Small update on my shad: I cleared one of my goals on him, quest specialist!: Spoiler: Sweet sweet +5 all This makes it my 4th ironman that has a quest specialist medal, and I'm not planning to stop there either, we are going for 1000 quests BABY! I also got myself a silver dep star. Usually shads can get them far earlier, but i was VERY unlucky with my toe droprate, so only recently did i get a toe to finish the questline: Spoiler: Toeless bigfoot... And as a side note, HOLY MOLY THAT RANDOM ASS TOP Spoiler: Lvl 50 top? are you sure about that?
Update, I suppose! Reached 3rd job. Been leveling up almost exclusively by doing quests and it's a ton of fun! Aiming for the ultimate goal of the Quest Virtuoso medal. Quests that require grinding for ores sure are a pain though XD
Today, after almost 2 years of trying to finish this stupid project, I can finally reveal it to the world! As of right now, I'm the only ironman that has a king slime set from summon sacks It all started 2 years ago on the 6th anniversery: Back then, i didn't know i signed up for a 2 year project of getting the set After getting 2 cards in that anniversery, I prayed for more slime sacks. King slime sacks only come from anniversery, and valentines. And because i went all out on these events anyways, I kept gaining these cards on the way. So to increase my odds of getting a card, i always used them while under the effects of a boss card droprate boost And yesterday, when I saw this reward come from my very first cake, I knew it was the one: I collected all the videos of me getting the cards, enjoy my utterly worthless and silly achievement
Returning player (formally a chief bandit called inefficient) would like to join as a new toon after a long break. IGN: Herbi
Got to lvl 135 on my arch mage. My goals are 1. Get Blizzard 20 2. Obtain Ele wand 7 3. Get Chain Lighting 30 4. Solo Pap 5. Get to lvl 150
Been playing since 2018~. Never bosses, almost never PQ, not merching, only farming Pap . Might as well make an ironman! ign: PurplePan Edit: ~9 days later~ Third job-plenty of gfa 60%(ty roids)-and now farming for int gear/scrolls Finally level 120 ~.
Small update for my hero. I hit 160 recently, which makes this my first character ever on this server to reach 160+! I also managed to complete my first krex run on my hero today, got a shitty ring though: Another great development from today, this wonderful WIP shield! I'm feeling good about the progress I've been making. Will hope for some more shield att 60's from cbd soon, along with the luck needed to pass the last 4 slots.
Hello! I've never played royals before and came on this thread by Google search. Is this still active? I just made a character and would love to join the guild, I need to hang out with fellow iron man's
Yes, there are still a decent number of Ironmen active. Though the online numbers can be small, we always encourage new people to join!