Rewards from 20x 100Lunar New Year Dumplings Exchange Dark Scroll for Wand for Magic Attack 30% (1) Fireworks Messenger (3) Pickpocket Pilfer (1) Jr. Necki Transform Potion (3) Dark Scroll for Staff for Magic Attack 30% (1) Dark Scroll for One-Handed BW for Attack 30% (4) Eclipse Cloak (2) Dark Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Attack 30% (1) Cobra Transform Potion (3) Korean Kite (3) Dumpling (100) (Use Item) 20 100 dumpling exchange
Suggestion: Change each amount (100, 50, 25) to be a spoiler button since the list for each is quite long and it’s easier to sort out what you’re looking for. Also the lists may go even bigger since more and more people are exchanging and adding their rewards.
I feel like 100 dumplings has to have a small chance at cs/ws; if not it's a complete scam and 25/50 is the way to go it looks like.
Free free to use this: 25 dumplings Spoiler: Rewards Stuff 50 dumplings Spoiler: Rewards Same stuff, 2x the cost 100 dumplings Spoiler: Rewards Same stuff again, 4x the cost
34 x 50dumpling exchange results significants: (1) knuckler 30% (3) spear 30% (5) gun 30% (4) cobra transformation potion (2) jr necki transformation potion (4) serpent transofrmation potion (3) 1H axe 30%
20x 50dumpling exchange Significants: (2) knuckler 30 (2) spear 30 (4) jr necki xform (2) cobra xform (10) serpant xform
it looks like some of the information on your list is false, there are no overlapping 30% scrolls in the reward pools meaning you cant get the same scrolls in 25/50/100 reward pools
thanks for the correction, i think i added wand 30% by mistake in the 50 dumpling exchange when it should just be in the 100 dumpling exchange. Updated