Stop nerfing at its source! Arch Mage leeches!

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Eli, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Ah sorry I misread the first part.

    I didn't have godly gears or high lvl friends when I first bossed on my AM. If someone invested equal funds for an average non-godly attacker into AM, one would do fairly well in dps and washing may be a matter of preference to them. I don't think one can really judge a subjective opinion/action such as mage washing as pointless or not. Seeing how low lvl attackers are also rejected in most of boss runs, I'd think similarly for AM but the norm for not having mage as att has spread quite a lot to provide challenge those who wish to attempt it. Although it may be very challenging and require extra effort from the AM, the "possibility" for bossing is still open for AMs I believe.

    For the dcing part...I thought mage ult was like a myth with early new source dc issues? Didn't they prove it's not a reason for causing dc in zak anymore? I haven't seen anyone dcing from zak due to mage ult for like 6months+. If they did, it's probably because their internet connection got bad and lag took over.
  2. LichWiz

    LichWiz Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2016
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    I honestly want to do a proper test of blizz causing dc, as I do remember back in the valentine event everytime i waited to enter slime, if someone started spamming gen i'd suddenly dc. It was on my older pc though so it might have been related.
    I planned on trying to do a zak mage only run in the future for fun and see how many people dc (if at all).
    As for making mage an attacker, i honestly wouldn't mind, as i just enjoy being a mage, grinding capabilities aren't that big a deal if IL would get a slight boost in how CL scales with magic (i think 30~40 more base magic would actually make the dps pretty viable when using onyx apples).

    As for what some of you mentioned about HP washing, yes it "relatively" inexpensive to wash mages in high lvls as you can mp wash a lot of mana really fast (around 500mp per lvl at late 4th job).
    lets say i want to wash 5k extra hp so i'd have about 8k hp when i want to start bossing HT, according to the wash rate of 30mp/15hp, ill need 333 aprs to get the hp, plus 20 lvls of mp washing if i don't want to lower my mp pool by 10k mp lol, so that's extra 100 aprs. Totalling to 433 aprs which at current market value is 7.36b if apr is 17m.
    Totally not out of the relm of possiblity (well maybe a bit out of reach for me as im already lvl 168, if i were to want to wash i should have started around lvl 145).
    The only thing i can say against washing though is the fact that it's an investment that i cannot promise myself i'd ever gain anything from it.
    Most attackers KNOW that their end goal is bossing, and are sure that the GMs would balance their class accordingly in the future, they aren't doing anything niche in wanting to be an attacker with [insert common attacker job here]. They know that once they have enough attack, and enough hp to survive thier target boss, they would be accepted into runs.
    Unless i can make an attacker mage movement though some good forum posts, and not only make the class a viable attacker, but also make others realize it's a viable attacker, then all my investment went for nothing as i cannot even enter with other people to bosses and show them it's worth it.
    I think the idea of making attacker mage is cute, and if it were slightly more realistic i would have dropped my hero and focused on making a niche mage attacker.
    But in the end of the day, i doubt im in a majority here, most mages prefer the grind, so whenever a balance to mages would come, it would only target their grinding capabilities, and never their 1v1 capabilities.
    (@sparky95 if you can give me some tips on how to transform my mage into an effective attacker i'd be more than happy to talk to you about it in PMs :D )

    design wise, it would have been interesting if IL were attacking mage with a far weaker ulti, FP were the best at grinding, and bish would be more focused on support. But changing it now would betray many expectations of players that made these classes to begin with, so it's just an unrealistic pipe dream.

    (lol i realized now after writing all this how disgustingly off-topic this is)
    David2016 likes this.

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