Is the quest "Marikawa of Performer Training" actually called "Actor Training" in Royals, or are these two separate quests? It seems to be the same as "Marikawa of Performer Training" considering the same NPC, the same quest instructions (killing 10 Leader A and 10 Leader B) and the same quest reward. If it's the same quest then it's not missable (unless it's a bug and it indeed should be missable - I don't know that). I was able to accept it on three characters at levels 41, 50 and 148. However, I wasn't able to accept the quest "Movie Star" afterwards, so that one might indeed be level-restricted and missable.
before starting those quests. Once you have one of the three "For xxx" quests active, the Re-acquiring cape quests will not be available.
Just FYI: if you have only initiated "Lost in the Ocean" without completing it (i.e. the pure water), you can still forfeit it and you will not be locked out of "The Missing Dropship" if you haven't done the pre-quests (MT-09 and Rombot quests) for that one. I'm not sure if this still works if you have completed the prereqs.
Knight of the lion king should be added to hidden quest. This quest is only triggered when ur in Under the castle wall2 map (there will be a light bulb above ur head) if u get out of the map the bulb will disappear Also this quest is 143+
I think I found a hidden quest that is not listed on this guide yet. It's the token of teamwork which you receive from completion of any party quest. https://i./kQVY7HJ/x.png I can't confirm whether this is counted as a quest as I already have Quest Virtuoso. Maybe someone else who has not completed 1000 quests can please help to confirm. Method: Participate and complete any PQ to be awarded a Token of Teamwork. The light bulb will then pop out on top of your character.
It counts as 1 quest. There is a way u can still know how many quest u have done by dropping the quest specialist medal dailar will give u the quest to collect it again, through quest specialist quest u know the count
The weeping queen also a hidden quest only appear when u pass 4th tower and enter maps before 5th tower. Happy that i conpleted lhc questline today, waiting for update Edit: the quest is 148+
Is it possible to get rid of the “Party Quest” on the Available tab? Even if I did the PQ it doesn’t go away.
wth dark jr. yeti skin can't be dropped from transformed dark yeti and dark jr. yeti are so scarce. now I can't even complete the lost saddle quest.
I do not even dare to start that quest If you are not rushing, I may be able to help with some when I am in El Nath next time. Won't be able to help much, but 20 is still something.
Nty then. Might as well wait until the developer to add more dark jr. yeti or something. btw I happened to come across an old post regarding the skin drop Note how it was "fixed", meaning the changes has been approved and I think this explains why the skins were so hard to come by. what's more was that according to BBB yeti skins were dropped from transformed dark yeti, meaning it was how it was suppose to work in the old days, not a bug at all. Hope the GM is reading this and change dark jr. yeti skins' drop back to when it was.
Excuse me, does the egg-hunting quest count toward total quests? I have the first egg-hunting quest counted but the second one did not count.
I achieved Virtuoso about a week and a half ago at 121, but it's doable at 120 even without event quests. Anyone doing this on a mage should get a mule to 15, vote once, then use an Everstone to finish every Maple Island quest at level 8. A link to writeups of the non-Zakum MapleRoyals custom quests (Long Walks, Paving the Way, The Stones of Reality) might help (especially since The Stones of Reality is a huge multi-part quest): Recommended to sync that one bit of the Stones of Reality at the Temple of Time with the kill 999+Dodo quests. Also, The Long Road (alt Zakum) gives like +7 if any reader is wondering.
Random: 1) If you can kill it, Snack Bar Card is a big help for farming Dragonglass Shards (but the card will still expire before you can farm 200 . ) 2) Pirate's Map pieces drop from Devoted Captains/Krus, not Lord Pirate. 3) The diary does drop from the PPQ chests, but is quite rare. It will drop together with Ginseng Concentrates, so don't get caught off guard. 4) Don't be afraid to ask for Angry Frankenroid in RNJ PQ parties, but be prepared to walk them through it. (if I think of more, I'll add them)
Guys could anyone help me point out what I'm missing? I'm at 959/1000 on Virtuoso quest. Here's my current active quests - most of theme are just repeteables already done Spoiler: Active quests Aaand here's my avaiable list - empty except Lyka quest I'm about to finish. I haven't done PPQ and OPQ and missed couple of missable quest. Am I even able to finish Virtuoso now or is it lost forever?
Under Mu Lung + Nihal Desert, you'll need to complete RnJ in a specific way to unlock more quests. You have a boat load of quests there that you can still complete. Don't forget about Parwen the Ghost's hidden quests (I think you did those already, since they are a pre-req of Dr. De Lang's Notes.. but I may be misremembering.) Anyway, you've got plenty of work to do. RnJ guide with the extra steps: Also, you may want to finish the Neo Tokyo questline. At the end, you can choose between two paths, one of which is a bunch of dialogue quests which count.
I was hoping that I could get by without party quests, but it seems I'll have to do it Yeah I did Parwen the Ghost's along with other hidden quests from the guide (except those I obviously missed ) Thanks for your help though! I wasn't aware additional quests are unlocked after RnJ
Hughes' Research Material is easy. Finish Dr. De Lang's notes, it's multi-part and will help a lot. Don't forgot to finish the final quest involving Parwen as well (you need to revisit the Saitie hidden street to trigger it). Have you done the quests that are activated by killing Angry Frankenroid? (RNJ PQ)? Neo Tokyo Entrance Quest (a meeting with Asia) is quite easy as well, and will unlock maybe 3 more easy quests involving the 2100 Odaiba area. For the rest, you need a Vergamot kill.