You could put Spiegelmann's Pendant in the basic gear pendant category now. For basic face accessory, the lvl25 masks are cheap with small but useful bonuses. Very ugly though. A note that soul arrow uses +0 attack arrows and not what you have equipped and displayed in your range might be useful, everyone loves arguing about that. Blue arrow +4 attack = available from Showa general store Diamond arrow +4 attack = available from DMG after 50 phantom seed quest and as a reward from LPQ.
Tips on bf hunting? It just seems to be haphazard casts of puppet that hopefully sink bf near the corner to pin. Strafe has lots of really bad rhythms against him except one rare one that constantly hits but never holds him back. Besides that, it's a struggle. Any tips? Also my silver mane quest seems to be glitched so the lvl 70 mount is the best I can do for speed atm
I have enough HP to tank one hit. Do you? I can record a video with me taking hits or without taking hits, which one would you like? Quick TLDR: You basically hit it, run near the corner, jump over its hit box. Power KB it into the corner and get the proper rhythm
Im working on my first xbow guy at the moment and wanted to share my own findings so far: At lvl 30 it was so frustrating to not have a mobber in CPQ! So after just a few SP in mastery i put 1 SP in iron arrow and oh my god, huge improvement! So i recommend: 1st SP in mastery, 2nd in iron arrow, then continue with mastery as per this guide. In 3rd job you start with 1 SP in eagle for both build options, but I'm up to lvl 78 now on the strafe first build, and neither puppet nor eagle served me any purpose at all yet! I got the first few lvls in PPQ and then started soloing HH at ~73, much better than raiders IMO, and the entire time i kept wishing i had those 6 SP in strafe instead! The higher dmg gives more knockback on HH, which helps a lot! And in between horsemen i kill some hoodoos for stoppers, because the faster you kill bosses, the more chance you'll get to claim the next channel as well! :3
I'm at the point in 4th where I need skill input. I can't decide to max frostprey for the passive boss damage and reduced recasting time, or pierce, which has rarely served me well. Is pierce good in neo Tokyo? Is there any boss besides maybe Zak arms where pierce is something you actually use for damage? I know it's hella strong at max and fully charged, I just need some good examples of implementation. So far it's not that great for mobs in practice and dragon breath and frostpreys freeze does a lot to crowd control and max snipe and strafing blows through mobs. Pierce is good sometimes for 4+ mobs, but I don't grind that much. It's sometimes good for pap when bombs spawn, or pianus for the same reason, but FP clears them curious what has been more practical for you guys and what you would recommend here
Wait WHAT?! Soul Arrow uses 0 atk arrows rather than the atk arrows in my inventory??? Why isn't this written on the skill.
You are correct that it is not written on the skill. But thinking about it practically, Soul arrow using the atk arrows does not make sense. If it did, anyone could just keep 1 diamond arrow in their inventory and cast Soul Arrow to keep it alive forever. It is not like NL's Shadow stars that consumes a certain number of stars every time it is cast. Soul Arrow is completely free to use.
I got a little confused with a bit of information you wrote about Pierce update? Does the channelling speed increase as the skill levels? Right nowI have it at level 1 and it just doesn't feel worth the 4s channel time when I can use erupt like 2 or 3 times within those seconds. I know its much stronger as it levels up but i couldn't see myself maxing it before Snipe or even Frostprey unless the casting speed went up by a bunch.
They're guides, not rules you have to follow. lol Also- youll notice my guide is more grinding than bossing/PQing- puppet and eagle help with that. And I never said windraiders is the best exp either, but if you PQ/boss- it's all sort of moot at the speed which you level in comparison- guides tend to focus on bossing as early as possible- not everyone does that, and I never did that- so that's why i wrote mine the way I did. Completely depends on what you want to do- if you want to boss then pierce won't be all that helpful. It's only good on groups, and bigger groups are better. I do believe the charge speed goes down as you level but I can't check that at the moment. (that post was also from like 2017 lol).
Evan I got a pierce lvl 15. I can record a vid of me charging it and upload it here, can you record a max pierce charge so we could compare? P.S, from 1 to 15 i never really felt it going any faster. but still worth checking
I can't at the moment but I was told today by @Joong that the animation is 1.2 seconds, but skill is charged at 1- I would assume this is at max.
Hey, is it true that Snipe hits through weapon cancel? I saw someone say it on an old thread but the game must have been updated like a dozen times since then
In the original Maplestory, Snipe hit through weapon cancel (but didn't show that it did so in the number - might have been visual bug) and this was true in this private server. Well.. that is until the Staff randomly took it away for God knows what a few patches ago.
Copied directly from the Update #62 Patch Notes: Fixed an issue where Snipe was able to deal damage through weapon cancels No further explanation was given as far as I know, which is ridiculous