95/900 should be good here is a rough breakdown of # quests you could finish in future when you level up 31 from ellin (100+) 8 from shao/lushan town (120+/100+) 17 from another custom questline (The Stones of Reality) (100+) 20+ from 4th job + skill prequests, hero's will prequest, silver mane (120+) 2 from leafre (100+) 10+ from TOT, finish until Road of Regrets part ---- 88+ also make sure you saved Yulete in RJPQ once and entered the secret lab so you're not missing some hidden quests in Magatia if these aren't enough, a few NT, LHC quests should push you over 1000 but need higher level (135+ ?)
is it possible that the twinkle twinkle song book from elizas ethernal sleep quest gets stuck in inventory or did i do something wrong?
I recently started a new character and tried to do the drop quests for "The Welcoming Ritual". However, upon dropping the items , there was no prompt to start a new quest. I simply dropped the items, then talked to the NPCs again and clicked on the "In progress" quest dialog option and they gave me a new item, all this without actually starting a new quest. Can anyone confirm that these drop quests still count towards the total? (don't have the medal quest from dalair yet as I am under lvl 30)
Levels 20-29: Polluted Evil Eyes (I) actually requires level 25 to appear in available quests, not lvl 21
Paving the way can be counted twice! Seems like the repeated version of the quest is a separate quest.