What Do We Know About Masteria So Far

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inugami, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Masteria in general has tons of lores and mysteries written on it and the team behind it (NXProse and the team) did an amazing job on crafting this piece of content, but Masteria story just kinda stops just like that and there is still lots of questions and stuff about it, since they teased us with future expansion on this continent (because Nexon decided to fire NXProse and everyone who worked on this content). So I decided to just make a post about it based on what we saw in game (NPC dialogue, quests, iTGC items) and game datas.

    Most of the things you're about to read here are just copypasted from the one and only IsaacGS tbh sooooo-

    Some of the images I used here is from the Masteria Through Time blockbuster content, just feel like making it less of a wall of text
    A dark sorceress from Crimsonwood Keep. She wasn't evil, but she was a bit weird. LeFay would often create useless items and equipments with no potential purpose, and was best known for wearing an exceptionally colorful headpiece. The LeFay Jester also seems to have belonged to her. Eventually, she left the Keep because she felt that their laws were getting in the way of her research.
    LeFay was apparently in love with a warrior named Killian. Killian eventually became the Headless Horseman. The story of how this happened is posted in the Maple's Story thread. She was also a Disciple of Ridley. She still exists today in the form of Headless Horseman's horse.​

    Christopher Crimsonheart
    An "immortal warrior" who is buried deep in the MesoGears area. His name did show up as a monster in the data at NLC's release. He could end up being a boss, a friendly monster (like the Henesys PQ bunny, the tamable hog, or Tylus of El Nath PQ), or even a potential ally who actually fights along side you. He was a member of an entire race of immortal warriors, all of whom seem to have paradoxically died out.
    Christopher Crimsonheart was the founder of Crimsonwood Keep (hence the name) and the Warrior Grandmaster. In the present, the "Twisted Masters" who are currently in possession of the keep are planning an attack on New Leaf City in order to raid his tomb for a currently unknown reason.​

    The potent sorcerer who wrote "Ridley's Book of Rituals," a guide to restoring ancient armor. The book itself is inhabited with magic powers which allow even non-magicians to use its power.
    Ridley, being a powerful magician, was able to embed his consciousness in a statue built to his likeness at the entrance to Crimsonwood Keep. Normally, he remains dormant, however if a person with a Ridley's Stone approaches, he will awaken and make a deal with them. Ridley trained a number of famous figures in the past of Masteria, including LeFay, the chaos magician, and Rafael, the person who tricked the Headless Horseman into searching for his head, which doesn't really exist anymore, forever.
    Ridley experimented on Crimson Guardians, and through this experimentation created the dangerous variation, the Master Guardians, who have huge amounts of stamina. He also experimented a lot with the Antellion, and through this created the Sigils. He seems to have done a lot for the Keep.
    Gurdle the Unarmored
    A legendary warrior who valued attack over everything else. He would never wear anything unless it gave him some sort of attack boost. His prize creation is the Facestomper, shoes with inherent attack properties. He met an untimely fate by having his face chewed off by rabbits since he couldn't hit them or protect himself due to lack of armor.

    A powerful sorcerer of Light. He created the white scrolls and was in a constant battle with Naricain, a terrible demon. Eventually, he sealed Naricain away and subsequently disappeared from this world as well. We don't know much about them, but apparently they were worshiped in the Nihal Desert in olden times, and were opposing forces. The Subani Ankh led John Barricade to Masteria as well.
    Subani is the one who returned Masteria to the Maple World. Through a deal with the Mayor, he constructed NLC and anchored Masteria firmly here. Still a lot we don't know yet, but his blessing does allow anyone who dies in the first two stages of Crimsonwood Keep's Party Quest to be revived without being sent out.

    A demon of the darkness. He seems to have been human at one point, but was eventually corrupted to the point of losing all humanity. Naricain created the Dark Scrolls and is constantly in battle with Subani. We don't know much about them, but apparently they were worshiped in the Nihal Desert in olden times, and were opposing forces.
    A hologram of Naricain is seen in the Secret Chamber right before you exit the Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest. All the Twisted Masters carry a Mark of Naricain on them, proving that they are under his command.
    The man who became the Headless Horseman. Killian was known for his mastery of fire and for being an extremely dangerous opponent. He was in love with LeFay, and when she was captured by the Krakians one day, he was forced to become a test subject for the mysterious Alchemist. After a long time of this, the Alchemist created an army of beings who could use his fire powers, and he wanted Killian to lead it. Forced between choosing to fight against his friends, or the death of his lover, he used his fire powers to burn his own head off.
    This didn't stop the Alchemist, however, who simply put a carved out Pumpkin in its place. After transforming LeFay into a pink horse, he set the newly created Headless Horseman on the attack. During the battle, the magician Rafael cast a spell on the Horseman to cause him to eternally wander the Phantom Forest in search of a head that no longer exists.
    An exceptionally talented magician and another disciple of Ridley. He was the one responsible for setting the Headless Horseman on his impossible task to find his head.
    He was the Grandmaster Mage at the time of Crimsonwood Keep's fall. The statue in the Courtyard represents him, and states that he has been missing for some time, as he left the Keep during its final days to search out the "Temple of Elementals".
    A former Magician Grandmaster, who preceded Rafael. Since it was stated that the Grandmaster Mage was responsible for the creation of the Mystic Astrolabe, we can assume it was him (though Delgrund is a somewhat masculine name and the mystic astrolabe seems to imply a female). Not much else is known about him aside from his name at this time.
    "The Alchemist"
    A mysterious figure in Masteria's past. He created the Headless Horseman and was the one who set the Krakians on their warpath that completely destroyed the Taru and, eventually, the Keep as well. He shares a lot of traits with Ossyria's villain, the Black Magician. Both are Alchemists, and each one wreaked havoc across his own continent (The Black magician poisoned Elin Forest, terrorized Ossyria in general for ages, and the search for the Black Magician was the reason that the Nautilus has been gone for so long.). It may come to light that they are the same person...
    In Magatia, Dr. De Lang's Note suggests that the Black Magician had a disciple, who is likely this Alchemist.
    Lireni was a Shadowknight heroine who led many of the dangerous missions to attempt to retake the keep. She was the one who discovered that the Krakians were being manipulated by the Alchemist, but they never wrote down whether they knew who he was.

    The Crimsonwood Keep guild made up of ranged attackers, including rangers, hermits, and possibly gunslingers. They were led by Lockewood, and used weapons such as the Neva and Winkel. One of the 5 major guilds, a mix of Thief and Archer.

    The Crimsonwood Keep guild made up of Spear-wielding warriors who could also use lightning-based magic to attack from afar. The best known guild by far, due to the Stormcaster gloves, and the new Stormshear spear. Lukan was a high-ranking Stormcaster, and the only known living member. One of the 5 major guilds, a mix of warrior and Magician.

    The Crimsonwood Keep guild made up of Archers and Fire Mages. They are probably best known for the Flamekeeper Cordon gloves. They are perhaps the most enigmatic of the 5 guilds, as we know very little about them and they weren't seen before Crimsonwood Keep part 1's release. One of the 5 major guilds, mixed Archer and Magician.

    The Crimsonwood Keep guild that consists of dagger wielding Thieves and short sword Warriors, possibly including other forms of close-range combat such as fistfighting. Since it was mostly thieves, they were often disdained by the other guilds, especially Lukan, though they still had a strict moral code for which he granted them a begrudging respect. After the fall of the Keep, the Shadowknights retreated to their secret base on the Isle of Vigilance, just in time to see the continent of Masteria disappear. After it was gone, the rigid moral code broke down and the Shadowknights began to splinter off into many groups. One of the 5 major guilds, mixed Warrior and Thief.

    A legendary group of powerful soldiers, made up of members of the other guilds. They were often sent out to defeat Boss monsters that were terrorizing various towns around the world, including battles with the Tengu Black Crow, Balrogs, and other such beasts. They had strong armor specially designed for fighting bosses, and could repair it by using the remains of their fallen enemies. They are the 5th major guild in the Keep, and the only ones not impersonated by the Corrupted Army.

    Antellion Guard
    A special group set up to protect the Antellion, a precious relic located deep inside of the Keep, which can teleport people (and things) great distances. We really don't know much about them, but the Antellion Miter is an artifact that symbolizes their task. They were one of the lesser guilds that existed here in the Keep.

    Taru Tribe
    The Taru are a group of natives to Masteria who lived in the Krakian Jungle. The entire tribe was wiped out by the Krakians, whom they were formerly friends with. The only living Taru descendant is Corine, whose family managed to flee to Victoria. Taru warriors are given a weapon at birth, and what discipline they fall under is determined by what weapon they pick as a baby. Later, they are also bonded with an animal companion. It is rare to see a Taru without both their weapon and their animal companion, as they soon become inseparable. The Taru worship a Jungle spirit, who would sometimes bless special warriors with a Taru Feather that would grant their weapon a huge increase in power.

    The sentient plant-like race that lived in the Krakian Jungle, alongside the Taru. They usually kept to themselves, and only traded with the Taru. One day, they fell under the sway of the Alchemist, and suddenly became violent and dangerous. Their first victims were the Taru, and then they proceeded to march on Crimsonwood Keep. The war between the Keep and the Krakians lasted for years, but the Keep finally fell to them right before Masteria disappeared. Krakians who fell in battle during this war would try to bond their spirits to the nearby foliage, and so the Phantom Trees that inhabit Phantom Forest are the aggressive spirits of fallen Krakians. In the present era, the Krakians are being cybernetically modified by the evil Dr. Krakia, a time traveling villain.

    Corrupt Army
    monsters387.png monsters391.png monsters389.png monsters386.png
    The army, led by the Twisted Masters, which currently has control of the Keep. They used the texts of the 4 major guilds to train their soldiers in these disciplines, but without the strict moral codes, it has become extremely dangerous. Made up of the Windraiders, Nightshadows, Firebrands, and Stormbreakers, as well as the 4 Twisted Masters. They are from Versal, and currently are trying to reclaim the body of Christopher Crimsonheart from the Mesogears, though we still don't know why.

    Raven Ninja Clan
    npc_9201099.png npc_9201095.png npc_9201100.png npc_9201097.png
    The successors of the Shadowknights, one of the splintered groups leftover after the Shadowknights broke apart. They try to stick to the moral code of the Shadowknights, and maintained watch over the Isle of Vigilance for the eons since Masteria's disappearance. Now that it's back, the Raven Ninjas dispatched Taggrin, Joko, Fiona and Mo to explore and find out why it has returned.

    Dragon Ninja Clan
    monsters450.png monsters451.png
    We know very little about these people. They're related to the Dragon Door, but that's all that is factually solid. It is likely that they are also a splintered group from the Shadowknights, since Taggrin explicitly mentions that some of the splinter groups did not keep up their morals. The two new bosses, Scarlet Phoenix and Azure Ocelot, may be members of this group, though again that isn't known for sure. They are likely an evil faction.

    Not much is known about exactly what this is. Presumably, it's an overgrown jungle type area. It may be related to the "Beanstalk" (a name from the data.) that passes through the Mountain Slopes map.​
    Additionally, there are still a number of aquatic-themed weapons in the string data that have not been released. If this area is an Amazon jungle type area near a river, these weapons might be obtainable here.
    Some of the weapons that MIGHT come from here include the River Rattler, Barracuda Bow, and the Devil Rain throwing stars.
    Affluent Tower
    An even more mysterious expansion. It's only reference is the sign that is in game. It seems that whatever this area is, it takes place along the Eiffel Tower that's on the right side of NLC. Knowing that, it's likely a metallic style place, and may be related to Electricity. The Skunk Pet mentions Affluent Tower when given the "Chat" command over level 10. Hint? Possibly.
    ??? (aka the Pharaoh's Gate)
    An egyptian area that would be underneath the Statue of the Yetinx (This is another name gleaned from the data.)​
    Another supporting item that gives us the name is the Lost Ankh, which claims to be the key to opening the Pharaoh's Gate under Bigger Ben. John Barricade also mentions that he believes more ruins are accessible from Bigger Ben, so this fits in with that statement as well. This may very well be related to Ariant, the town on Ossyria which is located in the Nihal desert. The Pharaoh's Wrappings suggest that Nihal is important to Masteria.
    4. Theme Park
    The legendary "Cody's Theme Park" that has been rumored since the end of Beta. This was confirmed as true by NxProse (link to the statement is ded). The data contains background images from this area, which were also seen in the EMS event preview for Bastille Day's event.​
    NLC-theme-2.png NLC-theme-1.png NLC-theme-3.png
    1604919158404.png 1604919029459.png 1604919015104.png
    We do not have a name for this area yet, as the BG images in the data are not particularly descriptively named. It IS real, and it will be on Masteria.
    Dragon Door
    An enormous, beautifully crafted door that appeared in the hidden NLC map, the Badlands. Before it was put onto that map, I had found it and shared it.​
    There is also an item in the data, the Dragon Jewel, which mentions this Dragon Ninja clan. Undoubtedly these two are related, and perhaps this is the key to enter this map. It seems to be an Asian themed area, but through the lens of western culture; "Kung Fu movie style", as it has been put.
    In the Crimsonwood 1 patch, we were introduced to the Raven Ninja Clan. When Masteria disappeared, the Shadowknights had retreated to their secret base on the Island of Vigilance. As such, they were the only witnesses to the final disappearance of Masteria. Without the influence of the other guilds to keep their ethics intact, the Shadowknights began to splinter into smaller factions. The Raven Ninjas are one such group.
    Taggrin states that there are many other groups who do not share the Raven Ninjas good behavior. It is no stretch to think that the Dragon Ninjas are another group descended from the Shadowknights, and that they might be one of the more aggressive groups that Taggrin warns of. Since we now know humanoid enemies aren't out of the question, I'd expect to see dragon ninjas as enemies here.
    A single map in the data; unlike the Krakian Jungle maps, this one sort of fades from the edge of the city into the jungle-style area. This map contains the Dragon Door. It may only be one map, but I suspect it will lead down a separate path through the jungle, perhaps a bit more rocky in style. Not much to speculate on, except that there are a few characters still trapped there from a glitch in .40's patch which allowed access to it through the use of Priest's Door skill.
    Bigger, Bigger Ben
    Yes, Bigger Ben was "released" in the first patch. However, if you pay attention as you descend, only the first map is labeled as being Bigger Ben; all others are MesoGears. NxProse has stated that there is more to Bigger Ben than what we have seen thus far. The data confirms this; an item called the Lift Key says it allows for use of an elevator in Bigger Ben. This might lead to the rest of the clocktower's innards or to a new area altogether.
    Isle of Vigilance
    The former base of the Shadowknights, currently being occupied by the remnants of the Raven Ninja Clan. This was a secret location which they kept completely separated from the Keep, and for this reason they were able to retreat here after it fell. Taggrin describes it as having been swamped by tidal waves caused by Masteria's disappearance. There is a huge building here, called the Watchtower, which is where the Shadowknights kept up their fight for Crimsonwood. It seems likely that as the story of the Raven Ninjas unfolds, we may eventually pay a visit to this place.

    What is the purpose of the three tombstone in MesoGears?
    ("Tempt Fate. Discover the Path.")
    ("30, 101, Hidden.")
    ("Here lies Christopher Crimsonheart, the immortal warrior)
    Sadly, there's no answer for that yet. NxProse told us that it was a "riddle which could not yet be solved", but he also advised us to go ahead and start working on it. Around the time of NLC's release there were a lot of speculation threads but no one ever figured it out. Even if someone did get it right, there's no way to confirm it since we haven't had the necessary expansion yet. Presumably, the upcoming expansion will enable this riddle to be solved.

    Some interesting things that may help speculation:
    The NPCs have the names Sunstone Grave, Moonstone Grave, and Tombstone. Sun glows red, Moon glows blue, and Tomb glows an evil black-red color.

    All three of the graves' text are "Scripts". Scripts are special kinds of text because it means what they say isn't stored in the data, but on the servers. What this usually means is that it will react and say different things to certain changes (For example, in one of the Area Boss quests, there are NPCs which will only enable you to continue if you visit them at certain times of Day.) The same is true of the Headless Horseman's tombstone at the Mansion. It could also react to ownership of items and a myriad of other things.

    1. Masteria did not, in fact, sink into the ocean. According to Taggrin and Lukan, there was a huge flash of light and it was warped to "another world". This other world is obviously Versal. This explains a lot of odd things, like how the flora and fauna could have survived while the continent was under the ocean.

    2. The current Crimsonwood Keep is not being run by the original owners. Instead, some evil Versalians (Not to say all Versalians are evil, we already have proof that's not the case) have taken hold of the area. This probably happened while the continent was gone. These "Twisted Masters", as they are referred to, have been responsible for other bad things, such as the I.AM.Robots going crazy and stealing John's maps in the first patch.

    3. In the past of Crimsonwood, there were 5 guilds in the Keep. The Stormcasters, warriors who specialized in spear-wielding and Lightning Magic. The Flamekeepers, magician-archers who specialized in fire. The Windreavers, experts of all ranged weaponry. The Shadowknights, a guild of dark assassins who kept a special secret base called "The Watchtower" on the Isle of Vigilance, and watched as Masteria disappeared before their eyes. Finally, the bosshunters, who mostly kept to themselves and had members of all other groups in its ranks.

    4. The enemies in the new area have names that reflect four of these groups; they have the knowledge of the original guilds, but being monsters obviously do not belong. They are members of an army being built by the Versalians to Attack New Leaf City and rob Christopher Crimsonheart's grave.

    5. The Krakians, whom we always knew were not human, have now been revealed to be plant-type people. They were peaceful and secluded, until one day a mysterious Alchemist began manipulating them into doing his bidding. First he used them to annihilate the Taru, then set his sights on Crimsonwood.

    6. The war between Crimsonwood and Krakia lasted for years, and as the plant-like Krakians died, they would often try to take control of the other plants around them. This led to them possessing the trees in the forest, and after thousands had died the Phantom Forest was created.

    7. Crimsonwood Keep was established by Christopher Crimsonheart, who was the Warrior Grandmaster. The Magician Grandmaster was known as Delgrund. The other grandmasters' names have not come up yet.

    A flurry of items reference this place or are directly from this place. Elpam Gorlab is also from this place. All we know about it is told to us by him: Mushmom is the cruelest and Strongest monster in Versal, and the Balrogs are friendly and loyal to humans. There is not much sunlight here; only 3 months of the year are lit. They also use cheese as perfume, though it may just be a bizarre joke on Nexon's part. This place serves as the mirror universe of Maple World.

    Versalmas is a holiday in Versal which celebrates the end of their dark portion of the year and the beginning of the "30 Days of Delight." Over time, the originally 99 days of light have shortened down to a mere 30. Versalmas is a legal holiday in the Land of Versal, and is presided over by O-Pongo, the Versalmas mouse, and his Ostrich Pwnzer. He must deliver a present to everyone, regardless of how far away they are, which is how he got stranded here in the Maple World with Elpam, since Elpam was last on the list. They tend to eat very strange foods in celebration of Versalmas, such as Caramel covered Onions (similar to Caramel Apples), Ssiws Cheese (Swiss), Smoken Salmon (the only normal food on their menu), and Sugar-coated Olives. They decorate cacti instead of trees. Since they live in the dark for most of the year, their skin tends to be very pale, so sunburn during the 30 days of light is a real threat; thus, Sunblock is a common gift to protect friends.

    According to an old Versal myth, the sun once shone throughout their land as much as it does in the Maple World. This allowed them to grow abundant Onion crops, and they lived in relative comfort. To ensure their crops would grow, the Versalians would hold a ceremony to worship the sun. The monsters envied their lives, and they would often steal from the fields. The leaders of the Village decided that if they could strike a deal with the most powerful creature in the woods nearby, then it would protect them from the others. In return, they would share their crops.

    This pact with the beast was so successful that soon, they had far more Onions than they needed. With such success, they soon gave up their ceremonies in honor of the sun. Without these ceremonies, the sun grew gradually weaker and weaker. with so much food lying around, the beast began to grow unhappy with his share of the crops and wanted more. If the Versalians refused, the beast threatened to eat them; so, they continually gave in. Eventually, nothing would satisfy its hunger. There was only one thing it could eat that could grant the amount of energy it desired: The sun. The monster leapt into the sky and devoured the sun.

    The skies grew permanently dark. Their crops couldn't grow without sunlight, and they began to starve. The monsters which the beast had once kept at bay now raided the village once more. A group of brave hunters decided they could take no more, and headed right into the beast's lair. After a long battle, the beast finally coughed up what remained of the sun. It flew back up into the sky, but it was so weakened after all that time that it couldn't shine as it once had. The villagers began singing their songs in honor of the sun once more. This would give it the strength it needed to shine once a year for 99 days. This became the basis of the holiday known as Versalmas.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    creua, EivenOwo, Graces and 32 others like this.
  2. TopZ

    TopZ Donator

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Great effort put into piecing together the lore of masteria, looking forward to the full release! ~mon
    Relmy likes this.
  3. Diphenhydramine

    Diphenhydramine Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2018
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    Tempt fate, discover the path.

    Back then I don't know the meaning, so I assumed is the hidden teleport in that map that bring u up to the top platform with all fire tusk area when u jump off the specific platform
  4. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    They did actually completed the whole Masteria storyline in newer Maple, but it was not written by NXProse and the team, and the story from what I heard is pretty meh, where it ended with the Glimmer Man being the main antagonist this whole time and they just decided to bring Naricain back alive for whatever reason it is, and pretty much retconned the already established lore of what NXProse did.

    They also have the Masteria Through Time blockbuster that focuses on the pre-NLC Masteria, mostly about Crimsonheart, Subani and Naricain stuff, and most of the pictures I used for them is from this blockbuster too
  5. Tail

    Tail Donator

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Great work, i will never see NLC the same again! ^_^'
    Nekochu and Graces like this.
  6. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Really entertaining to read through.

    I think many of the images are broken or not linked properly.
  7. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Oopsie, I'll get to it soon-

    done fixing lul
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
  8. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Can any storywriters be able to predict where the storyline could have gone? Would be fun to see some interpretations and fan made follow-ups :)
  9. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    If I have to guess, here's how the story might've progressed, and sorry for Engrish :

    The story would pick up from where we stopped, which is at the end of the CWKPQ run, after you eliminate the corrupted version of Grandmasters. But eliminating the Grandmaster doesn't mean New Leaf City is safe from any problems, sure, the Grandmasters is no more, but the plan to invade NLC is not completely stopped, we just managed to slow the impending doom that is about to come soon.

    I feel like there would be more to discover on the Crimsonwood Keep (I feel like the one we discovered in CWKPQ is just the surface level of the castle, there might be more hidden things and all that stuff), and CWKPQ exit room certainly has more to it than just, an ordinary party quest exit map.
    I feel like this room is very important to the story for now, like from what you can see, the map of Masteria with all the arrows and scribbles, the meeting tables, all the books, and we finally get to see a glimpse of what might've been the demon Naricain himself. This means that Naricain is pretty much alive and well, but who knows? This room feels like a massive discovery and clue (or at least, something major) to what will happen next for the story. (And oh, I'm sure you can see a picture that is clearly not very safe for work on the right side of this image, I did not edit that image at all.)

    Also I did mention that the Grandmasters have a Mark of Naricain on them, which is a token that was given to those who have found favor with the demon Naricain himself. We all know that obviously they are working with Naricain but what's up with the Mark of Naricain anyway? If you read the description for MoN, it says that "it may be wise to hold onto this", maybe something like a secret key or pass maybe? Whatever it is, it's not just a token or a pendant, but who knows?

    Whatever it is, all we have to do is just do what were the Grandmasters are planning, finding Crimsonheart's grave that is located somewhere under the MesoGears. Maybe with all the information that we gathered from the Grandmasters Secret Chamber room and the Mark of Naricain, who knows?
    Noee and xDarkomantis like this.
  10. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Here's some stuff I dig from the Badlands map in the file btw

    Back in original Maple back then, there is a glitch that lets you go to this map by using Priest's door on the NLC Subway, but it has been patched out since, and I don't really know if it's allowed to try and do this glitch on Royals but eh, there's nothing interesting there other than this :
    [​IMG] Talked about the giant Dragon Gate already, nothing really special about it other than it might be a door leading to the rumored Dragon Ninja Clan or smth, and it's the only thing that stands out the most
    Here's the basic map info, as you can see, it is the only map that is labelled with Badlands as it's street. The actual map name is Urban Underground, part of the Masteria continent, return map ID just leads you to the main NLC town, just nothing interesting
    [​IMG]As you can see, street tiles that connects to ground tiles, implying that the Badlands is accessible through the main city map. Mostly just weak monsters here.​
    [​IMG]For some reason, the start spawn is located on the other side of the map (the yellow arrow), nothing much to it really since, no one can access this map at all tbh.
    You can clearly see there's a hidden portal (blue gate) under the spawn point, but for now, it just leads to nowhere. Not the same kind of portal script like the ones on the teleporter too by the way. Obviously this will be a portal that brings us to deeper part of the Badlands, but for now it serves as nothing.
    Not Badlands related but, I have found another null portal in NLC located above Dr. Foxwits cloud. By the way, the way Maple portal works is that, there is portal name (the name of the portal) and portal targets (the portal that brings you to the portal you specified), and this portal above Foxwits only have name of the portal but no target at all. Maybe it leads to Foxwit's secret lab but, its just a speculation at this point.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020
    Graces and xDarkomantis like this.
  11. RealShineMid

    RealShineMid Donator

    Nov 12, 2019
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    I like reading loers. Noice work!0:)0:)0:)
  12. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Is there anything you can dig up in the Meso Gear tower area?
  13. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    I did try and dig up MesoGears map, but there is nothing interesting that I can share to you guys, just bunch of hidden portal that leads to nowhere. The graves didn't show up anything either, kind of a bummer.

    The only thing that is worth mentioning is that there is only one map labelled under Bigger Ben street (which is the Lobby map) and the rest is labelled under MesoGears
    Graces and xDarkomantis like this.
  14. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Ah okay. I was thinking maybe it'd be interesting to see the hidden portals and any particular information that can be retrieved. Thank you for your work :p
    Inugami likes this.
  15. bibz

    bibz Donator

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Thank you for compiling all of this lore! Been fascinated with Masteria’s storyline ever since I started CWK prequests. BTW your image for the Dragon Door is the hot dog stand
    Inugami likes this.
  16. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    the Dragon Ninja Clan uses a hot dog stand to hide their operation :X

    lol jokes aside thanks for pointing it out ~f11
    bibz likes this.
  17. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    this was lovely to read, bringed me back so many memories when i discussed with friends lore of the stories in maple, thank u :)
    Jesseh and Zusti like this.
  18. Devastated

    Devastated Donator

    Jun 18, 2016
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    el nath market
    Thank you for compiling this, i very much enjoyed reading it!
  19. Inugami

    Inugami Developer

    Jun 12, 2019
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    Not much of a major find, but here's the description of three items that I mentioned on the expansion :
    Spawned them on my own server, for clarification-
    Clearly there is more to what we have right now on MesoGears/Bigger Ben, but for now, I am not sure what to do with this three items, might check out the quests data and see if there is some cut quests or anything.

    I also mentioned that there is three weapon on the Vineland section, and here's the ID of the said weapons :
    I attempted spawning the Devil Rain Throwing Star and, honestly I'm not really expecting much out of it...
    Tried using the star and see if it's working or not and...
    Oh wait, you need to double click the star in order to equip it but sadly, it just crashes the game... ~f7
    From what I heard, the star gives you a whoop ass +48 attack, but that's just rumors...​
    Just a fun extra for all of you, but I dig this Crimsonwood Warrior chair from the Masteria Through Time Blockbuster content, thought I'd share it anyway since you can see some of the Grandmasters hanging out together​
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    Graces, camello and bibz like this.
  20. bibz

    bibz Donator

    Oct 6, 2020
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    I would pay BIG BUCKS (...edit: not real money obviously, mesos) for this chair (if I could). I AM OBSESSED
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020

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