So lost, such a failure, so worthless. Can't go to a place far away from here. My one light to everyday is now dim. When can I just crawl in bed and never wake up from my dreams. Spoiler: Life... Since covid started: - Overwhelmed with work and in a slump - Isolated myself from almost all my friends - Ruined 2 relationships - Love and perish - Getting 4 hrs of sleep a day - No exercise - Went outside 10 times for errands
Why? I don't know why, give me a reason, give me closure. Why? Spoiler: My Little Friend My new pet budgie, Mochi, died today. She was three months old and died for no apparent reason. I'm at a loss for words, I'm in shock. I woke up at 8AM this morning to change her water and food then I went back to bed. Not even two hours later, my mom woke me up crying saying that Mochi was at the bottom of her cage and wasn't moving. I only had her for three weeks but I loved her as much as I knew how. I cared for her as best as I knew how. I gave her space and played with her appropriately. I followed all of the instructions the vet gave me when I sent her to the vet for a check up because she wasn't eating. I can't believe she's gone just like that, she was so happy and I even kissed her this morning when I said hi to her. She sang me a sweet song like she always does and I just can't believe she's gone. Last night we listened to Christmas music in my room and she would shake and bob her head up and down and dance with me and we were so happy and I miss her so much and I don't know why she's gone. What did I do wrong? I hope she died instantly and she didn't suffer. She didn't deserve this. I know she's just a bird but to me she was a friend. I've been sitting here for an hour just not knowing what to do. I don't think I could ever get another bird knowing that Mochi might have died due to my carelessness. I'm an awful pet owner and some people just aren't meant to take care of animals. I'm going to miss her so much. Spoiler: ❤ I don't know why I had to get this off my chest but I really needed to. I know a very small number of you asked me for pictures and showed interest in her so I felt it was fair to let you know that she passed away. I'm going to miss her. My little Mochi.
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/0yF5kHg/fin.png Spoiler every finals season somehow feels worse than the last
Having a break down while recovering from the last one yeeeeee I miss Royals and my pals, but i’m so behind lol
Missing my friends so i login back, with the christmas air everywhere, aw the old feelings But time will pass, and things will fade
Merry Christmas to all! I would like to thank @park hiew for this. MapleRoyals should be a game that unites all and allow one to make new friends and meet new people. Let us end all the drama and problems and make this game a peaceful and wonderful platform for all
Getting clothes on Christmas is such a blessing. Spoiler: Also. Getting video games and other shit you dont need is a blessing too
People hate you for reason, acting so atas wont make you become atas. Indeed you still a lapsap kekekeke
This year event everything still the same, music the same, content the same, snowman the same, but people not the same anymore
Cliffhanger ending for this week's AoT episode. Shit is about to go down next week P.S. Make sure to watch the post credits scene.
If you are sick, you approach a doctor, not vice versa. but if you are found guilty police will approach you. btw shit will only attract flies and flowers will attract butterfly.