Depending on the level of the boss there should be a chance of spawning more than one cake. Which is the intended replacement of a candle bundle for bosses.
like you said , probably at least 90% of the players have a mage character . you could just farm on your mage and loot on the char you want the candles on . it's not as convenient as previous events but it's the best way to limit the many hackers that hang around these days
As Evan mentioned, increasing the number of candle reward should solve the problem. Untradeable candles, although inconvenient for many of us, is an undeniably effective way to prevent hackers and RWTers from gaining an unfair advantage, on top of what they already have. They are probably weeping behind the curtain as we discuss the matter. Changing candle drops from normal mobs to RNG spawn cake mob actually reduced the supply of candles compared to past years. If setting the spawn rate of cake upon the death of area/raid bosses to 100% was an intention to suffice the need of non-mages, current range (0~5 candle drops) of possible candle drop or the cake spawn (1~2) is far too little. I have daily hunted hundreds of area bosses since the day of the patch but I only gathered ~600 candles. Please keep it untradeable but increase its quantity.
I do realized that players and the GMs been catching lots of hackers lately, but if it's just because of that and having the candles untradables, that's just really bad. We all know that we all make mages to basically leech and farm in a big map. Not like I'm saying that there's no other classes won't be going maps such as Ulu maps to grind and farm, but are we really gonna farm candles out there with our NLs/BMs/Warriors? We all were really excited for the anniversay event, until we found out that the candles are not tradable. People could farm the candles for themselves, or they new players could even sell the candles who need more of them. I'd say anniversay event is to attract more players or old players to play more, and I personally don't see that coming in this. I'm not sure if the admins gonna care much, but untradables candles really killed the event's vibe.
I don't think this is working as intended. I've done alot of BF and anego hunting the past few days and they are not spawning any extra cakes? Krex spawned a couple cakes and that was a candle each for me and my buddy for 25mins bossing effort? I don't understand why bosses can't just drop bigger candle bundles insted.
I noticed that Noone has yet to mention a somewhat middle ground compromise; making candles transferrable within accounts only. People can still put in the time to grind for candles and have it only benefit themselves, and as sparky mentioned, no hackers can benefit from this adjustment. Has this option been considered? I feel that as of now the way to acquire candles/coins is too inconsistent as other players have mentioned, other than the jq which gives 25 candles, every other method relies on rng to acquire them, and Noone likes to be screwed by rng.
I actually found Lilynouch that spawned 2 cakes instead of 1 ... I guess it has to be high tier area boss.
Collect the monster book cards! By the time you’ve completed all 435 you should have a total of 2k candles...
Didnt hv a cake spawn on my 1st round of pap last night. Made me very sad tat my shad cldnt get a few more candles
i just killed 6 bigfoots and got more candles from mobs i cleared when hunting than from cakes spawned from bf
I have 16 coins on my marauder already, and its just the start of the event. I won't say its easier than last year, because of course its not, but its very doable. This item should never be tradeable, asking for that is just the greed of wanting all the event items on all your characters right on the get go. It should be a challenge, and requires time investment to get those items. Just throwing money and getting the items is a really easy way to avoid the event, yet still reap all the rewards. I'd only support a buff to candle drop on bigger bosses, because it makes no sense than an hour or more of bossing is worth 2 cakes at best. It should grow proportional to the challenge, for example spawn 5-10 cakes from HT, 3-5 from zak, etc etc.
I mean, since the anniversary event ends september 4th (or 5th, in game chat log said 5th but Matt has 4th for the forum post... ) thats over a month at least. I wouldn’t mind having them untradeable until maybe the last week or two, and just watch the maps like a hawk for hackers. I know it seems like more effort, but in the same breath it’ll be controlled enough that it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Plus with a limit on you can check and see who’s vac farming as opposed to mage farming. (Make sure if it’s possible to keep the older candles set to untradeable, have another set that’s tradeable. Just to stop people from vac farming now, and being able to sell them later. Kinda like how there’s both tradeable and untradeable Starry Night Sky Chairs (I’m salty bc I got untradeable...)
Considering that a large sum of players in royals do not put all their characters in a single account, and instead have seperate accounts for each chara in case they'll need them both online, this change won't really do much. How many attackers have a mage in their account? Usually those mages are used to first leech their own attacker, so this kind of scenerio is less likely. Best scenerio i can think of, is someone that placed all his attackers in the same acc because he doesn't need them all out at the same time, then he can farm with his strongest chara that might not need the candles, and transfer it to the weaker one. Again, niche setup that i doubt anyone will take advantage of. All in all, the suggestion won't really tackle the main issue of people complaining that attacker candle gains are slow. (Which im still against)
How many of those 16 coins are from cake boss’s RNG? I’ve done >20 cakes in the last few days with 0 coins 1 coin and 0 candles from Big Puff Daddy itself. This is on my few days off as well - for full time job people chances are probably 2 cake run times at best (with what, 3 cakes per session?) and that’s potentially pushing it. Most people working full time whilst playing on the server probably only have time to play maybe 2-3 hours at best per day? I appreciate that no event can ever please everyone but I must admit I'm rather disappointed with the results of the recent patch following what I'd like to believe as months of preparation. Scarlion/Targa are bugged to the point it's almost certain no internal testing had been done on the bosses post-patch; candle-gaining mechanics have been tinkered with significantly but ultimately resulting in extremely volatile / variable / RNG-dependent gain and I'm not seeing any indication that time/effort = candle gain on this thread. If the changes are really to try and deal with hackers rather than nerfing mage/bishop dominance in the farming realm then I implore staff to reconsider because I would much rather the hacker/botter issue be dealt with directly rather than in between, moderation measures like removing b-coins from Albert, making summon-killed drops untradeable etc. Measures such as making candles untradeable not only hurt hackers (arguably to a lesser extent than) but also the player base as well. I appreciate that there may be difficulties with working out solutions to the current hacker situation but at least effort should be predominantly diverted to this rather than "how do we come up with an interim plan to buy more time". In the previous few years the anniversary event have, in my view, stimulated the market positively because new players can participate in cake and sell event scrolls/candles as a way of making mesos whereas veteran players who are close to perfecting their gear can quite reasonably choose to skip cake hunting and buy candles from the market if they so wish with mesos they've earned over the years. I actually think the candle situation affects new/newer players the most: - 1) hackers/botters will always be able to find alternative maps, - 2) newer players may not have the insight or the funds or even the option to stock earrings currently - the godly system being not available with pyrope weapons that Inkie sells means none of them are realistically worth the 10 coin effort but not all the newbies will be aware of that - 3) veterans who are planning to cs earrings already likely have 12-15+ stat earrings to begin with - 4) mages have virtually no use for candles at all aside from time-limited mount +/- untradeable chairs that are identical to previous so in essence players who main mages/only have a mage as they're just starting out and have been recommended to start with a mage/bishop to fund their attacker, and new players who don't really know/have the ability to stock earrings will find the candle portion of this year's event utterly useless. /2c addit: I appreciate that a review is in progress and look forward to hearing the results.
Increase the number of candles dropped from the spawn cake, currently it just drops up to 5 or 6 max if i recall correctly. Why not increase the rate to 6-10 candles ?
I work 5 days a week, from 7am to 4:30pm, and i only get home at 6 pm. Leaving me with only doing 1-2 cakes per day, and only on 2-3 charas per session. Yet lo and behold, i have 17 coins on a 3rd job bucc. I have gained 500 candles and 2 coins from cake, so sure, lets ignore these guys for argument's sake. The rest i got from doing 6 pqs daily with my mule army, hunting area bosses, and my usual grinding. On weekends im usually free so i have a lot more time to play, which ramps up how many candles i get when i grind. So, since the event started, i already amassed 10 coins without counting the cake ones. That doesn't sound impossible to get all the items i want for this guy if ill keep this pace. But sure, lets make the droprate increase so that even the players that play 5 hours a week total can still get all the stuff they need on one chrara. I'd even be ok with that as long as this item doesn't become tradeable. Is it weird to expect from the player to play the event to get its items? If they think the event is boring, they can avoid interacting with it, and play normally. but they cant expect that they'll still get the rewards for participating if they do that.