This pillar outside APQ looks unstable to me. I dunno, I just always notice it and it annoys me somehow.
Tfw you scroll trash items for fun and make amazing items out of nowhere. But when you scroll very valuable items with a 70% scroll it explodes on the first god damn slot
The person behind all this, can you like, stop? I have seen this for weeks now in almost every town I go to.
When you save nx for several days, buy gach tickets and gets litteraly nothing of value what so ever. Not even a half decent item
i litrealy have like 1.2+ million NX, i know i will make like 200 messos! from it if i try my luck with gach tickets
Me: B>APRs 15m ea!@@@@@@@@@@ Guy: S>APRs 16m ea!@@@@@@@@@@ We acknowledge each other and hit each other using ctrl and f3 face. But we continue shouting our own offers because neither of us wants to haggle.
Not many ppl wld experience this but: Drk n bucc duoing pap. Stance is up. Energy is full with stance effect up. Both gets knocked off the platforms anyway
how sometimes when you try to jump down a plataform you just dont that weird rope bug where the character keeps regrabbing it.