people just want easy way out, just like the put dojo pq in town discussion . honestely its seems very easy already i saw this guy heca got 1000 candle 1st day the event came out. and the event is like what? 2 months long. i think i should go start a dicsussion for make it easier to get the legendary collector medal because i want it but i dont want to play to to get it. i am joking by the way i am at 327/400 , " if you want it you have to work for it **these are just my opinions
So play the event. No one is forcing anyone, but if you want those earrings, you need to work for them, like any other item in the game.
I can at least confirm that the 'more than one cake spawning from bosses' isn't working as intended, and is only spawning one cake rather than multiple. Looking at having a Server Check sometime tonight to sort things out.
First and Foremost Candles are so crazily wanted are simply Because of the ‘Maple Anniversary Earrings’ which are Easily the Best in Slot Earrings for almost All attacker classes. Back then it was spammable to an certain extend by plunging a good amount of the player’s mesos into buying candles & chaosing them until he get a satisfactory one. Therefore making this event very very attractive. Meanwhile, Why does making it untradable a better & a more healthy option for the server, even by causing this super attractive event worst? Its the Hackers who are vac hacking & running around royals selling those candles are getting an insane advantage, not just that but mainly causing an good possibility of meso sink. Imagine Competitive players are still able to plung a good percentage of their money into an possibility of a “Vac Hacked” Candle. Where would this money earned from the vendor go to? Please do not make it tradable.
Agreeing on what you said.. Still.. Why not fix the hacking / botting issue first and foremost then? It's us legit players facing the consequences after all. I know it's a damn difficult task, autoban when?
Oh well. Would've prefered to wait for the anniversary event if autoban was close to release. Thank you for teaching me Senpai @Aeronautics Kind of fixed the issue for me, might atleast get a few pairs of the earrings.
Knowing this, isn’t it considered glitch abuse if one were to continue utilizing it? Just checking for player safety here—I’m sure nobody wants to get caught up over something like this, but ultimately if it is a glitch it shouldn’t be allowed to get abused, right?
Just to clarify, is it fixed now? if one were to continue to solo the PQ [in Channel 1] would that be banable?
If you think running 6 VMs at once is a good idea then I'd hate to be your cpu or your ram. Edit: Noticed you said VMWare clients, it wouldn't work either if the check that matt implemented works properly. You'd need a different pc or vm entirely to do the pq on.
Lmao no. Not working around it then, too much effort and most likely not allowed anyways. Unless Matt says it's okay to solo the Balloon PQ