-38 (up to 43)
    [​IMG] Metal Wand (Level 18) (Req 55 INT 20 LUK)
    Wep Atk: 18-24 (up to 29) Mag Atk: 29-37 (up to 42)
    [​IMG] Leather Sandals
    Wep Def: 1-3 (up to 8)
    [​IMG] Yellow T-Shirt
    Wep Def: 2-4 (up to 9)
    [​IMG] Amethyst Earrings (Level 15)
    No stats.
    [​IMG] White Tubetop
    Wep Def: 2-4 (up to 9)
    [​IMG] Wooden Club
    Wep Atk: 17-21 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Sky Snowboard
    Wep Atk: 15-20 (up to 25)
    [​IMG] Scroll for Topwear for DEF 10%
    [​IMG] White Bandana (Level 10)
    Wep Def: 7-9 (up to 14)
    [​IMG] Blue Jean Shorts (M)
    Wep Def: 1-3 (up to 8)
    [​IMG] Leather Purse (Level 15) (Req 20 STR)
    Wep Atk: 30-38 (up to 43)
    [​IMG] Gold Surfboard (Level 15)
    Wep Atk: 35-43 (up to 48) Jump: 4-6 (up to 11)
    [​IMG] Sky Snowboard
    Wep Atk: 15-20 (up to 25)
    [​IMG] Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 10%
    Orange Mushroom
    [​IMG] Double Axe (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 24-30 (up to 35)
    [​IMG] White Gomushin (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 3-5 (up to 10) Speed: 1-3 (up to 8)
    [​IMG] Scroll for Shoe for Jump 10%
    [​IMG] Scroll for Helmet for DEF 60%
    [​IMG] Red-Lined T-Shirt (Level 11)
    Wep Def: 9-13 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Brown Skullcap (Level 5)
    Wep Def: 4-6 (up to 11)
    [​IMG] Sky Snowboard
    Wep Atk: 15-20 (up to 25)
    [​IMG] Scroll for Shoe for DEX 10%

    Event Items

    Server Reboot 2013

    Following the server reboot those players who returned to the server and started over again received a New Beginnings Ring as compensation and thanks. Only two islanders are known to have it, GM Alyo's islander (who is rarely played and only level 14) and Drugs.
    [​IMG] New Beginnings Ring
    All Stats: 3 HP: 60

    Valentines Day 2014

    This was the first holiday event to be relevant to Islanders. Four colors of rose were dropping from all island mobs, their rarity ranging from yellow (most common) red (less common) white (somewhat uncommon) blue (rare). Various off-island event etc. such as chocolates, wish tickets and red envelopes were also dropping but they were not usable on Maple Island.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    Maple Anniversary 2014

    According to Chokladkakan the first Maple Anniversary event was made relevant to islanders thanks to behind the scenes efforts by Katsuruka, an admin for MapleRoyals at the time and one of the early islanders themself, although there were reportedly few islanders to enjoy it. According to Chokladkakan this event mainly revolved around hunting down the Birthday Candles which dropped from Maple Island monsterss and turning them into the relevant event NPCs. Candles were used to purchase variable stat Maple Umbrellas or static event items such as chairs and equipment. The costs for each event item were not scaled back on Maple Island and as such the islanders of the time had to collect an immense amount of candles in order to purchase the event items. Chokladkakan claims that the scarf alone cost somewhere around 6500 candles, and that 100 candles per hour was the best they could manage, even with their best gear. It's very rare to see an islander with any of the event items from this time because of this. Maple Umbrellas have remained the most effective islander weapon ever since this event due to their speed.

    [​IMG] Maple Umbrella (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 40-50 (up to 54) Speed: 10-14 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana White
    No stats.
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Yellow
    All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Red
    All Stats: 2
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Blue
    All Stats: 3
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Leaf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 20 Mag Def: 20 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Earrings (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 18 Mag Def: 18 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Scarf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 25 Mag Def: 25 All Stats: 4 HP: 40 MP: 40 Wep Atk: 1 Mag Atk: 1
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Chair
    Restores 60 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Maple Crystal Chair
    Restores 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Palm Tree Beach Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Birthday Candle

    Halloween 2014

    During this event islanders could collect Halloween Candies dropped from Maple Island monsters in order to exchange them at (the first event NPC permanently placed in Amherst) Malady for some prizes. After the first 2 days of the event a new unique Malady NPC was created which halved the candy prices of the event prizes for Islanders. This led to a situation where some of the Islanders had gathered many candies and already spent them on the prizes by the time this change had gone through. The walking animation for the Pumpkin Spear seemed to be off and still hasn't been remedied. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair was broken and didn't appear correctly. Not everything is known about this event, if you have more information please let me know.

    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Hat (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 2 Mag Atk: 2
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Basket (2006 SE)
    Wep Atk: 1 All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Spear (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 47 Str: 1 Acc: 15
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Lantern (Level 30)
    Wep atk: 55 Mag Atk: 55 HP: 50
    [​IMG] BloodyRose
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] WorldEnd
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Chair
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Broomstick Chair
    Restores 50 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Candies

    Thanksgiving 2014

    The way that this event worked was that everyone among a given guild was tasked to gather the ingredients necessary to give to the NPC Grandma Benson (Who, like most future Maple Island event NPCs would notoriously disssapear on occasion) so that she could bake the guild a Pumpkin Pie. One Pumpkin Pie was made out of 4 separate items (Pumpkin, Pie Crust, Flour and Power Sugar) which were dropped by any mob. Pies could only be baked once every 6 hours individually and players had to be level 30. While every pie baked contributed towards a guild's score the individual who baked the pie got to have a slice of it. Once a guild reached 500 pies baked this would qualify all of the guild members to receive the Thanksgiving Turkey chair near the end of the event. Amherst were first on the rankings with 2 pies before they were quickly overwhelmed by more capable off island guilds. When Islanders figured out how this event worked those with off-island friends in guilds which had space temporarily left Amherst, the main Islander guild at the time, in order to have a chance at obtaining this chair. Amherst never succeeded in baking enough pies in the alloted time period. After the event was over GM's temporarily put NPC Fredrick in Amherst so that Islanders in the appropriate guilds could claim thier chairs. Afterwards many Islanders returned to Amherst.

    [​IMG] Thanksgiving Turkey
    Restore 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Pie
    +30 Wep Atk +40 Magic Atk +100 Wep Def +100 Mag Def for 10 minutes.
    [​IMG] Pie Crust
    [​IMG] Pumpkin
    [​IMG] Flour
    [​IMG] Powder Sugar

    Christmas 2014

    GM SilaChan and Admin Katsuruka had worked together with Chokladkakan to prepare a Christmas event which truly catered towards Islanders. GM SilaChan took it upon themselves personally to include an Amherst map edit in the new patch which changed the town to have a Happyville theme and it was truly marvelous to behold. (Screenshot 1)(Screenshot 2)(Screenshot 3) Four new christmas themed weapons began dropping from island mobs, among which was the much beloved Maplemas Lights (Previously named Wee Bulbs) which had been in demand and much anticipated. The Maplemas Lights quickly earned the status of second best Islander weapon. The other 3 weapons were not too useful when stacked up against already available Islander weapons but they were still welcome additions. On top of this island mobs were dropping Star of Maplemas Spirit which could be turned in to NPC Santa Claws in the newly Winter themed Amherst. The cost for prizes in stars were significantly reduced for the Maple Island version of Santa Claws, which allowed many Islanders to reasonably acquire most of the non-cash event prizes in the allotted time period. The santa hat and beard cash equips were a popular buy for many Islanders. A gender neutral santa hat and beard had to be added part way through the event though since girl characters complained about their versions or lack thereof. Nevermelting Snow also dropped from mobs but was not usable on Maple Island. The weapon wrongly named White Candy was changed to it's proper name, White Valentine Rose. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair from the 2014 Halloween event was finally fixed along with some other broken chairs. Islander Chokladkakan remained rather inactive throughout this event, despite being one of the people behind its conception.

    [​IMG] Maplemas Lights / Wee Bulbs (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 38-48 (up to 52) Speed: 9-11 (up to 15)
    [​IMG] Versalmas Cactus (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 49-59 (up to 63) HP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Maplemas Tree (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 47-57 (up to 61) MP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Christmas Tree (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 19-25 (up to 29) Avoid: 9-11 (up to 14)
    [​IMG] Ice Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Red Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Green Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Black Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Star Of Maplemas Spirit
    [​IMG] Nevermelting Snow

    Valentines Day 2015

    The second year of this event played out just the same for Islanders for the most part. One notable difference is that this time around White Valentine Roses were as rare as Blue Valentine Roses were supposed to be and vice versa. The reason this happened is explained here by Admin Matt, essentially the order of the roses in the item database are Yellow, Red, Blue, White and he mistook this for the order of their rarity. It was not changed and the entire event played out like this leading to an odd scarcity of white roses and Newbology leader Fired (NPCs) changed the guild logo to a white rose instead of the usual blue rose to highlight the new found rarity of the item. Again Wish Tickets, Red Envelopes and Chocolates were dropped by mobs but were not useful on Maple Island. This was not a particularly active period and there were a depressingly low amount of blue named roses found during this event.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    Halloween 2015

    This was the first event in awhile due to the delay of the anniversary event in lieu of the much awaited New Source and islanders at the time were completely event starved. This event was essentially the same as last years Halloween event for islanders with the main the main difference being a lack of a Halloween Pumpkin Hat, BloodyRose and WorldEnd as well as some new chairs. During the event islanders could collect Halloween Candies dropped from Maple Island monsters in order to exchange them at Malady for some prizes. A unique Malady NPC was created which halved the candy prices of the event prizes for Islanders but many still felt that it was too hard to acquire all the prizes they wanted within the event period.. At 88 candies per hour grinding in HGitMotF2 one of the chairs that cost 2500 candies would take around 28 hours to obtain, let's just be honest, that is far too much. There were also some Cash Shop style equipment available as event prizes but much of it was purchasable in the cash shop already any ways. The walking animation for the Pumpkin Spear seemed to be off and still hasn't' been remedied. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair was no longer broken this year.

    [​IMG] Pumpkin Basket (2006 SE) - 125 Candies
    Wep Atk: 1 All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Spear (Level 25) - 200 Candies
    Wep Atk: 47 Str: 1 Acc: 15
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Lantern (Level 30) - 350 Candies
    Wep atk: 55 Mag Atk: 55 HP: 50
    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Chair - 750 Candies
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Broomstick Chair - 750 Candies
    Restores 50 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] The Strige Seat - 1250 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Skull Throne - 1250 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Zombie Hunter Chair - 1750 Candies
    Restores 80 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Scary Witch Chair - 2500 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Halloween Candies

    Thanksgiving 2015

    This event would be delayed until the 22nd of November and end on December 10th. Unfortunately, to the dismay of many islanders the only part of this event that was relevant to them were the pie monsters which spawned on Maple Island. They had the same exp and HP as the map monsters and therefore did not affect exp p/h significantly. Although the pies were dropping pie ingredients this year islanders were not given access to an NPC which could bake pies and therefore had no means by which too create the only two event items, Pilgrim's Hat and Pumpkin Pie Ring. Islander opinion seemed in favour of keeping the Pilgrim Hat off island, though disappointment at the lack of inclusion was strong.

    [​IMG] Pie Crust
    [​IMG] Pumpkin
    [​IMG] Flour
    [​IMG] Powder Sugar

    Christmas 2015

    This event would be delayed until the 10th of December due to the late start of the previous months Thanksgiving Event. This event played out exactly the same as last years Christmas Event, involving the collection of Star Of Maplemas Spirit from island monsters, to be turned in to an NPC, Maple Claws, in Amherst for event prizes. The prizes were the same as last years + 2 new NX items. The same four Christmas-themed weapons were dropping from island monsters this year too. Some criticized the event as lacking variety for islanders.

    [​IMG] Maplemas Lights / Wee Bulbs (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 38-48 (up to 52) Speed: 9-11 (up to 15)
    [​IMG] Versalmas Cactus (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 49-59 (up to 63) HP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Maplemas Tree (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 47-57 (up to 61) MP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Christmas Tree (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 19-25 (up to 29) Avoid: 9-11 (up to 14)
    [​IMG] Ice Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Red Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Green Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Black Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Star Of Maplemas Spirit
    [​IMG] Nevermelting Snow

    Valentines Day / Lunar New Year Event 2016

    Just like in previous Valentine's Day / Lunar New Year Events 4 coloured roses were dropping from monsters on Maple Island with scaling rarity from Yellow, Red, White to Blue. For some reason, the drop rate of all roses was much higher than usual this time around. Red envelopes and wish tickets were dropped by island monsters too but served no purpose for islanders. The Love Slime and Ace Of Hearts aspects of the event were inaccessible to islanders. Some islanders were not particularly happy with this event being the same as the previous ones.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    Anniversary Event 2016

    During this event cake monsters were spawning along with normal island monsters on some maps. For the first few days of the event cake monsters seemingly weren't weren't dropping any maple umbrellas or maple glory swords as expected. There were so few cake monsters many islanders resorted to changing channels in order to farm them quicker. Later in the event, the amount of cake monsters on Maple Island were reduced considerably, apparently because they were killing noobs, and farming them became much harder. By the end of the event some few islanders found maple glory swords, a new addition to the island, but overall most were left somewhat unsatisfied by the event.

    [​IMG] Maple Umbrella (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 40-50 (up to 54) Speed: 10-14 (up to 18)
    Maple Slory Sword (Level 64)
    Wep Atk: 78-85 (up to 90) Accuracy: 33-39 (up to 44)



    Just for fun I've decided to host and manage a rankings for the best equipment found / made on Maple Island, including credits for the owner, maker and a short story about how it was made. Please submit your equipment in this thread in the form of a un-tampered screenshot if you believe it is the best of it's kind. Will update as more people submit their godly equips. Thanks!

    Overall Rankings
    [​IMG] = 4 points
    [​IMG] = 3 points
    [​IMG] = 2 points
    [​IMG] = 1 point

    [​IMG] lolzor: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 47 Trophy Points
    [​IMG] IslandSlut: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 38 Trophy Points
    [​IMG] Chokladkakan: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 34 Trophy Points
    [​IMG] Newbton: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 24 Trophy Points
    Sawngo: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 17 Trophy Points
    BlueCream: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 13 Trophy Points
    Isleturi: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 9 Trophy Points
    Schwer: [​IMG][​IMG] 7 Trophy Points
    WatIsHarbor: [​IMG][​IMG] 6 Trophy Points
    Aborigine: [​IMG][​IMG] 6 Trophy Points
    NewIslander: [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] 5 Trophy Points
    Moirai: [​IMG] 4 Trophy Points
    Islander Joel: [​IMG] 4 Trophy Points
    snayl: [​IMG] 4 Trophy Points
    saulgoodman: [​IMG] 3 Trophy Points
    SingleMother: [​IMG] 3 Trophy Points
    Daxos: [​IMG] 3 Trophy Points
    Moirai: [​IMG] 3 Trophy Points
    Nature: [​IMG] 3 Trophy Points
    Delfino: [​IMG] 2 Trophy Points
    Boobs: [​IMG] 2 Trophy Points
    Relate: [​IMG] 2 Trophy Points
    noob4ever:[​IMG] 2 Trophy Points
    Noobley:[​IMG] 2 Trophy Points
    Slain:[​IMG] 1 Trophy Points


    Best White Bandanas
    Owner: Schwer
    Founder: Schwer
    Story: Seems that three 10 percent scrolls worked on a 9 def bandana.
    Owner: Nature
    Founder: Nature
    Story: Two 10% scrolls worked for the first two slots on a 7 def bandana and then IslandSlut lent Nature some 60%'s and 3 of them worked.
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "This is the first purple item I managed. I found the thirteen defence bandana within my first week. The ten per cent scroll I landed on it was the first scroll I used during my time here, after which I had some frivolous fun with the exceedingly likely sixty per cent ones." - Chokladkakan
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on a perfect 14 defence white bandana. Thanks to the help of fellow islander IslandSlut this was able to be finished.
    Best Red Sporty Cap
    Owner: IslanderJoel
    Founder: IslanderJoel
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll and four 60 percent scrolls worked on this one.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll worked on this one.
    Owner: Aborigine
    Founder: Aborigine
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll worked on this one.
    Owner: noob4ever
    Founder: noob4ever
    Story: Seems like five 60 percent scrolls worked on this one.
    Best Blue Sporty Caps
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: "I was looking to create the ultimate magelander cap and I think I've suceeded." - IslandSlut
    Owner: Isleturi
    Founder: Isleturi
    Story: One 10 percent scroll appeared to have worked.
    Owner: Aborigine
    Founder: Aborigine
    Story: One 10 percent scroll appeared to have worked.
    Best Green Headband
    Owner: WatIsHarbor
    Founder: WatIsHarbor
    Story: Seems like six 60 percent scrolls worked on a 6 def green headband.
    Owner: saulgoodman
    Founder: saulgoodman
    Story: Seems like six 60 percent scrolls worked on a 5 def green headband.
    Owner: Relate
    Founder: Relate
    Story: Seems like five 60 percent scrolls worked on a 5 def green headband.
    Best Brown Skullcaps
    Owner: Sawngo
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll and three 60 percent scrolls worked on a 11 def skullcap.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll and three 60 percent scrolls worked on a 10 def skullcap.
    Owner: Schwer
    Founder: Schwer
    Story: Seems like one 10 percent scroll and two 60 percent scrolls worked on a 6 def skullcap.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: It appears one 10 percent scroll worked on a 10 def skullcap.
    Best Red Striped T-Shirt
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on an 18 defence red-striped t-shirt.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on an 18 defence red-striped t-shirt.
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "This was my second seventeen defence (female) shirt and the second shirt I ever landed a scroll on" - Chokladkakan
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: "With the trade of 10 jump scrolls for 4 topwears scrolls, and an extra free one from Aborigine, I was able to finish this shirt and have it tie exactly with Chok's" - IslandSlut
    Best Yellow T-Shirt
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on a 9 def yellow t-shirt.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on a 9 def yellow t-shirt.
    Owner: BlueCream
    Founder: BlueCream
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on a 9 def yellow t-shirt.
    Best White Tubetop
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on a 9 def tubetop.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scroll worked on an 9 def tubetop.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on an 8 def tubetop.
    Best Blue One-Lined T-Shirts
    Owner: BlueCream
    Founder: BlueCream
    Story: It seems three 10 percent scrolls worked on a 17 defence blue one-lined t-shirt. It was thanks to some scrolls from fellow islanders Newbton and Lerick that this shirt was finished.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems three 10 percent scrolls worked on a 15 defence blue one-lined t-shirt. It was thanks to some scrolls from fellow islander BlueCream that this shirt was finished.
    Owner: Noobley
    Founder: Noobley
    Story: It seems three 10 percent scrolls worked on an 13 def blue one-lined t-shirt.
    Owner: NewIslander
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on an 18 def blue one-lined t-shirt.
    Best Grey T-Shirt
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems four 10 percent scrolls worked on a 3 def grey t-shirt. "thank you Danny for giving me 3 10% topwear scrolls (1 passed) to scroll this beauty:"
    Best Undershirt
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on a 9 def undershirt.
    Best Ice Jeans
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: iStayHere
    Story: iStayHere got a lucky first slot 10 percent scroll to work on 13 def ice jeans, then gave it to IslandSlut who then miraculously hit 2 more 10 percent scrolls on it.
    Owner: Daxos
    Founder: Daxos
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on 19 def jeans.
    Owner: Sawngo
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on 17 def 8 mp ice jeans.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on 15 def 3 mp ice jeans.
    Best Grey Thick Sweat Pants
    Owner: Sawngo
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scroll worked on 16 defence grey thick sweat pants.
    Owner: SingleMother
    Founder: SingleMother
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scroll worked on 11 defence grey thick sweat pants.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on 16 defence grey thick sweat pants.
    Owner: NewIslander
    Founder: NewIslander
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scroll worked on 15 defence grey thick sweat pants.
    Best Jean Capris
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems like one 10 percent scroll worked on 11 def jean capris.
    Best Blue Jean Shorts
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: Seems two 10 percent scrolls worked on perfect 8 def blue jean shorts.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: Seems one 10 percent scroll worked on perfect 8 def blue jean shorts.
    Best Red Miniskirt
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "I was bored and scrolled a mediocre 2 def skirt a snail in Dangerous Forest happened to drop one evening." - Chokladkakan
    Best Gomushins
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "I said here that I didn't think I'd get my hands on anything better any time soon. It took almost fifteen months!" - Chokladkakan
    Owner: NewIslander
    Founder: NewIslander
    Story: It seems three 10 percent jump scrolls worked on 6 speed 3 def gomushins.
    Owner: Delfino
    Founder: Delfino
    Story: It seems two 10 percent jump scrolls and two dex scrolls worked on 7 speed 10 def gomushins.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: NewIslander
    Story: It seems two 10 percent jump scrolls worked on 7 speed 10 def gomushins.
    Best Red Rubber Boots
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems three 10 percent scrolls for jump worked on a red rubber boot.
    Owner: BlueCream
    Founder: BlueCream
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls for jump worked on a red rubber boot.
    Owner: lolzor
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: It seems three 10 percent scrolls for dex worked on a red rubber boot.
    Best Yellow Rubber Boots
    Owner: BlueCream
    Founder: BlueCream
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls for jump worked on a yellow rubber boot.
    Best Leather Sandals
    Owner: Sawngo
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: It seems one 10 percent scrolls for jump worked on 2 def leather sandals.
    Owner: saulgoodman
    Founder: saulgoodman
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls for dex worked on 8 def leather sandals.
    Owner: WatIsHarbor
    Founder: WatIsHarbor
    Story: It seems two 10 percent scrolls for dex worked on 3 def sandals.
    Best Gold Surfboard
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: Chokladkakan's first ever blue named surfboard, which they have been looking for on and off since they started playing.
    Owner: Sawngo
    Founder: Sawngo
    Story: Sawngo found this when he wasn't even trying to hunt surfboards.
    Owner: Boobs
    Founder: Flint
    Story: Flint gave or sold this surfboard to Boobs at some point.
    Owner: Slain
    Founder: lolzor
    Story: Story currently not known.


    Here is the record of all the event items that have become available on island and their owner / owners (depending on if the stats were variable or not.) If an item is missing here please post it as a screenshot in the forums.

    [​IMG]Best Red Valentine Rose
    Event: Valentines Event 2014-15.
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "This is a constant reminder of my failure to find a blue-named Yellow Valentine Rose during the event." - Chokladkakan
    Best White Valentines Rose
    Event: Valentines Event 2014-15.
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "This was a pleasant surprise during my first few days and moved my plans for one-hitting up quite a bit." - Chokladkakan
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: "Even though my first rose hunt was all around a real bummer, having found no blue named roses, this still isn't a bad white valentine rose" - IslandSlut
    Best Blue Valentine Rose
    Event: Valentines Event 2014-15.
    Owner: Lerick
    Founder: Lerick
    Story: One of the best drops of valentines day 2015.
    Owner: Chokladkakan
    Founder: Chokladkakan
    Story: "This rose was my first blue item. I was startled and pleasantly surprised as I asked Eurobeatnik, the only other person I had met at this time, about it. The godly item system was explained to me." Chokladkakan
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: "Even though my first rose hunt was all around a real bummer, having found no blue named roses, this still isn't a bad blue valentine rose" - IslandSlut
    Best Maple Umbrellas
    Event: Maple Anniversary Event 2014.
    Owner: snayl
    Founder: snayl
    Story: Was watching Notting Hill when he found it ^_^
    Owner: Schwer
    Founder: Schwer
    Story: Currently unknown.
    Owner: Newbton
    Founder: snayl
    Story: This has changed hands from snayl to Newbton and back many times because they are both quitlanders.
    Owner: Newbton
    Founder: snayl
    Story: Newbton bought it from snayl for 500m off island money, then quit and gave it back to snayl in exchange for snayl's good Maplemas Lights.
    Pumpkin Spear
    Event: Halloween Event 2014.
    Owners: Chokladkakan, Nature, Aborigine, Boobs, Moirai (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Pumpkin Basket (2006 SE)
    Event: Halloween Event 2014.
    Owners: Aborigine, Moirai (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Pumpkin Lantern
    Event: Halloween Event 2014.
    Owners: Aborigine, Nature, Boobs, Accel, Moirai (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Halloween Pumpkin Hat
    Event: Halloween Event 2014.
    Owners: Schwer, Aborigine, Boobs, Accel, Shex, Moirai (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Maple Bandana White
    Event: Maple Anniversary Event 2014.
    Owners: Schwer, Vista, Newbton (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Maple Bandana Yellow
    Event: Maple Anniversary Event 2014.
    Owners: Schwer, Newbton (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Maple Bandana Red
    Event: Maple Anniversary Event 2014.
    Owners: Schwer, Newbton (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Maple Bandana Blue
    Event: Maple Anniversary Event 2014.
    Owners: Newbton, Schwer (ask to be added if you have one please)
    1st Anniversary Leaf
    Event: Do you have information as to how this was aquired? Tell me so I can fill this in.
    Owners: Chokladkakan (ask to be added if you have one please)
    1st Anniversary Scarf
    Event: Do you have information as to how this was acquired? Tell me so I can fill this in.
    Owners: Chokladkakan (ask to be added if you have one please)
    1st Anniversary Earrings
    Event: Do you have information as to how this was aquired? Tell me so I can fill this in.
    Owners: Chokladkakan (ask to be added if you have one please)
    Versalmas Cactus
    Event: Christmas Event 2014
    Owner: Newbton
    Founder: Newbton
    Story: Story currently unknown.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: "The christmas grind was a long and unrewarding one for me, even the best equipment I got was mediocre at best." - IslandSlut
    Christmas Tree
    Event: Christmas Event 2014
    Owner: Isleturi
    Founder: Isleturi
    Story: Story currently unknown.
    Owner: Moirai
    Founder: Moirai
    Story: "Best one I got so far, was the very first christmas drop I got" - Moirai
    Maplemas Tree
    Event: Christmas Event 2014
    Owner: Newbton
    Founder: snayl
    Story: Story currently unknown.
    Owner: IslandSlut
    Founder: IslandSlut
    Story: Story currently unknown.
    Founder: Isleturi
    Story: Story currently unknown.
    Maplemas Lights
    Event: Christmas Event 2014
    Owner: Newbton
    Founder: snayl
    Story: snayl's legendary Maplemas Lights were given to Newbton in a trade for one of the best umbrellas because Newbton was quitting.
    Founder: snayl
    Story: Story currently unknown.


    In this section I will post interview excerpts answered by various big-time islanders of this server. If you haven't done an interview yourself and want too then create a post out of the template below or preferably send it to me in a PM. I make the final call as to whether someone is well known enough to warrant an interview here.

    Q: What are the IGNs of all your islanders and campers?

    Q: How have you chosen to build these characters?

    Q: Please tell the readers any personal details you feel okay sharing, such as your name, gender, where you live, what you do for a living, hobbies etc.

    Q: Do you have a history of camping/ islanding on any of the official servers? Give us some details of your history prior to ending up here.

    Q: Tell us about how you stumbled upon MapleRoyals and discovered our islander community.

    Q: What sort of stuff have you been involved in within this islander community?

    Q: Any advice for any of the new fresh-faced islanders out there?

    Q: What are the IGNs of all your islanders and campers?
    A: WatIsHarbor, Luklander

    Q: How have you chosen to build these characters?
    A: Hybrid of STR/DEX/LUK, cause i can train faster at low lvl and then ap reset and the other one is a pure Luklander.

    Q: Please tell the readers any personal details you feel okay sharing, such as your name, gender, where you live, what you do for a living, hobbies etc.
    A: Igor, Male, Poland, my hobby is watching animes yo

    Q: Do you have a history of camping/ islanding on any of the official servers? Give us some details of your history prior to ending up here.
    A: Na

    Q: Tell us about how you stumbled upon MapleRoyals and discovered our islander community.
    A:When i browsed MapleRoyals rankings i saw Islanders icon, so i was like ''what's that ?'' so i typed in google maplestory islanders, then while waiting for MapleStory 2 i decided try them.

    Q: What sort of stuff have you been involved in within this islander community?
    A: Dramas

    Q: Any advice for any of the new fresh-faced islanders out there?
    A: This server does bigger supporting odd jobs, so join us yo
    Q: What are the IGNs of all your islanders and campers?
    A: IoIzor

    Q: How have you chosen to build these characters?
    A: Dex -> Str

    Q: Please tell the readers any personal details you feel okay sharing, such as your name, gender, where you live, what you do for a living, hobbies etc.
    A: 21 y.o boy from Sweden :~) As boring as it may sound, I pretty much just live for a living. Island4Hobby!

    Q: Do you have a history of camping/ islanding on any of the official servers? Give us some details of your history prior to ending up here.
    A: I had an Islander over at EMS back in 2010 that also had the name IoIzor and got to level 45 pre-BB and 52 post-BB. (All before the Return to Maple Island skill came of course.)

    Like here, I play(ed) with BlueCream (Blueisland) and also the well-known Table!


    (lolzor, blue, table and more hanging out)

    (level 43 pre-bb)

    (level 52 post-bb)


    Q: Tell us about how you stumbled upon MapleRoyals and discovered our islander community.
    A: I think I googled "Islander Ranking" to find the old EMS one, but found the MapleRoyals one instead :~) So when I saw it, I immediately created an Islander!

    Q: What sort of stuff have you been involved in within this islander community?
    A: The recreation of the old EMS Islander guild "Islanders".

    Q: Any advice for any of the new fresh-faced islanders out there?
    A: Don't quit, cause if you do... >:(

    Ignore anything below this line for now.
    [​IMG] #4 Boobs 41 Fame
    "Boobies make me smile"
    #5 BlueCream 40 Fame
    "Sylt is love, sylt is life"
    "Whalecum to Maple Island!"
    "Put these tubes up your nose boy"
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    #6 Lolzor 37 Fame
    Gran Pulse
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]



    A magelander is a character which stays on Maple Island and increases thier Int and Luk in order to wield the level 18 beginner wand, Metal Wand. In order for your character to qualify for the Magelander rankings you must include an untampered screenshot of your character's stats, showing that they legitimately have the stats required to wield the wand. Once you have the wand stats (55 Int and 20 Luk) you may spend the rest of your stat points however you want, on str, dex or on extra mp for example. Also your character cannot level up high and then add the Int and Luk, you must have 55 int and 20 Luk before level 18 to qualify.

    [​IMG] #1 IslandMage (Lvl 34)
    Main Character: IslandSlut
    Build: Minimal stats in order to get wand and then put everything to MP.
    [​IMG] #2 BasicMage (Lvl 18)
    Main Character: Basically
    Build: Minimal stats in order to get wand and then put everything to MP.


    In this section I put full page screenshots taken of the Islander Rankings near the end of every month. I like documenting stuff.

    July 2015: CLICK HERE
    August 2015: CLICK HERE
    September 2015: CLICK HERE

    I wasn't here for some time, so I didn't get the screenshots for quite some time, I apologize.

    September 2016 (top 25): CLICK HERE
    October 2016 (top 5): CLICK HERE
    November 2016 (Top 100): CLICK HERE


    This is where, to the best of knowledge, I will document the dramatic goings on of the island every month.

    Islander Guilds

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] Amherst - Founded somewhere in early April 2014 and continuing on today, this guild is the classic islander guild in MapleRoyals. Despite having a long proud history of supporting and providing a home for some of the oldest islanders in the server [​IMG] Amherst is struggling to stay afloat. Not so long after it's founding the leader of the guild was banned, leaving only a few islanders in Jr. Leader positions as well as very little space for new islanders. Over time many islanders in Jr. positions quit or left the guild eventually leaving Chokladkakan as the sole remaining Jr. Leader. This has been quite a burden on them, but Chokladkakan says they stay to keep the guild alive, for if they left it would simply fall apart. Pushes have been made to have the guild leader re-assigned, or to have the guild disbanded to be remade but these have been met with resistance by various players and staff. Perhaps one day Amherst will be restored to it's former glory.

    [DISBANDED] [​IMG] [​IMG] Newbology (1st founding) - In response to the hopeless situation in [​IMG] Amherst a mix of older and newer generation islanders founded this guild in December 2014, in the spirit of the original GMS Scania guild by the same name. The guild was founded thanks to efforts from various active islanders at the time and the leader was to be (snayl) Fired's character Vlogs, MapleRoyals highest ranked beginner. In comparison to [​IMG] Amherst it had many Jr. Leaders and also 100 slots for islanders. It was massively popular and successful at first, but this slowly started dying off near the end of the 2014 Christmas event. During the Lunar / Valentines Day Event in February 2015 the guild icon was changed to a white rose to reflect the oddly rare nature of the white rose in comparison to the usually much rarer blue rose. The guild was disbanded in April 2015 because (snayl) Fired didn't like the look of the guild icon and name next to his leader character's (Vlogs) ign .

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] Islanders - In response the the hopeless situation in [​IMG] Amherst newer generation islanders founded this guild in May 2015, in the spirit of the original EMS Kradia guild of the same name. The guild was founded mainly thanks to efforts by islanders lolzor, BlueCream, Crylou and saulgoodman and was to be lead by a main character of Crylou's with a similar name. Around September 26th 2015 this guild entered into an alliance with new guild [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding) in order to not split the islander community as [​IMG] Islanders had reached it's 100 member limit and new members needed a guild community. [​IMG] Islanders remained a rather popular islander guild for some time but was quickly rendered obselete as the guild it was in alliance with, [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding), was disbanded by it's leader saulgoodman, causing a glitch where all members of [​IMG] Islanders would have their key bindings constantly reset when they logged in. This action brought about the death of [​IMG] Islanders and prompted the founding of [​IMG] PiggyPatrol.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] Natives - Not as much is known about this guild as it hasn't grown large enough and it's leader hasn't said enough about it. From what can be gathered this guild was founded shortly after [​IMG] Islanders, by islander Wavecap, after being kicked out of [​IMG] Islanders for being a transphobic asshole (See drama section). The guild is also now home to IslanderPro who in the past has tried to host competitions to give out off-island items until he got reported and temporarily banned.

    [DISBANDED] [​IMG] aSplitRoad - This guild was created on August 17th by an off island character belonging to WatIsHarbor after he got angry over a dispute with islanders lolzor and saulgoodman who reacted callously when he put down campers, kicking him out of [​IMG] Islanders. Apparently he had fun with some noobs in this guild for a short time. Within a day the guild was disbanded and WatIsHarbor was asking to be let back into [​IMG] Islanders. Known as a rather hilarious failure for looking like RaSplitRoad, rather than the intended "ASplitRoad" with an [​IMG] to indicate Road.

    [ACTIVE] [​IMG] Campers - This guild was founded by IslandSlut's off-island beginner, LadyAmherst shortly after campers were confirmed in July 2015 to be ready for their release. When campers were released with the new source however, IslandSlut was inactive and character creation wasn't enabled and so the guild saw little use. It may see more use as more Campers start playing.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding) - This guild was founded on September 26th 2015 by a main character of islander saulgoodman's to serve as a second guild alongside and in alliance with [​IMG] Islanders, due to the latter guild running out of space for new islanders. It is fashioned in the style of the previous [​IMG] Newbology (1st founding) guild, which was made in the image of the original GMS Scania guild by the same name. At certain points this guild had a significant amount of members which rivaled [​IMG] Islanders. At some time, specifics unknown, the owner saulgoodman disbanded the guild and ended up glitching the alliance it had, leaving members of the guild [​IMG] Islanders with a permanent glitch that consistently reset their keybindings every time they logged in. This action arguably brought about the death of [​IMG] Islanders and definitely prompted the founding of [​IMG] PiggyPatrol, which went on to be the main Islander guild on the server.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] PiggyPatrol - This guild was founded on March 6th 2016 by a main character of islander snayl's (along with a few other guilds which were quickly dissolved) in response to leader of [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding) saulgoodman disbanding their guild, causing a permanent glitch for the only guild in alliance with them, [​IMG] Islanders, wherein all members would constantly have their key bindings reset so long as they remained members. Many members of [​IMG] PiggyPatrol left to be in Sawngo's guild [​IMG] Escargot in November 2016 but following the disband of [​IMG] Escargot most islanders joined into [​IMG] PiggyPatrol and [​IMG] BongLords, with [​IMG] BongLords eventually holding the majority of active players until the release of the new source in January 2017. [​IMG] PiggyPatrol was fairly active along with [​IMG] BongLords until the release of the new source, following that most islanders moved to [​IMG] BestBeginner, likely due to the new source guild glitches.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] BongLords - This guild was made at an unknown time by an off-island character of islander Delfino's, at first it remained mostly empty and obscure, only having a small amount of islanders in it, but eventually it became one of the main islanding guilds after it filled up with members who were leaving from [​IMG] Escargot due to drama with it's leader Sawngo around December 20th-23rd. It was in alliance with [​IMG] PiggyPatrol and served as one of two main islander guilds at the time alongside it. [​IMG] BongLords remained highly populated until around July 2017 when it lost popularity due to being affected by the new source guild glitch and islanders left for [​IMG]BestBeginner.

    [DISBANDED] [​IMG] Escargot - This guild was founded on November 11th by a main character of Sawngo's because he wanted to create a guild for the top 100 islanders. At the time it joined in alliance with PiggyPatrol and many islanders were added to it. During it's lifetime leader Sawngo held a screenshot competition for prizes. Some time around December 20th-23rd uncertain drama went down with [​IMG] Escargot leader Sawngo apparently being rude and power trippy towards guild members, prompting some guild members to move to another existing guild, [​IMG] BongLords, which had existed before this but was apparently sparcely used, and back to [​IMG] PiggyPatrol. There isn't a lot of documentation about what actually specifically happened but this is the general story I've been told. [​IMG] Escargot would go on to be mostly empty following the mass walk out and eventually be deleted by Sawngo.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] Newbology (3nd founding) - This guild was founded some time before November 2016 by a main character of islander snayls, in an attempt to secure the name after saulgoodman disbanded the last [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding). It never become too populated with only a few people joining, some reportedly to get away from Sawngo following the [​IMG]Escargot drama. Snayl quit in November 2016 without deleting it so it still exists but is likely unpopulated now.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] RIPlolzor - This guild was created by an off-island character of islander Sawngo's shortly after the deletion of top islander at the time level 81 lolzor. Not much is known about it.

    [INACTIVE] [​IMG] FamerInc - This guild was created by an off-island character of islander Xochi's. Not much is known about it.

    [ACTIVE] [​IMG] BestBeginner - This guild was created by LowDmg, an off island beginner, on December 24th 2016. Although this guild was created for off-island beginners and didn't see meaningful islander membership until July 2017, following the new source release, popular islander guilds [​IMG] BongLords and [​IMG] PiggyPatrol were affected by glitches which prompted remaining islanders to join this guild starting largely in July 2017.

    January 2014
    - Islanders at this time were essentially kickstarted by an individual known as Forrest who created a thread asking others to join him, raising awareness to the fact that this was a way you could play the game, and inviting long-time islander buddies from GMS (Global Maple Story) to become islanders here. The thread ended up serving as an islander hub at the time.

    - Islanders at the time faced some unique challenges in having to raise the awareness of MapleRoyals staff to the unique changes required to support a healthy islander population on their server. Some of the activism that had to be done: (Addressing the issue of the ~storage function and how it affected the nostalgia and integrity of the island) - (Removing accessibility to Maple Island from outside of it using methods such as warp commands and teleport rocks)

    - Until the ~storage function was removed (when?) islanders at the time were essentially living on an honor system, expected not to abuse the function and shamed / considered not to be a true islander if they did. It does seem to be the case that some islanders and others abused it any ways however.

    February 2014
    - Near the start of February a Valentines Day / Lunar event was announced and implemented. MapleRoyals staff revealed that it was modeled after the original 2004 event from GMS (Global MapleStory.) This was the first holiday event to be relevant to Islanders. Four colors of rose were dropping from all island mobs, their rarity ranging from yellow (most common) red (less common) white (somewhat uncommon) blue (rare). Various off-island event etc. such as chocolates, wish tickets and red envelopes were also dropping but they were not usable on Maple Island.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    - An islander (and later administrator) Katsuruka brought attention to the inconvenience of having to feed your pet with only Cash Shop foods, which was a problem islanders faced at the time and suggested the addition of a Maple Island pet food NPC, which was eventually implemented. The NPC was placed in a less known map, through a portal in the house in Amherst, in the map called Snail field of flowers. They exchange various Maple Island etc. items for lump sums of Pet Food (100, 200).

    - The Valentines Day / Lunar event ended near the end of February.

    May 2014
    - At the beginning of May MapleRoyals staff announced and implemented the first Anniversary Event. According to Chokladkakan the first Maple Anniversary event was made relevant to islanders thanks to behind the scenes efforts by Katsuruka, an admin for MapleRoyals at the time and one of the early islanders themself, although there were reportedly few islanders to enjoy it. According to Chokladkakan this event mainly revolved around hunting down the Birthday Candles which dropped from Maple Island monsterss and turning them into the relevant event NPCs. Candles were used to purchase variable stat Maple Umbrellas or static event items such as chairs and equipment. The costs for each event item were not scaled back on Maple Island and as such the islanders of the time had to collect an immense amount of candles in order to purchase the event items. Chokladkakan claims that the scarf alone cost somewhere around 6500 candles, and that 100 candles per hour was the best they could manage, even with their best gear. It's very rare to see an islander with any of the event items from this time because of this. Maple Umbrellas have remained the most effective islander weapon ever since this event due to their speed.

    [​IMG] Maple Umbrella (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 40-50 (up to 54) Speed: 10-14 (up to 18)
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana White
    No stats.
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Yellow
    All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Red
    All Stats: 2
    [​IMG] Maple Bandana Blue
    All Stats: 3
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Leaf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 20 Mag Def: 20 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Earrings (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 18 Mag Def: 18 All Stats: 2 Speed: 5
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Scarf (Level 50)
    Wep Def: 25 Mag Def: 25 All Stats: 4 HP: 40 MP: 40 Wep Atk: 1 Mag Atk: 1
    [​IMG] 1st Anniversary Chair
    Restores 60 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Maple Crystal Chair
    Restores 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Palm Tree Beach Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Birthday Candle

    - Near the end of May the first Anniversary event came to an end.

    October 2014
    - Near the start of October MapleRoyals staff announced the start of the first Halloween Event. At this point Islanders had gained some recognition as a segment of the MapleRoyals population and were expecting to share part of the Halloween event with mainlanders. During the event islanders could collect Halloween Candies dropped from Maple Island monsters in order to exchange them at (the first event NPC permanently placed in Amherst) Malady for some prizes. After the first 2 days of the event a new unique Malady NPC was created which halved the candy prices of the event prizes for Islanders. This led to a situation where some of the Islanders had gathered many candies and already spent them on the prizes by the time this change had gone through. The walking animation for the Pumpkin Spear seemed to be off and still hasn't been remedied. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair was broken and didn't appear correctly. Not everything is known about this event, if you have more information please let me know.

    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Hat (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 2 Mag Atk: 2
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Basket (2006 SE)
    Wep Atk: 1 All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Spear (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 47 Str: 1 Acc: 15
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Lantern (Level 30)
    Wep atk: 55 Mag Atk: 55 HP: 50
    [​IMG] BloodyRose
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] WorldEnd
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Chair
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Broomstick Chair
    Restores 50 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Candies

    - Near the end of October the first Halloween event came to an end.

    November 2014
    - Near the start of November MapleRoyals staff announced the start of the first Thanksgiving Event. The way that this event worked was that everyone among a given guild was tasked to gather the ingredients necessary to give to the NPC Grandma Benson (Who, like most future Maple Island event NPCs would notoriously disssapear on occasion) so that she could bake the guild a Pumpkin Pie. One Pumpkin Pie was made out of 4 separate items (Pumpkin, Pie Crust, Flour and Power Sugar) which were dropped by any mob. Pies could only be baked once every 6 hours individually and players had to be level 30. While every pie baked contributed towards a guild's score the individual who baked the pie got to have a slice of it. Once a guild reached 500 pies baked this would qualify all of the guild members to receive the Thanksgiving Turkey chair near the end of the event. Amherst were first on the rankings with 2 pies before they were quickly overwhelmed by more capable off island guilds. When Islanders figured out how this event worked those with off-island friends in guilds which had space temporarily left Amherst, the main Islander guild at the time, in order to have a chance at obtaining this chair. Amherst never succeeded in baking enough pies in the alloted time period. After the event was over GM's temporarily put NPC Fredrick in Amherst so that Islanders in the appropriate guilds could claim thier chairs. Afterwards many Islanders returned to Amherst.

    [​IMG] Thanksgiving Turkey
    Restore 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Pie
    +30 Wep Atk +40 Magic Atk +100 Wep Def +100 Mag Def for 10 minutes.
    [​IMG] Pie Crust
    [​IMG] Pumpkin
    [​IMG] Flour
    [​IMG] Powder Sugar

    - IslandSlut started playing this server halfway through November. (1) (2)

    - Near the end of November the first Thanksgiving event came to an end.

    December 2014
    - Near the start of December Mapleroyals staff announced the start of the second Christmas Event. GM SilaChan and Admin Katsuruka had worked together with Chokladkakan to prepare a Christmas event which truly catered towards Islanders. GM SilaChan took it upon themselves personally to include an Amherst map edit in the new patch which changed the town to have a Happyville theme and it was truly marvelous to behold. (Screenshot 1) (Screenshot 2) (Screenshot 3) Four new christmas themed weapons began dropping from island mobs, among which was the much beloved Maplemas Lights (Previously named Wee Bulbs) which had been in demand and much anticipated. The Maplemas Lights quickly earned the status of second best Islander weapon. The other 3 weapons were not too useful when stacked up against already available Islander weapons but they were still welcome additions. On top of this island mobs were dropping Star of Maplemas Spirit which could be turned in to NPC Santa Claws in the newly Winter themed Amherst. The cost for prizes in stars were significantly reduced for the Maple Island version of Santa Claws, which allowed many Islanders to reasonably acquire most of the non-cash event prizes in the allotted time period. The santa hat and beard cash equips were a popular buy for many Islanders. A gender neutral santa hat and beard had to be added part way through the event though since girl characters complained about their versions or lack thereof. Nevermelting Snow also dropped from mobs but was not usable on Maple Island. The weapon wrongly named White Candy was changed to it's proper name, White Valentine Rose. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair from the 2014 Halloween event was finally fixed along with some other broken chairs. Islander Chokladkakan remained rather inactive through-out this event, despite being one of the people behind it's conception.

    [​IMG] Maplemas Lights / Wee Bulbs (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 38-48 (up to 52) Speed: 9-11 (up to 15)
    [​IMG] Versalmas Cactus (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 49-59 (up to 63) HP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Maplemas Tree (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 47-57 (up to 61) MP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Christmas Tree (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 19-25 (up to 29) Avoid: 9-11 (up to 14)
    [​IMG] Ice Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Red Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Green Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Black Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Star Of Maplemas Spirit
    [​IMG] Nevermelting Snow

    - Around December 8th a large group of islanders got together for a screenshot.

    - December was a very active month for Islanders. It had long been long known that the leader of Amherst, the main Islander guild at the time, had been banned. This left Islander Chokladkakan solely in charge as the only Jr. Leader. This became increasingly inconvenient because they were not always online and the guild needed to expand its spaces for the growing number of Islanders. Pushes were made to get the powers that be to consider disbanding the guild or re-assigning it a new leader (Here) and (Here) but the efforts were met often with resistance by admins and players alike who were mostly concerned with the current rules regarding guilds and about favoring islanders. In the end Islander Fired (NPCs, snayl) conspired with other Islanders to form a new islander guild, Newbology, based off of the classic islander guild in GMS Scania by the same name. Word of the new guild spread fast and many Islanders, old and new gathered together in the newly Christmas themed Amherst (created for them by GM SilaChan) to mass smega "RIP Amherst". Some described this time as "A New Age Of Islanding" and others predicted the demise of this new guild. December remained a very active month. Amherst loyalist Ague as well as Jr. Leader Chokladkakan abstained from joining Newbology and remained in Amherst. Chokladkakan stayed because they needed too as the only Jr. to keep the guild from dying.

    - Near the end of December the second Christmas event came to an end.

    January 2015
    - Virus17, an up and coming new islander at the time was hanging out and training with IslandSlut at slimes when he found a perfect (for the time) 13 def white bandana. He immediately set out to kill green snails in order to find 10% def scrolls to use on it. Afterwards he came to IslandSlut's map to scroll it. What happened was that 7 of the 10% scrolls all worked, both of them flipped out because he had achieved a golden-named literally perfect white bandana. The bandana was added to the equipment rankings for a short while. Islanders who heard of this felt it immediately suspicious and convinced IslandSlut to inform GM Sila so they could investigate. Following this he was banned for suspicion of using an exploit or hack of some sort. His bandana was removed from the equipment rankings following the controversy. This resulted in a stream of ban appeal posts by Virus17 (first one) (second one) (third one), defending his honor, calling out GM Sila for acting in a reactionary manner, calling for professionalism and pleading with staff to check for themselves and verify that his account is entirely legitimate. If he was going to be banned he at least wanted to give his stuff to his friends. A few islanders were called upon to give testimony or opinion. IslandSlut told the story from her perspective, Chokladkakan lamented that such a venture was a 1-in-10,000,000 chance. He remained banned until IslandSlut tried to scroll her own helmet, and realized that the same thing was happening to her. She quickly let the staff know and kept the glitch on the downlow. After proper GM investigation it turned out the issue was that for some reason those scrolls were working the opposite as intended, as 90% scrolls. Virus17 was issued an apology, unbanned from the game and forum and allowed to keep his +7 bandana as compensation, a decision that was met with some disapproval from other islanders. Admin Katsuruka admitted staff acted in haste because they believed Virus17 was using a recent exploit they thought they had patched. Following this Virus17 became a legend and island meme, it became popular to refer to good scrollers as "Virus17 confirmed". Virus17 was so upset at what happened that he quit and was never heard from / seen ever again leaving IslandSlut with some regret. Sorry.

    February 2015
    - Near the start of February Maple Royals staff announced the start of the second Valentine's Day Event. The second year of this event played out just the same for Islanders for the most part. One notable difference is that this time around White Valentine Roses were as rare as Blue Valentine Roses were supposed to be and vice versa. The reason this happened is explained here by Admin Matt, essentially the order of the roses in the item database are Yellow, Red, Blue, White and he mistook this for the order of their rarity. It was not changed and the entire event played out like this leading to an odd scarcity of white roses and Newbology leader Fired (NPCs, snayl) changed the guild logo to a white rose instead of the usual blue rose to highlight the new found rarity of the item. Again Wish Tickets, Red Envelopes and Chocolates were dropped by mobs but were not useful on Maple Island. This was not a particularly active time for Islanders, much of the hype surrounding the founding of Newbology wore off shortly after Christmas. There were a depressingly low amount of blue named roses found during this event.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    - Near the end of February the second Valentine's Day Event came to en end.

    April 2015
    - Around this time NPCs decided to disband Newbology because he didn't like how the guild name and icon looked next to his characters name (Vlogs.) Most active islanders went back to Amherst, this wasn't a particularly active time period anyways.

    - Islander Chokladkakan stole first place in the gomushin rankings with a spectacular +4 gomushin.

    - A new source for MapleRoyals was confirmed.

    May 2015
    - A new islander Guild (Islanders) was created thanks to a push by up and coming islanders Crylou, lolzor and BlueCream, immigrants from EMS. The leaf icon used was in homage to the EMS guild by the same name. This was done because islanders have long struggled with the state of thier original guild Amherst with it's limited spaces and it's leader having been banned and islander Chokladkakan being left as the sole Jr. Leader.

    - A group of islanders including Crylou, lolzor, BlueCream and saulgoodman created a Skype based chat / call conversation for islanders called Amherst. Later it was renamed to Islanders in the spirit of the new guild.

    -IslandSlut was the third islander to reach level 60+, Lolzor was the 4th islander to reach 60+, BlueCream was the 5th islander to reach 60+.

    - A thread was created by islander IslandSlut outlining some wishes for this year's anniversary event.

    - A level 18 islander with the IGN IslanderPro bragged about having off-island items. He was invited into Islanders. He traded and showed the items to islander lolzor and gave islander BlueCream a foreign chair. He went AFK and current islanders discussed how they should handle the situation. Many expressed concerns with foreign items being introduced to the island, it was agreed upon that something would have to be done to remove these items from his possession, though since it wasn’t clear how he got these items nobody was quick to condemn him to a ban. In this time of discussion he wrote a post in the guild BBS which essentially said that he was planning on holding little competitions to give out these off island items to islanders, and it explained he got these items from a person who was accidentally warped back to Maple Island. A GM was contacted by islander saulgoodman, the GM pulled IslandPro into another map and inquired about where he got these foreign items but he logged off. The GM said there was nothing they could do as long as he was offline and that we should contact a GM again if he logged on. He did log on later but not long enough for us to call a GM again. BlueCream held onto the foreign chair for this time as proof and so that he wouldn’t get in trouble. Later islanders BlueCream and IslandSlut explained the situation to islander Chokladkakan who let the staff know directly about the issue. IslanderPro was banned for Glitch Abuse pending review. Members of the MapleRoyals staff went into the server database and removed other off island items on old islander characters and placed them into the relevant merchant storages.

    - Following a server check on the 22nd GM Alyo made an announcement that she was buffing everyone in the free market. Lots of islanders were online at this moment so they mobilized to mass smega that they wanted GM Alyo to buff them too. Just when they thought all hope was lost GM Alyo came to Southperry and buffed all of the islanders, quitlanders and random nibs. The buffs they received were Haste, Hyper Body, Maple Warrior and Bless but the speed bonus of the haste wore off after an annoying fireworklander (Crylou) used the firecracker cash shop item to buff everyone afterwards. GM Alyo had to answer the phone and when she came back some islanders wanted a refresh on thier Haste and she complied. GM Alyo seemed impressed at the islander population and decided to come online on her level 14 islander (casual) and was promptly invited to Islanders and hung out for awhile and gained one level. GM Alyo revealed that her islander has the new beginnings ring, which finally confirmed IslandSlut's suspicions that someone on island might have it. 12 islanders were consistently active on the 22nd after GM Alyo buffed the islanders in southperry that day.

    - Islanders lolzor and BlueCream surpassed islander Boobs on the rankings earning 4th and 5th place.

    - On May 17th a second update about the new source was released. It was revealed that the much anticipated second Anniversary Event would be delayed until the release of the new source which was rather disheartening news to many islanders.

    - A level 75 Dark Knight with the ign MissPanda somehow found themselves bugged onto the first snail map of MapleIsland following a dc which occurred shortly after their third job advancement. Without knowing that the integrity of the Island was at stake she tried to help by dropping a surfboard. IslandSlut encouraged her not to do that and told her to please leave the island. A GM was contacted and staff were made aware that there currently appears to be some sort of bug warping characters onto Maple Island.

    - Islander NPCs logged in after an absence and according to islander BlueCream lamented that they feel their characters are pointless and that they should just delete them. He expressed that he wished he had spent the time grinding those characters on learning something useful like how to play a guitar. He mentioned he might create a new female islander character.

    -Number 1 ranked islander Chokladkakan leveled to 68.

    -A level 70 Dragon Knight with the ign UniqSmile was accidentally warped back to Maple Island following his 3rd job advancement. Islanders hung out with him and then encouraged him to leave without dropping any items.

    -The long absent quitlander Beaktoria stopped in to check on the state of Maple Island and briefly hung out with current islanders. Click here for an official inside look at what's under the owl mask paper bag!

    June 2015
    - IslandSlut applied for a GM / Developer posistion.

    - An islander known as Wavecap used the Islanders guild chat to express his hateful and oppressive views about trans people following the famous coming out of Caitlyn Jenner. Jr. Leader saulgoodman was having none of that and kicked his ass. He then proceeded to insist everyone else was too sensitive and that they should grow a thicker skin, followed by harassing certain members of the guild (map stealing, kill stealing, verbal harassment including trans-antagonistic language and slurs) and joined the new guild [​IMG] Evidence of his harassment isn't well documented unfortunately but here is some: (example of ksing) (example of verbal harassment) (comes to your chnl, kill steals, asks you change channels and harasses you, for me and my partner it's with trans-antagonistic slurs / sentiments) (another unique example of him ksing me and my partner and using the t slur) (misc. harassment) Later Wavecap was banned for 3 days for KSing.

    - An epic Quitlander with the IGN WatIsHarbor got so upset at being called a quitlander that he quitted Islanders, then later he rejoined the guild only to quit again and is currently a member of Islanders again. It is not known if he will continue his legacy in the future but IslandSlut reccomends he goes for the high score. RIP.

    - On June 5th forum user schmoo made a thread about their suggestions for Maple Island.

    - On June 6th NewIslander scrolled a second pair of gomushins, shortly after the first, stealing him first AND second place in the gomushins rankings.

    - An up and comer with the IGN NewIslander pushed thier way into the top 10 islander rankings.

    - A new quitlander arose from the ashes and promptly went back into them.

    - Islander lolzor created a thread with his suggestions for future content / improvements on Maple Island.

    - Top ranked islander Chokladkakan leveled to 69.

    - Following the unbanning of IslanderPro for suspected Glitch Abuse his first reaction upon logging on (without his illegal items) was to ask who got him banned. Islander saulgoodman took responsibility, though it was largely a coordinated group effort, she was just the one to call a GM first. She experienced verbal abuse by him. Later saulgoodman experienced antagonistic attitudes from someone who appears to be a friend of IslanderPro with the IGN Fargo. Later IslanderPro left Islanders due to his gripes with members therein and joined the new islander guild Natives.

    - IslandSlut passed NPCs and took 2nd place in the rankings. NPCs didn't seem to mind and said he's focusing on off-island characters for now.

    - It was noted by islander lolzor that a low ranked islander with the IGN Toke had a brown bandana, an item which shouldn't be possible to get on Maple Island.

    - On June 14th many islanders, including the top 4 ranked islanders, got together in the pig map for a party.

    - Competition between islanders NewIslander and KillingTime got fairly intense at one point. Shortly following this both NewIslander and KillingTime came out of the closet about being Quitlandersexuals with eachother.

    - Many nooblets happened to be online in the same map at once so IslandSlut hung out with them and took a selfie.

    - For some reason an islander with the IGN jelly9 likes to make a lot of islander alts. So far he has created jelly9, j3lly9, jelly, Niib, Poofy, Poofsu, Leaving and pootato which has led to him being considered the greatest chillander alive. Update: Jelly has decided to delete some of these islander alts!

    - On June 15 an obscure islander with the IGN Islandur logged on and immediately quit the guild Islanders. Islanders that were on at the time tracked him from Southperry to Lith Harbor until he finally logged out. RIP sweet angel.

    - On June 18th islander lolzor came close to IslandSlut's level (64-65).

    - On June 19th islander Wavecap was banned for 3 days for KSing (and implied harassment.)

    - On June 21st server rates were temporarily raised to 6/6/3 (exp/meso/drop) for 4 hours in order to make up for a series of roll-backs which occurred earlier that week. 11 Islanders were on near the start of the event but this slowly tapered off with time as some casual nerds had real life responsibilities to take care of.

    - lolzor levelled to 65 passing NPCs for 3rd place.

    - Near the end of June islanders were sort of inactive for awhile, many of the higher levelled islanders were possibly burnt out from too much training, many of them occupying themselves with other games. Events generally serve as motivation for Islanders to train and at this point there had been quite a dry spell since the anniversary event was delayed for months while everyone waited for the new source.

    - On June 24th lolzor revealed his massive scroll collection saying "1,000 cape & overall scrolls, oh my god"

    - Chokladkakan went on a vacation for a few weeks.

    - A new thread called Camper Community Guide / Ranks was created to be ready for Campers.

    July 2015
    - Islanders remained rather inactive in early July as well.

    - On July 7th Administrator Matt said that in the new source Campers were confirmed in this thread. In the same thread it is noted that in the new source AP will be added automatically until job advance or level 11 which may mess with the ability of Islanders and Campers to make custom stat builds.

    - Following the confirmation that campers were coming to MapleRoyals IslandSlut created a guild, [​IMG] Campers to be ready for their release.

    - In early July IslandSlut's "biggest fan" created an islander with the IGN NoobChan and promptly asked if various forms of cheating were permitted on this server. When told "No" he asked for clarification as to what .wz edits were acceptable, to which online islanders said "None". NoobChan then proceeded to show alarming amounts of chillander behavior by afking for long time periods and barely training. He also demonstrated that he had not read this thread like he said with overt displays of what could only be politely called island ignorance. RIP sweet angle 2015~2015.

    - On July 22nd IslandSlut tied Chokladkakan at level 69.

    - On July 24th IslandSlut and Chokladkakan decided they would level to 70 at the same time.

    - On July 27th a new section was added to this thread called Islander Rankings Archive for the purposes of documenting the Islander rankings from month to month.

    - *army trumpet blares out generic remembrance day theme* On July 28th an islander with the IGN Staying did the opposite of what her IGN suggests and quitted the islander skype chat. She then proceeded to block and / or delete any of the islanders she personally had added on there and was never heard from or seen again in game.

    "Staying? More like Quitting" - Island Slut before Staying terminated herself.

    August 2015
    - Islanders remained rather inactive in early august as well.

    - NPCs and Newbton logged on shortly and gave IslandSlut a badly scrolled Maple Bandana Blue, which she gave to Snooze who has always dreamed of owning one.

    - On August 10th a newlander with the IGN Remain made a thread asking how Chokladkakan got onto "The Forbidden Platform".

    - On August 13th many islanders decided to log in, hang out and take a picture together.

    - On August 16th, after a delay of two days due to personal issues, both islanders Chokladkakan and IslandSlut finally leveled to level 70 together. Following this IslandSlut hosted a rather large celebration party. A video showing some of the events of that party is currently being put together. Here are some screenshots: (The moment of truth!) (Start of the party) (A storm is brewing) (Some non-islanders show up) (Chok goes off to train on their own and gets their map raided by fireworks!) (Hanging out on the top of the Southperry boat) (Everyone races from side to side in Southperry and IslandSlut wins!) (Things start getting steamy!) (Slumber party, or something!) (Oh god, no!) (IslandSlut gets knocked up, who's the other parent?) (Race to the piggy map!) (Random epic 10 minute duel that went on) (Peak islander presence)

    - On August 17th the drop rates for Super Megaphones were decreased.

    - On August 17th WatIsHarbor came out as a bigot against campers (and apparently homosexuals) and was promptly punished for his blatant degeneracy. This lead to some serious business wherein WatIsHarbor became upset, lolzor posted screenshots of the exchange in this thread, which were removed promptly by Admin Katsuruka following a report because they believed the screenshots were inciting drama that didn't belong in the thread, IslandSlut agreed that they didn't belong as thread exchanges but could be documented here in the drama archive in order to hold people accountable. In a post which is now deleted WatIsHarbor asked that these particular screenshots not be hosted here for sake of his reputation. During these exchanges he left the islander skype chat in similar style to his original guild quitting. Then said he was joking about it. He also left the Islanders guild in game and went on to create his own, which is known now as one of the most epic failures of a guild to ever happen, RASplitRoad. In the span of a day he was already asking to be re-recruited into Islanders.

    - On August 21 IslandSlut released a video outlining some grinding tips.

    - On August 22 a new islander with the IGN MrTaco asked others who were online at the time a bunch of questions. Apparently he asked "Where can I level fast" and someone answered "Off-island" sarcastically and he somehow ended up taking it seriously and actually left. He figured he could level up on Victoria Island and then head back to be an islander. RIP never forgat 2015 ~ 2015

    - On August 24th top ranked islander Chokladkakan leveled to 71, taking back 1st place from IslandSlut and establishing an estimated 19 hour lead. IslandSlut has decided to take it easy until the event having reached her only end goal of being next to Chokladkakan on the rankings.

    - Near the end of August up and coming islanders: Sawngo, Basically and PrinceSquid hit 40+ tier around the same time. #SquadGoals.

    - Basically made a Magelander with the IGN BasicMage claiming second place in the magelander rankings by default.

    - In a marvelous display of ADHD IslandSlut forgot to put WatIsHarbors sandals and green headband onto the equipment rankings for 2 months, then when she finally did she didn't even award the right trophies for it.

    - On August 26th IslandSlut started a second islander with the IGN IslandVanity in order to have a character with her ideal build (see builds guide). In a gigantic co-incidence NPCs was also making a "perfect build" islander at the same time (IGN: WheresShanks). Here is a screenshot of when they both achieved wand stats.

    - On August 26th IslandSlut created a number of new islander rankings icons intended to replace the old one. A magelander rankings icon was also created.

    - On August 27th IslandSlut announced a 1 month long forum poll to decide the fate of the islander rankings icon.

    - On August 27th many islanders were online at once and took a picture next to Chok who was AFK at the time.

    - On August 27th islander Sawngo demonstrated his obsessive documenting of his character and proved that with dedication one really can become a robot and achieve level 48 in a week.

    - On August 28th, after ranting for a long time about how changing his name to NPCs and making his character look like Gaga totally killed his motivation to play his islander, Fired / NPCs finally decided on a new look and name (Snayl). Could we be witnessing the return of a legend?

    - On August 28th IslandSlut came under attack by a rogue stump!

    - On August 29th snayl (NPCs) levelled to 65 ending his stalemate with the inactive BlueCream.

    - On August 29th islander Frenzeys presumably quit.

    - On August 30th islander Sawngo levelled to 50.

    - On August 31st Daxos said he was going to quit the guild Islanders because of how competitive he felt IslandSlut was making the islander community, citing her perfect build concept and general lack of respect for casual islanders. He actually did quit, and joined Amherst for the time being, returning to his off-island characters.

    September 2015
    - At the beginning of September the open beta testing of the new source began. The thread announcing the details is here. You should report any bugs found in this forum.

    Upon release there were the following bugs associated with campers and islanders:

    - Can only see other people's apple suits and character info windows don't show it either.
    - Can warp to the FM from Camp and Maple Island. (This was later officially addressed and fixed, but some found they were able to warp to the FM anyways, GMs helped warp them back to where they belong)
    - Training Camp monsters only stand and walk on the spot, and cannot actually be killed leaving one of the quests not completable and making it impossible to train Campers or check exp p/h at the time.
    - Pretty much all beginner skills are bugged in some way.
    - The Training Camp and Maple Island are permanently stuck on 1x exp.
    - Dying in Mu Lung Dojo and clicking respawn sends you to the Maple Training Camp.
    - Rufus the pet food NPC has no dialogue.

    - Crates on island aren't dropping the quest items necessary to complete Pio's Recycling quest.
    - Some characters lost their hair.
    - All Maple Bandana Reds have been changed to a level 30 one-of-a-kind untradeable version and all Beginner's Guides have changed into a different version.
    - Various glitches with equipping weapons that affected warriors, beginners and islanders more than others:
    Trying to equip a spear, polearm, or (presumably) 2h sword, while wearing a shield and 1h weapon seems to only unequip your shield and not your main one-handed weapon. Equipping a shield while holding a polearm, spear or (presumably) 2h sword causes the weapon to be unequipped but the shield remains unequipped. Following this it seems equipping another polearm or spear will cause only the shield to be equipped for some reason. You can find ways to do this that allow you to weild a 2-h weapon and shield at once. Definitely some funky stuff going on here. Unequipping things from the equipment screen with a double click seems to not work at all. Your character then appears to be bugged until relog after messing around with this.

    Some new features that were relevant to Campers and Islanders:

    - The amount of experience required to level as well as the amount of experience granted by monsters has been dramatically decreased, but server rates have made it so that leveling rates will remain similar, especially in higher levels.
    - AP is automatically added into STR until job advance or level 11. (Can we make it so you get a full stat reset upon hitting level 11?)
    - The Three Snails skill no longer uses the appropriate shells as ammo. Matt said this is being changed.
    - The Metal Wand, obtainable on Maple Island, and previously equippable by beginners, is no longer equipable by them. RIP Magelanders. (Can we see this changed back? Magelanders were a big part of island nostalgia. I believe it would only take a .wz edit and quick change to common class.)
    - Meso pick-ups show in your chat bar for some reason.
    - Beginning snail map portals seem to be functioning correctly for once.

    - On September 1st islander Sawngo leveled to 51 passing both KillingTime and Newbton at once and taking 9th place in the islander top 10.

    - On September 2nd the islander SingleMother was presumed to be quitting because he randomly left the islander Skype chat unannounced, in similar fashion to other quitlanders. Later on he logged in on that character and left the guild. Update: On September 27th SingleMother affirmed his leaving the islander Skype chat was part of his self-banning that he asked for and that he didn't remember leaving the guild. He said when he became un-banned he went on to play his off-island main instead.

    - On September 2nd an update for the closed beta was released which addressed some camper / islander concerns.

    - On September 3rd a forum moderator named Andreas mistakenly reported beginners lack of losing exp upon death as a bug.

    - On September 5th an update for the closed beta was released which addressed some camper / islander concerns.

    - On September 8th Moderator Andreas made a suggestion thread asking for arrow / crossbow arrow drops to be removed. Arrows dropping from island monsters has been an issue which has been prominent for islanders given that they clog up the inventory and can be brought in stores any ways.

    - On September 8th an update for the closed beta was released which addressed some camper / islander concerns.

    - On September 9th the glitch list for the new source open beta was as follows:

    - On September 9th a Setup / Client / WZ update for the closed beta was released which addressed some camper / islander concerns. Matt lamented that so much had been changed that it wasn't worth downloading individual files, hence why the download is an entirely new installer.

    - On September 10th IslandSlut asked for some opinions and created a Camper / Islander New Source Wishlist which also included a poll to decide islander opinion on a particular conception of an islander boss. Within the day Karven made a forum post confirming that the system that automatically adds AP is going to be removed upon next patch.

    - On September 13th an update for the closed beta was released that addressed some camper / islander concerns.

    - On September 16th many islanders were online at once and they took a picture with Chokladkakan. Here is a screenshot from an alternate perspective.

    - On September 17th IslandSlut finally updated the equipment ranks and things were shifted around quite a bit.

    - On September 19th islander lolzor created a post which contained a top 20 level and fame rankings which included known nationalities of the islanders in question.

    - On September 20th a Setup / Client / WZ update for the closed beta was released which addressed some camper / islander concerns including officially removing the much lamented Auto-AP system.

    - On September 20th WatIsHarbor created a thread in the Report Abuse forum reporting islander sYolo for having off-island items. The screenshot in the thread was taken by lolzor. Following this sYolo's account was banned for 3 days for glitch abuse and his off-island items were moved to his merchant storage according to Admin John.

    - On September 22nd islander lolzor levelled to 69.

    - On September 22nd an update was released for the new source open beta which fixed an issue with drop rates.

    - On September 23rd islander lolzor shared some nostalgic screenshots from his islanding days in EMS with BlueCream, known then as BlueIsland.

    - On September 23rd islander lolzor brought attention to the fact that the upcoming September 30th update correlates to the time of last years Halloween event. Could we be witnessing the return of events to MapleRoyals? Update: It seems Admins and GMs are liking posts in the update thread which are Halloween related. Maybe there's hope.

    - On September 25th lilaznpunk created a bug report thread relating to the new source open beta noting that the unwanted Auto-AP system still hasn't been entirely remedied.

    - On September 25th islander WatIsHarbor created an open beta suggestions thread asking that the map "The Field West Of Amherst" be changed to the older version.

    - On September 26th islander lolzor created a post in the Latest Accomplishment Thread and here celebrating [​IMG] Islanders reaching 100 total members which also included a short walk-through of some of the best moments in recent islanding history. Following the maxing out of spaces in [​IMG] Islanders a new guild, [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding) was founded by saulgoodman, and allianced with [​IMG] Islanders to serve as extra space for new islanders. Some islanders liked the look of the new guild better however and ended up moving guilds.

    - On September 27th the month long poll to determine islander attitudes towards some new possible islander rankings icons concluded with most islanders in favor of keeping the old palm tree icon.

    - On September 27th SingleMother affirmed his leaving the islander Skype chat was part of his self-banning that he asked for and that he didn't remember leaving the guild. He said when he became un-banned he went on to play his off-island main instead.

    - On September 28th islanders ran into a hacker in the open beta and reported him here. They were reminded that testing hacks on the Open Beta is allowed.

    - Up and coming islander Sawngo was strangely nowhere to be seen near the end of this month despite his very promising beginnings.

    October 2015
    - Near the start of October MapleRoyals staff announced the start of the second Halloween Event. In order to get online for this event players had to download some updated .wz files. This was the first event in awhile due to the delay of the anniversary event in lieu of the much awaited New Source and islanders at the time were completely event starved. This event was essentially the same as last years Halloween event for islanders with the main difference being a lack of the commonly disliked Halloween Pumpkin Hat, the much beloved BloodyRose and WorldEnd as well as some newly introduced chairs. During the event islanders could collect Halloween Candies dropped from Maple Island monsters in order to exchange them at Malady for some prizes. A unique Malady NPC was created which halved the candy prices of the event prizes for Islanders but many still felt that it was too hard to acquire all the prizes they wanted within the event period. At 88 candies per hour grinding in HGitMotF2 one of the chairs that cost 2500 candies would take around 28 hours to obtain, let's just be honest, that is far too much. There were also some Cash Shop style equipment available as event prizes but much of it was purchasable in the cash shop already any ways. The walking animation for the Pumpkin Spear seemed to be off and still hasn't been remedied. The Halloween Pumpkin Chair was no longer broken this year.

    [​IMG] Pumpkin Basket (2006 SE) - 125 Candies
    Wep Atk: 1 All Stats: 1
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Spear (Level 25) - 200 Candies
    Wep Atk: 47 Str: 1 Acc: 15
    [​IMG] Pumpkin Lantern (Level 30) - 350 Candies
    Wep atk: 55 Mag Atk: 55 HP: 50
    [​IMG] Halloween Pumpkin Chair - 750 Candies
    Restores 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Halloween Broomstick Chair - 750 Candies
    Restores 50 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] The Strige Seat - 1250 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Skull Throne - 1250 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Zombie Hunter Chair - 1750 Candies
    Restores 80 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Scary Witch Chair - 2500 Candies
    Restores 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds
    [​IMG] Halloween Candies

    - On October 2nd islanders on at the time took a break from farming candies for a group screenshot.

    - On October 3rd islanders on at the time took a break from farming candies for two group screenshots: (1) (2) lolzor even made the second screenshot his phone background.

    - On October 4th WatIsHarbor came out as gay. What a brave new world!

    - Following October 4th IslandSlut, myself, was absent and inactive from the MapleRoyals islander community until around November 24th, any information about things which occurred during my -mysterious- absence may be less reliable than usual. Sorry~

    - On October 5th lolzor levelled up to 70, tying with IslandSlut. In his announcing post he also included flashbacks of many of his previous level-up moments.

    - On October 5th PrinceSquidd posted an old picture of his islander from when he was a noob.

    - At some point during October - November islander Chellie got her islander's picture drawn.

    - Near the end of October the second Halloween Event came to an end.

    November 2015
    - On November 2nd lolzor created and posted an updated version of his previous country / fame ranking.

    - On November 2nd various islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - At some point during November lolzor created a series of posts titled Grind Day some might find humorous. (1)(2)(3). snayl also did a similar picture series.

    - On November 22nd WatIsHarbor made a humorous post demonstrating the indisputable truth regarding islander populations during events recently.

    - On November 22nd MapleRoyals staff announced the start of the second Thanksgiving Event. In order to get online for this event players had to download some updated .wz files. Unfortunately, to the dismay of many islanders the only part of this event that was relevant to them were the pie monsters which spawned on Maple Island. They had the same exp and HP as the map monsters and therefore did not affect exp p/h significantly. Some thought that the prescence of pie monsters actually made grinding somewhat harder, especially for lower level islanders. Although the pies were dropping pie ingredients this year islanders were not given access to an NPC which could bake pies and therefore had no means by which too create the only two event items, Pilgrim's Hat and Pumpkin Pie Ring. Islander opinion seemed in favour of keeping the Pilgrim Hat off island, though disappointment at the lack of inclusion was strong.

    [​IMG] Pie Crust
    [​IMG] Pumpkin
    [​IMG] Flour
    [​IMG] Powder Sugar

    - On November 24th an inordinate amount of islanders gathered for a massive group screenshot of 16 individuals. This has to be breaking some sort of record, who's keeping track of this stuff? Oh, right me. Hmph.

    - On November 25th PrinceSquidd reached level 50.

    - On November 25th islander lolzor achieved 100 fame.

    - On November 29th snayl reached level 68.

    - On November 30th islander lolzor levelled to 71, surpassing the islander in 2nd place, IslandSlut. His post HERE detailed that many other islanders also levelled up that day including Newbton to 58.

    December 2015
    - Near the start of December MapleRoyals staff announced the beginning of the server's third Christmas Event. It would be delayed until December 10th and end on January 10th due to the late start of the second Thanksgiving event.

    - On December 2nd islander Sawngo, famous for his meticulous documenting and fast all-in-one-go levelling, made his returning presence known in this thread after a long absence. He did not stay active for long.

    - On December 7th islander lolzor remade one of his humorous islander forum comics to be shorter and more up to date.

    - On December 10th the second Thanksgiving Event came to an end and the third Christmas Event began. The event played out exactly the same as last years, involving the collection of Star Of Maplemas Spirit, to be turned in to an NPC, Maple Claws, in Amherst for event prizes. The prizes were the same as last years + 2 new NX items. The same four Christmas themed weapons were dropping from island monsters this year too. Some criticized the event as lacking variety for islanders.

    [​IMG] Maplemas Lights / Wee Bulbs (Level 25)
    Wep Atk: 38-48 (up to 52) Speed: 9-11 (up to 15)
    [​IMG] Versalmas Cactus (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 49-59 (up to 63) HP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Maplemas Tree (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 47-57 (up to 61) MP: 90-110 (up to 114)
    [​IMG] Christmas Tree (Level 10)
    Wep Atk: 19-25 (up to 29) Avoid: 9-11 (up to 14)
    [​IMG] Ice Chair
    Restores 40 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Red Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Green Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Black Christmas Heater
    [​IMG] Star Of Maplemas Spirit
    [​IMG] Nevermelting Snow

    - On December 12th a tree decorating contest event was announced which had the potential of bringing a rare foreign NX item or chair to Maple Island.

    - On December 13th islander Chokladkakan submitted a humorous fake entry to the tree decorating contest event.

    - On December 16th many islanders gathered on the Christmas tree in Amherst for a group screenshot.

    - On December 17th islander WatIsHarbor showed off a new glitch-through spot they found.

    - On December 17th islander snayl teased WatIsHarbor that they would leave Maple Island if they ever actually reached level 50.

    - On December 21st islander lolzor showed that they had achieved 2000 scrolls in total.

    - On December 22nd islander snayl levelled to 70 and some short time thereafter passed IslandSlut on the rankings securing 3rd place.

    - On December 25th islander lolzor made a lovely forum post recalling the good memories of that year.

    - On December 29th islander WatIsHarbor created a 7 month anniversary post for his character detailing some of his accomplishments.

    - On December 30th the tree decorating contest event came to an end and the winners were announced, none of which included an islander submission. One might argue that it was an unfair event to islanders given that they don't have access to many decorations.

    January 2016

    February 2016
    - Near the start of February MapleRoyals staff announced the start of the server's third Valentines Day event and Lunar New Year Event. Just like in previous Valentine's Day / Lunar New Year Events 4 coloured roses were dropping from monsters on Maple Island with scaling rarity from Yellow, Red, White to Blue. For some reason, the drop rate of all roses was much higher than usual this time around. Red envelopes and wish tickets were dropped by island monsters too but served no purpose for islanders. The Love Slime and Ace Of Hearts aspects of the event were inaccessible to islanders. Some islanders were not particularly happy with this event being the same as the previous ones.

    [​IMG] Yellow Valentine Rose
    Wep Atk: 18-22 (up to 26)
    [​IMG] Red Valentine Rose (Level 12)
    Wep Atk: 27-33 (up to 37)
    [​IMG] White Valentine Rose / White Candy (Level 24)
    Wep Atk: 44-54 (up to 58)
    [​IMG] Blue Valentine Rose (Level 48)
    Wep Atk: 65-75 (up to 79)
    [​IMG] White Chocolate
    [​IMG] Dark Chocolate

    [​IMG] Yellow Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Green Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Blue Wish Ticket
    [​IMG] Red Envelope

    - On February 11th a forum contest event was announced by MapleRoyals staff, to compliment the ongoing Valentines Day / Lunar New Year Event which had the potential of introducing a foreign chair to Maple Island.

    - Some time in February owner of guild [​IMG] Newbology (2nd founding) saulgoodman disbanded the guild causing a glitch for members of allianced guild [​IMG] Islanders. wherein members would constantly have their key bindings reset every time they logged in.

    - On February 27th the winners from the Valentine's Day / Lunar New Year Event forum contest were declared, none of which included any islanders.

    March 2016

    April 2016
    - Literally fuck all happened tbh

    May 2016
    - On May 10th islanders lolzor and snayl got together for a comedic forum post.

    - On May 16th, after a years delay, the MapleRoyals second Anniversary Event was announced by server staff. Much to the dismay of islanders at the time the event thread did not seem to mention any content that would be accessible to islanders. This led islander snayl to remark "Rip Islanders". During the event cake monsters were spawning along with normal island monsters on some maps. For the first few days of the event cake monsters seemingly weren't weren't dropping any maple umbrellas or maple glory swords as expected. There were so few cake monsters many islanders resorted to changing channels in order to farm them quicker. Later in the event, the amount of cake monsters on Maple Island were reduced considerably, apparently because they were killing noobs, and farming them became much harder. By the end of the event some few islanders found maple glory swords, a new addition to the island, but overall most were left somewhat unsatisfied by the event.

    [​IMG] Maple Umbrella (Level 30)
    Wep Atk: 40-50 (up to 54) Speed: 10-14 (up to 18)
    Maple Slory Sword (Level 64)
    Wep Atk: 78-85 (up to 90) Accuracy: 33-39 (up to 44)

    - On May 16th islander snayl created a forum thread titled Discussion On Islanders @Sila. The thread appeared to be argueing that GM SilaChan had expressed a concern of making islanders OP with certain event items, but that the statistical reality was that islanders were already good enough to do anything on island easily any ways, including 1-shot monsters and achieve max speed, so it wasn't a good argument to refrain from allowing islanders access to some of the event items causing worry. This line of reasoning seems to neglect to note that there is more to the notion of OP than stats, such as aesthetic lining up with the original GMS and EMS servers. The thread also appeared to be bringing up the idea of including islanders in GM map events by disabling item dropping and trading in those maps and designing them to be inclusive. Some resentments about the lack of islander event inclusion were aired, accusations of entitlement or unappreciativeness from islanders were openly aired by the Staff, it was a tense thread all around. Many GMs / Administrators read the thread and responded at various times. At some point islander lolzor posted a supposedly distasteful meme which offended some of the staff, it has since been removed and lolzor was banned for 3 days for posting it. The thread was eventually locked with Sila remarking "you'll find out when it happens." in regards to the Anniversary event, which at this point had been delayed for almost a whole year.

    - On May 17th Staff member Dimitri commented on this thread in response to WatIsHarbor concerning islander discontent over the non-inclusivity of the new Anniversary event. Staff member John was also drawn into the conversation as well.

    - On May 17th forum user Vank made a thread titled "Dear islanders - why???" which drew a positive response from the community.

    - On May 17th islander snayl levelled to 74.

    - On May 18th a group of islanders got together for a screenshot.

    - Around May 19th allegations of changed drop rates or overly low drop rates were common among islanders, frustrated to be getting so little reward for their time in the Anniverary Event. Staff addressed some concerns.

    - On May 21st islander Sawngo, famous for his meticulous documenting and fast all-in-one-go levelling, made his returning presence known in this thread after a long absence.

    - On May 22nd islander DannysIsland noticed a strange occurance while farming cake monsters.

    - On May 22nd islander snayl found the first Maple Umbrella of the event.

    - On May 22nd some islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On May 22nd islander lolzor showed their inventory full of Maple Weapons.

    - On May 23rd islander snayl levelled to 75.

    - On May 23rd DannysIsland found a glitch where their character became naked.

    - On May 23rd islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On May 24th lolzor posted a series of humorous memes made by the islanding community which highlight the struggle to get maple umbrellas from the event. (Part 1) (Part 2)

    - On May 28th islander snayl posted a series of memes parodying the personality of famous islander personalities in the community.

    - On my 28th Staff member Dimitri buffed islanders and hung out with them for a group screenshot.

    - On May 28th the record for most islanders in a screenshot was matched.

    - On May 29th islander snayl levelled to 76.

    - On May 29th an islander with the IGN Drugs revealed they had the New Beginnings Ring, a rare and highly desired event item on island. At this time only 2 owners were known.

    - On May 30th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On May 31st Sawngo revealed that between the date of May 22nd and 30th he had levelled from 54 to 60, showing once again that he is a robot.

    June 2016

    July 2016

    August 2016

    - On August 3rd islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 4th islander NewIslander leveled to 59.

    - On August 4th islandersgot together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 5th lolzor showcased their collection of recent community screenshots.

    - On August 6th up and coming islander superstar Delfino leveled to 40 and showed off their absolutely astounding +4 gomushins.

    - On August 8th islander NewIslander leveled to 60.

    - On August 10th islander snayl levelled to 78.

    - On August 11th staff member Andreas created a thread titled "Revert some Maple Island maps to old school GMS" asking opinions on possibly replacing some Maple Island maps to old pre v40 Maple Island maps in the live version of the game. Andreas even remarked at how a return of old quests could be a good idea as well. Response was overwhelmingly positive, especially among islanders.

    - On August 16th lolzor posted a detailed chart of islander statistics.

    - On August 16th lolzor posted a compilation of various "best of" moments in islanding history.

    - On August 16th snayl noticed that this thread has reached over 500 posts.

    - On August 17th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 19th islander lolzor leveled to 74.

    - On August 19th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 21st islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 21st islanders got together for a very large group screenshot.

    - On August 24th islander BlueCream leveled to 67.

    - On August 26th islanders got together for two group screenshots. (1) (2)

    - On August 27th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On August 28th a screenshot of afklander losers was added to the thread.

    - On August 29th islander snayl made serious accusations against lolzor.

    - On August 31st islanders got together for some group screenshots. (1)(2)

    September 2016

    - On September 1st NewIslander levelled to 61.

    - On September 2nd DannysIsland leveled to 54.

    - On September 2nd both islanders lolzor and BlueCream levelled together, to 68 and 75 respectively, in a screenshot.

    - On September 5th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 6th islander Sawngo congratulated NewIslander on surpassing his rank, promising to kick his ass upon return.

    - On September 7th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 7th a record breaking 18 islanders were online at the same time for a massive group screenshot for the record books! (Alternate Screenshot with 17 islanders)

    - On September 8th islander DannysIsland found 2 excellent gomushins in a short time, but scrolling didn't go well.

    - On September 9th islanders BoatlessMonk and Tsukishima hilariously noted that they look the same.

    - On September 9th islander DannysIsland leveled to 55.

    - On September 9th staff member Saleh messed around with islander dannysIsland's fame as a joke.

    - On September 10th, with scrolls obtained from Newbton, islander Vivienneex scrolled an absolutely unreal +4 blue one-lined t-shirt.

    - On September 10th the definition of ropelander changed forever.

    - On September 12th islanders got together for two group screenshots. (1)(2)

    - On September 12th islander lolzor gained a large amount of fame, rocketing to 202 solidifying his place as the number one famelander degenerate.

    - On September 12th NewIslander leveled to 62.

    - On September 13th islander lolzor contributed to the thread with a unique ranking and commentary on islander exp earning history.

    - On September 13th islander lolzor showcased some fresh new memes.

    - On September 16th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 16th guild leader of [​IMG] PiggyPatrol, snayl, called on suggestions for guild rank names.

    - On September 16th DannysIsland came out as a femmeboy.

    - On September 18th islanders took a group screenshot with a jobbed character who accidentally ended up glitched onto Maple Island, a phenomenon which had become surprisingly common.

    - On September 18th islanders got together for two group screenshots. (1)(2)

    - On September 18th islander DannysIsland leveled to 56 with many witnesses. (1)(2)

    - On September 18th IslandChrizz outlined some of their theories about weapon usage and map exp efficiency. On September 21st this was accompanied by a follow up post addressing an errors.

    - On September 19th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 21st lolzor got rolled back 71 levels.

    - On September 23rd islanders got together for a massive 15 islander screenshot.

    - On September 24th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 24th new islander PalmSap posted about achieving level 40 islander is 2 weeks.

    - On September 25th islanders got together for a massive 12 islander screenshot. There was also this less impressive group screenshot.

    - On September 26th islander DannysIsland leveled to 57.

    - On September 26th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On September 26th islanders lolzor and IslandChrizz leveled together in a group screenshot, reaching 76 and 49 respectively.

    - On September 27th this thread reached 666 replies. Spooky!

    - On September 28th IslandChrizz leveled to 50.

    - On September 29th islander BlueCream leveled to 69. lol

    October 2016

    - On October 1st islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On October 3rd islander DannysIsland leveled to 58.

    - On October 3rd islander Sawngo posted a summary and overall tallyup of lolzors ongoing islander exp ranking.

    - On October 3rd islander Sawngo posted about the supplies he had brought so that he wouldn't have to leave his room for 10 hours, preparation for his famous mega grinding.

    - On October 7th islanders got together for a massive 13 islander group screenshot.

    - On October 8th Sawngo posted a series of screenshots capturing his leveling from 62 to 65.

    - Aw, I was missed, sorry for my inactivity. Love y'all.

    - On October 8th islanders got together for a massive 11 islander group screenshot, which included 4 different islander guilds. Possible record breaker for most guilds in one screenshot? lol

    - On October 9th islander Sawngo revealed once again how obcessive he is about tracking his islander exping.

    - On October 9th islander lolzor leveled to 77.

    - On October 10th all out war broke out on island.

    - On October 11th islander Sawngo blew everyone's minds with his reveal that he had earned 8,080,080 experience in a week.

    - On October 12th islander Sawngo reflected on islanding history in this thread.

    - On October 12th islander Quitlander leveled to 31.

    - On October 13th islander IslandChrizz leveled to 55.

    - On October 14th islander Sawngo posted 3 screenshots capturing his leveling from 66-68.

    - On October 15th islanders BlueCream and Slain leveled up together in a group screenshot achieving level 70 and 54 respectively.

    - On October 15th islanders got together for a thematic group screenshot.

    - On October 15th islander Xochiquetzal hit 2 10% scrolls on a perfect green headband.

    - On October 15 islanders got together for a massive thematic 16 islander group screenshot.

    - On October 16th islander DannysIsland leveled to 59 in a large 10 islander screenshot.

    - Here is a collection of funny looking Halloween screenshots on island. (Animated one)

    - On October 17th Victoria Island declared war on Maple Island.

    - On October 19th islanders Slain and Striver worked together to scroll a 17 def blue one-lined t-shirt and achieved an astounding +4.

    - On October 19th someone drew some art of islander BlueCream.

    - On October 19th a glitch with the Halloween event had some islanders warping to FM after the jump quest, many had to be warped back to Maple Island and one islander, Xochiquetzai, got banned for trying to drop trade with non-islanders when warped to the FM.

    - On October 20th Sawngo showed off his insane amount of Halloween candies.

    - On October 21st islander Oahu leveled to 50 and revealed he doesn't have any skill points in 3 snails. Islander Chokladkakan chimed in that they had never added more than 1 skill point into Three Snails.

    - On October 21st staff member Matty bare witness to islanders lolzor and Sawngo leveling from a party green snail kill to level 78 and 70 respectively. Sawngo made a dedicated post about this as well. (lol)

    - On October 21st islander DannysIsland announced their retirement.

    - On October 22nd Sawngo showed off his full set of Halloween event items.

    - On October 22nd islander snayl made an in depth islander guide.

    - On October 24th a spooky floating invincible stump ravaged Maple Island.

    - On October 25th islander nuber renounced their Maple Island citizenship and left island.

    - On October 27th a gm, Fergus, summoned multitudinous amounts of blue snails for a few islanders.

    - On October 30th islanders got together for a thematic group screenshot.

    - On October 30th islanders lolzor and Sawngo created propaganda for PiggyPatrol.

    - On October 31st an odd level 6 pistol wielding beginner hacker got themselves on Maple Island and was caught on screenshot.

    November 2016
    - On November 2nd islanders took a group screenshot inside the Halloween jump quest.

    - On November 2nd islander lolzor leveled to 79.

    - On November 7th some of the pettiest forum drama I've ever seen went down.

    - On November 7th lolzor made a wicked throwback thread.

    - A fresh set of islander memes.

    - On November 9th islanders got together for a final thematic group screenshot.

    - Islander Sawngo's ridiculous Halloween event item collection grows.

    - On November 9th islander IslandChrizz leveled to 60 taking 10th place in the ranks.

    - On November 10th islander Sawngo leveled to 75.

    - On November 11th the founding of and recruitment for a new islander guild [​IMG] Escargot was announced in the thread. It was created by Sawngo and would join in the alliance with [​IMG] PiggyPatrol.

    - On November 12th-13th a player driven raffle was held where IslandChrizz earned 11469 candies from Top Gun.

    - Quitlander returns shortly in a burst of inspiration but then quits again.

    - On November 13th islanders got together for a massive 11 islander group screenshot.

    - On November 24th islander Sawngo got banned for 3 days for kill stealing, the original thread documenting what had happened is deleted.

    - On November 15th Sawngo announced that as part of it's 1 month anniversary [​IMG] Escargot will be holding a forum screenshot competition for prizes.

    - On November 16th islander Sawngo showed more of his beloved obsessive grind planning tendencies.

    - On November 16th islander lolzor reached the incredible level of 80. Grats! (super rare lolzor irl face reveal despite everyone in islander chat having seen this 999x)

    - On November 17th islander DannysIsland leveled to 61.

    - On November 17th islanders from the guild [​IMG] Escargot got together for a group screenshot.

    - On November 20th BoatlessMonk level to 53.

    - Afraid of dying of a sedentary lifestyle, on November 20th islander Sawngo announced he would be slowing down his hardcore grinding.

    - On November 21st BoatlessMonk got hit by the infamous dexlander ban.

    - On November 27th Sawngo took a strange screenshot of an island glitch that was going on at the time.

    December 2016
    - On December 2nd islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On December 3rd islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On December 4th islander Zheedie leveled to 50.

    - On December 4th islander IslandChrizz leveled to 64, allowing him use of the fabled Maple Glory Sword.

    - On December 5th islander Setsunax3 leveled to 50.

    - On December 10th islanders got together for a group screenshot.

    - On December 11th islanders got together for a group screenshot in a confusing jumble of holiday fun.

    - On December 11th the results of Sawngo's [​IMG] Escargot guild forum screenshot event were announced.

    - On December 13th islanders got together for a thematic group screenshot.

    - On December 15th islander lolzor showed off his 5000 scrolls.

    - On December 15th BoatlessMonk found a perfect speed Maplemas Lights. The next day a similar one was found by forum user Yorda.

    - On December 16th members of [​IMG] Escargot got together for a large 10 islander group screenshot. Later this beard only thematic group screenshot was taken.

    - On December 16th islanders, mostly members of [​IMG] Escargot, got together for a large 10 islander group thematic screenshot.

    - On December 17th islander Oahu achieved the best Jean Capris on Maple Island, landing 3 10%s.

    - On December 19th islander Sawngo leveled to 80.

    - On December islander lolzor leveled to 81.

    - On December 20th islanders, mostly members of [​IMG] Escargot, got together for a thematic group screenshot.

    - Some time around December 20th-23rd hella uncertain drama went down with [​IMG] Escargot leader Sawngo apparently being rude and power trippy towards guild members, prompting some guild members to move to another existing guild, [​IMG] BongLords, which had existed before this but was apparently sparcely used, and back to [​IMG] PiggyPatrol. There isn't a lot of documentation about what actually specifically happened but this is the general story I've been told. [​IMG] Escargot would go on to be mostly empty following the mass walk out and eventually be deleted by Sawngo.

    - On December 22nd islander Oahu found their own perfect speed Maplemas Lights.

    - On December 23rd islanders, quite a few new joiners to the quickly filling guild [​IMG] BongLords, got together for a large thematic 11 islander group screenshot. And another. And another. This saga was deemed a new chapter.

    - On December 24th BoatlessMonk leveled to 60, reaching top 10 islanders in the ranks.

    - On December 24th islander Rawlings found a perfect speed Maplemas Lights.

    - On December 26th islander DannysIsland levelled to 63.

    - On December 27th islander lolzor made a post about Christmas events through-out the years.

    - On December 27th islander HeroinAddict posted their 16 speed Maplemas Lights that wasn't even blue named.

    - On December 28th Sawngo revealed that they had saved up enough Star Of Maplemas Spirits to buy all of the Christmas event items and had reached 60 million mesos. He also found a 16 speed Maplemas Lights as well.

    - On December 30th the arrival of the new source update was celebrated with two pre-new source screenshots. (1)(2)

    - On December 30th islander lolzor, the top ranked islander, was deleted and disapeared from the rankings at a final level of 81. Relevant information regarding his self-deletion can be found: Here. (Here is lolzors farewell.) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (RIP) (lol) (lol)

    - On December 31st islander Tsukishima brought the 16 speed Maplemas Lights from Rawlings for 1.25 billion off island mesos.

    January 2017
    - On January 1st islander IslandChrizz did the same as Sawngo and displayed his meticulous task of having earned every Christmas event item.

    - On January 4th the new source is released, with predictable lag and issues. Finally, islanders got a working training camp, bringing the subclass of Campers to MapleRoyals! Learn more about Campers in this dedicated thread. Camper drama will be posted in that thread, and not mentioned here unless it's relevant to Maple Island. Unfortunately, for some time upon release no-one could create new characters, so the Camper hype basically never happened.

    - The new source introduced varied colored headbands and green skullcap, all colors of work gloves, fruit knife to the island economy through new quests.

    - Upon launch the new source didn't have character creation, some skills didn't work, the site rankings disappeared, scrolling didn't work, and some of the Maple Island maps were replaced with v43 versions screwing up the spawn rates and exp rates, and guilds were reportedly glitched in a lot of ways, all of which heavily de-encentivized islanders at the time. This historical point marked a growing decline in islander population.

    - The new source seemed to send more jobbed characters back to Maple Island than usual. (1)(2)

    February 2017
    March 2017
    - Literally fuck all happened tbh.

    April 2017
    May 2017

    June 2017
    July 2017
    - With popular islander guild [​IMG] BongLords affected by a new source related glitch many islanders left and joined a previous off-island beginner guild [​IMG] BestBeginner around this time.

    - On July 4th islander DannysIsland leveled to 65. Islander Vallug also leveled to 44 at the same time.

    - On July 14th islanders go together for a group screenshot.

    August 2017
    September 2017



    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2024
  2. Lomo

    Lomo Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Country Flag:
    Here are the good items that I own :)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ben Astarb and Yiks like this.
  3. Lightz

    Lightz Donator

    Jun 20, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Country Flag:
    MapleRoyals 2014-12-08 21-22-28-11.jpg
    IoIzor and Yiks like this.
  4. Chokladkakan

    Chokladkakan Web Developer

    Feb 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IslandSlut asked me to post a few bits from the murky depths of my inventory. None of these have very interesting stories behind them, barring possibly the anniversary items, and those only because I spent an obscene amount of time collecting the candles.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Sailin and Yiks like this.
  5. Chokladkakan

    Chokladkakan Web Developer

    Feb 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IslandSlut also asked me to say something of the stories behind these items.

    This is the first purple item I managed. I found the thirteen defence bandana within my first week. The ten per cent scroll I landed on it was the first scroll I used during my time here, after which I had some frivolous fun with the exceedingly likely sixty per cent ones.

    This was my second seventeen defence (female) shirt and the second shirt I ever landed a scroll on.

    I was bored and scrolled a mediocre skirt a snail in Dangerous Forest happened to drop one evening.

    I found a pair of shoes. I scrolled them. The first scroll landed, the next two did not. I still had quite a few scrolls to spare and thought I might as well do it properly.

    Whatever your measure, this is not the best pair of White Gomushins. Boobs' has ImLost's pair that is superior in terms of speed, whilst Schwer has a similarly scrolled pair that were four speed before scrolling.

    This was a trade with Chach (who is no longer with us). He got a twenty-four attack Sky Snowboard he'd been coveting, along with a fifty-four attack White Valentine Rose.

    This is the twin of the snowboard from the aforementioned trade. It is the third blue item I found.

    This is a constant reminder of my failure to find a blue-named Yellow Valentine Rose during the event.

    (Note that the name of this item is incorrect; I am informed it will change in some upcoming patch.)

    This was a pleasant surprise during my first few days and moved my plans for one-hitting up quite a bit.

    This rose was my first blue item. I was startled and pleasantly surprised as I asked Eurobeatnik, the only other person I had met at this time, about it. The godly item system was explained to me.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2014
    Mooshy and Yiks like this.
  6. IslandSlut

    IslandSlut Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    OP is quite a bit more up to date now.
  7. Goofy

    Goofy Donator

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  8. Jace

    Jace Donator

    May 17, 2014
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    My equips suck. I also own a 24 attack snowboard - will edit post later with a screenshot. Still waiting for a 7 speed gomushin...

  9. IslandSlut

    IslandSlut Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Apparently for now you take 1st place on blue one-lined t-shirt.
  10. IslandSlut

    IslandSlut Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    I've decided to make this thread the community hub for most everything Islander related, for now it includes a visual rankings and equipment rankings, which have been filled out laboriously and neatened with spoilers. I plan to add my item drops and hunting guides as well as other content that islanders come up with.
  11. Unknown

    Unknown Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Accel is my ign
    Ahhh, only blue stuff I have and decent items to show. Tho you don't keep track of other class items it seems.[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Mooshy and IslandSlut like this.
  12. Senpai Shrek

    Senpai Shrek Donator

    Jul 9, 2014
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    PubicSlim.PNG Maple0066.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    Unknown and Yiks like this.
  13. Jace

    Jace Donator

    May 17, 2014
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    I'd like to submit my entry for best Blue One-Lined T-Shirt:
    Story (because that's the hip thing to do nowadays): This 17 def clean top was traded from Aborigine almost two months ago in exchange for an equivalent female top. Two 10%s passed in a row beginning on the fifth slot when I attempted to finish it today - the first was given by Chimney in an act of kindness, and the other was traded from Accel in exchange for a set of Maplemas Lights.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    Unknown and Yiks like this.
  14. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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  15. Jace

    Jace Donator

    May 17, 2014
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    Whelp, they're finished now.
    Story: 10%s passed on the second and third slot.

    What metric are the bottoms compared to? Defense-wise mine are the best, but if you count the total stats, yours are still better.
  16. pokemon1188

    pokemon1188 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Maple0010.jpg Maple0011.jpg Maple0012.jpg Does this include items that are dropped on Maple Island, but can't be used? (e.g. Fork on a Stick)
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  17. IslandSlut

    IslandSlut Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Nope, I believe it wouldn't be worth my time, or the islander communities time to include those in the rankings.
  18. Unknown

    Unknown Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ign: Accel
    Just found this white gomushin when grinding at df. Yoloed 2 10%, where one of them I got from daxos in exchange for my topwear def 10% scroll.
    The Blue One-Lined T-shirt I found awhile back. I decided to yolo scroll it along with my shoes, fortunately the first scroll worked. The next scroll I found at stumps worked as well! It was a great day.
  19. Goofy

    Goofy Donator

    Nov 12, 2013
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  20. Unknown

    Unknown Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    My first blue clean item that I can actually wear. I found this after smegaing "THE ISLANDER HYPE IS REAL!" even tho I really was the only islander online. The next mushroom I killed after that smega dropped this. Considering daxos traded me a 48att 10speed and it was white, I guess 59total stats makes maplemas lights blue :)

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